^!^!?^^^W ■:^; ^ALIFOKNIA. DEFT. OF WATER RESOURCES. BULLETIN . PHYSICAL SCI. LIB. - Californiai Groundwater STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AG N Y SEPTEMBER 1975 DEPARTMENT OF VMLl P^.S'iirC'S Q'.U. ir ^O. (18 California's Hidden Resource h STATE OF CALIFORNIA The Resources Agency Department of Water Resources BULLETIN No. 118 CALIFORNIA'S GROUND WATER SEPTEMBER 1975 CLAIRE T. DEDRICK EDMUND G. BROWN JR. RONALD B. ROBIE Director Secretary for Resources Governor The Resources Agency State of California Department of Wafer Resources FOREWORD The water in our underground basins and the storage space afforded by those basins comprise one of California's most valuable resources. A significant por- tion of the total water used each year in California is ground water. This Bulletin summarizes the known technical information on ground water basins and the extent of their water supplies throughout the State. It also discusses the ways in which ground water basins have been used and misused in the past and suggests better management mechanisms for the future. By using ground water and surface water supplies together in a planned manner, more complete management of the total water resources is possible. Although both surface and underground water sources are being utilized in many areas of the State today, much of this activity is not providing the max- imum benefits that are possible from conjunctive ground and surface water management. Use of storage capacity of ground water basins has a great potential to increase the dependability of presently developed surface water supplies if the two supplies are used conjunctively. A recent decision of the California Supreme Court has significantly modified legal doctrines relating to ground water. The revised ground water law which resulted will enable more effective use of existing ground water resources. We must be prepared to use imaginative new approaches to ground water management. /W//<^L> Ronald B. Robie, Director Department of Water Resources The Resources Agency State of California TABLE OF CONTENTS Page FOREWORD iii ORGANIZATION viii CALIFORNIA WATER COMMISSION ix CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. CONCLUSIONS. AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1 Purpose of Report 1 Scope of Report 2 Conclusions 3 Recomnnendations 4 Glossary 4 CHAPTER II. THE RESOURCE 7 Origin of Ground Water 7 Nature and Occurrence of Ground Water 11 Movennent of Ground Water 17 Quality of Ground Water 19 The Role of Ground Water in California's Developnnent 20 Domestic and Stock Water 20 Artesian Well Irrigation 23 Centrifugal Pumps 23 Deep Well Turbines 23 Economy to Support Water Importation 24 CHAPTER III. INVENTORY OF CALIFORNIA'S GROUND WATER RESOURCES 27 Hydrologic Study Areas (HSA) 29 North Coastal 29 San Francisco Bay 35 Central Coastal 41 South Coastal 47 Sacramento Basin 57 San Joaquin Basin 65 North Lahontan 69 South Lahontan 73 Colorado River 85 County Listing of Ground Water Basins (Listing by Counties in Alphabetical Order) 95 Bibliographies 103 Selected References for Statewide Coverage 103 Selected References for Inventory Summaries 104 CHAPTER IV. GROUND WATER BASIN PROTECTION AND UTILIZATION 115 Protection of Basins 115 Excessive Pump Lifts 115 Salt Water Intrusion 115 Quality Degradation 118 Buildup of Salt in Ground Water 118 High Water Tables 1 18 Land Subsidence 1 18 Water Well Standards 119 Page Management of Ground Water Resources 119 Recharge 120 Control of Pumping 120 Conjunctive Use with Surface Water 121 Maintenance of Water Quality 121 Ground Water Law 124 CHAPTER V. OPPORTUNITIES FOR BASIN MANAGEMENT AND DESIRABLE STUDIES 127 New Concepts in Basin Management 127 Storage of State Water Project Water 127 Cyclic Storage of Water 128 Conjunctive Operation of Surface Supplies with Ground Water Basins 128 Advantages and Problems in Conjunctive Use of Ground Water 129 Pump Taxes 129 Mining Ground Water 129 Unused Bodies of Ground Water 131 Ground Water in Bedrock Areas 132 Ground Water Basin Studies 132 Tables Number Title Page 1 Empty Ground Water Storage Capacity 129 2 Metric Conversion Factors 135 FIGURES Number Title Page 1 Annual Runoff, American River 1 2 Mathematical Model Nodal Diagram. Los Angeles Area 2 3 Ground Water Mathematical Models 2 4 Ground Water Basins 6 5 The Hydrologic Cycle 7 6 Major Aqueducts 9 7 Ground Water in Sediments and Rocks 10 8 Ground Water in Unconsolidated Sediments 13 9 Ground Water in Older Alluvium 13 10 Ground Water In Volcanics 15 11 Unconfined and Confined Ground Water 18 12 Effects of Faulting on Water Table 18 13 Basins Monitored by Department of Water Resources for Quality 19 14 Springs 21 15 Ground Water Basins with Moderate or Intensive Development 23 16 Basins with Overdraft 115 17 Sea Water Intrusion in Ground Water Basins 116 18 Sea Water Intruding a Coastal Basin 117 Number Title Page 19 Dump Site in Ground Water Basin 118 20 Land Subsidence Due to Ground Water Overdraft 119 21 Basins with Artificial Recharge Projects 120 22 Basins Under Intensive Ground Water Management 121 23 Sea Water Intrusion Protective Measures 122 24 Sea Water Intrusion Barriers 123 25 Adjudicated Ground Water Basins 124 26 Rights to Ground Water 125 27 Mining Ground Water 129 28 Offshore Aquifers 130 29 Fresh Water in Offshore Aquifers 131 30 Degree of Geologic Knowledge 132 31 Degree of Hydrologic Knowledge 133 32 Degree of Water Quality Knowledge 133 33 Conference of Ground Water Basin Management 134 State of California The Resources Agency Department of Water Resources EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor CLAIRE T. DEDRICK, Secretary for Resources RONALD B. ROBIE, Director ROBIN R. REYNOLDS. Deputy Director DIVISION OF PLANNING Herbert W. Greydanus. Chief This Bulletin was prepared by a Task Force Charles A. McCullough Principal Engineer, W.R., Chairnnan Raymond C. Richter Supervising Engineering Geologist Joseph F. LoBue Associate Engineering Geologist, Southern District Larry Chee Associate Engineer, W.R., Central District Assisted by Verne L. Cline Staff Counsel III Helen J. Peters Senior Engineer, W.R. Louis R. Mitchell Senior Engineer, W.R. Earl G. Bingham Research Writer James M. Wardlow Associate Land and Water Use Analyst William G. McKane Senior Delineator Paulyne D. Joe Delineator William L. Wilson Audio-Visual Specialist Assistance Was Provided by the District Offices of the Department of Water Resources Under the Direction of Albert J. Dolcini * District Chief, Northern District Wayne MacRostie District Chief, Central District Carl L. Stetson District Chief, San Joaquin District Jack J. Coe District Chief, Southern District • Consultant to the Task Force State of California Department of Water Resources CALIFORNIA WATER COMMISSION IRA J. CHRISMAN, Chairman. Visalia CLAIR A. HILL. Vice-Chairman. Redding Mai Coombs Garberville Ray W. Ferguson Ontario Ralph E. Graham San Diego Clare Wm. Jones Firebaugh William P. Moses San Pablo Samuel B. Nelson Northridge Ernest R. Nichols Ventura Orville L. Abbott Executive Officer and Chief Engineer Tom Y. Fujimoto Assistant Executive Officer 6 fr Copies of this bulletin ol 73.00 each may be Stale of California DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES P.O. Box 388 Sacramento, California 95802 Make checks payable to STATE OF CALIFORNIA California residents add sales tax. -^aftsW The Ccntrol Valley, California's Largest Ground Wa CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS Water has long been a key factor in California's so- cial and economic development. The water has come about equally from ground water (water stored under- ground in permeable rock or soil formations) and from surface water. Although many reports describing the statewide surface water resource have been pub- lished, very few reports have been devoted to a state- wide ground water appraisal. This report provides a summary of the vast amount of information available on individual ground water basins. It also describes past, present, and possible future management of the ground water resource. Purpose of Report There is steadily increasing concern for protection of the State's ground water basins and for more effec- tive use of their storage capacity. Legislation has been suggested that would require legal rights to be ob- tained for use of ground water much like those for the use of surface water. Administrative adjudication, as with surface water, has also been suggested. The re- cently enacted national "Safe Drinking Water Act" in- volves regulation of the quality of ground water supplies. There is also widespread interest in the use of underground storage capacity instead of additional large surface reservoirs to regulate the erratic flows of rivers and streams. The Department of Water Resources and other agencies, particularly the United States Geological Survey, have a wealth of information in reports of stud- ies of individual ground water basins. However, the information has not previously been summarized on a statewide basis for a nontechnical audience. 6 n -1 PI n n r n-| 1- UJ LU LL uj -| -j -n 1-1 r n MILLION AC ._ .- _ MEAN ANNUA L RUNOFF = 2,7 67,000 ; iiCRE -FEE T (1900 . 19741 '- L ~ u J - L r - - r u y . WATER YEAR (October through September) Figure 1. Annual RunofF, American River ^ ^/f"^" ^ ""■■'' UERCECs. ^-— ■>y^r»*>C^Ei^EVfIi{ .^^ v/^*^ J^ . f ■• r^^\ 1 >J J l.'^sVA!^. • -V-'.'^-' •'■ ■ '.sfe y^^-f' ^'i^'^^^^^^.'^'S'"'-^ J * »' "s'**! * A'--*"- 'V-'"- (5 / J P ^^'^SSr * ■ • "\ • ' . *^ ' »J I r ' ^"^\ INOLEWOOO • '"a *"! ?' ' ^l X. ^^^^^^^^ •' ■*• *"^^^*^^^^^i^'*~— ^0 •' •■*. ^^g^ /^ ' "^-.-v ^*''^, * *"■ l/m^ \ ^^ nrw ° V'''f«r5rT«DTvi^^r POLYGONiL ZONES \ ^^^^^^^^ ANO NODE POINTS Figure 2. Mathematical Model Nodal Diagram, los Angeles Area This report will help those who must make decisions affecting the protection, additional use, and manage- ment of the State's ground water resources. Mathematical models of the hydrology and quality of water in the ground water basins have been devel- oped during the past 20 years, in parallel with the avail- ability of large capacity electronic computers. These models make it possible ( 1 ) to understand the relation- ships among recharge, storage, extraction, and water quality in ground water basins, and (2) to evaluate quantitatively the physical and economic effects of alternative management measures. Scope of Report Conclusions and recommendations are presented in this chapter. Chapter II describes the resource. Chap- ter III contains tabular summaries of information for 248 of the more important ground water basins, along with maps showing their locations. It provides refer- ences to 194 of the Department of Water Resources' reports on these basins and to 185 reports of other agencies. Chapter IV discusses ground water basin protection and utilization, and Chapter V describes op- portunities for basin management and desirable future studies. A new California ground water basin map has been prepared and is available separately. It is at a scale of 1:750,000 and is printed on two sheets. The important water-bearing formations are shown, and the ground water basin boundaries are taken from an excellent base geologic map of the State provided by the Cali- fornia Division of Mines and Geology.' ' "Slate of California Preliminary Fault and Geologic Map Scale 1:750.000" Preliminary Report No. 13 1973. California Division of Mines and Geology. Conclusions 1. About 40 percent of California is underlain by ground water basins. The total storage capacity of all basins is sonne 1.3 billion acre-feet. The usable storage capacity, excluding that of a large number of the small- er basins where it has not been determined, is 143 million acre-feet. 2. About 40 percent (15 million acre-feet per year) of California's applied water need is obtained from ground water basins. Annual ground water pumping exceeds recharge in some basins and results in an overdraft of 2.2 million acre-feet per year. 3. All ground water contains some dissolved salts. In some parts of California, the quality of the ground wa- ter is naturally poor or has been impaired by excessive salts and other solubles, including organic materials and gases. For the most part, however, water quality in the State's ground water basins is suitable for all beneficial uses. 4. Large capacity, high-speed electronic computers capable of solving many equations simultaneously. have made practical the use of mathematical models of the hydrology of ground water basins. This has ena- bled the Department of Water Resources, in coopera- tion with local and other agencies, to evaluate the physical and economic consequences of various proposed management plans for a number of impor- tant ground water basins. 5. Water could be pumped from some basins with- out replenishment to support certain industries with an economic life short enough to be supplied by the avail- able water supplies. One such industry is the produc- tion of thermal electric power involving the use of brackish ground water for cooling. 6. A recent California Supreme Court decision in City of Los Angeles v. City of San Fernando will facili- tate operation of the ground water basins in conjunc- tion with surface water supplies. In that case the Court held that an agency importing water into a basin has a right to recapture the imported water that percolates into the ground water and can prevent such water from being taken by overlying landowners or appro- priators. The Court also held that water rights held by public agencies and public utilities cannot be lost through prescription. 7. California water agencies are completing an era of extensive development of the State's surface water facilities. This presents an opportunity to equally de- velop ground water resources and assign them an equivalent role in the State's water management plans. 8. Water from California's ground water basins has been the most important single resource contributing to the present development of the State's economy, because water was readily available with low incre- mental development costs. 9. Use of storage capacity of ground water basins offers the largest potential benefit from the manage- ment of the State's resources. 10. Some basins with large supplies of inexpensive surface water require well fields to prevent drainage problems due to rising ground water levels: operating procedures must be developed for such basins to ena- ble the most effective combined use of surface and ground water supplies. 11. The Sacramento Basm Hydrologic Study Area contains 24 significant ground water basins with a total area of 6.400 square miles. The area of one basm alone, Sacramento Valley, is 5.000 square miles; its usable storage capacity is 22 million acre-feet of good-quality water. The basins offer significant potential for man- agement of ground and surface water supplies to help meet statewide water needs. 12. The San Joaquin Basin Hydrologic Study Area contains nine ground water basins, one of which — the San Joaquin Valley — is the largest basin in California. The San Joaquin Valley covers 13.500 square miles, and Its ground water basin contains more than 80 mil- lion acre-feet of usable storage capacity. In some parts of the basin, annual ground water withdrawal exceeds recharge and the net overdraft is 1.5 million acre-feet. However, water levels in other parts of the basin are rising rapidly as imported surface water replaces ground water as a source of supply. Large areas in the northeast part of the Valley contain well-regulated sur- face supplies and offer good potential for conjunctive operation of surface and ground water supplies. 13. The South Coastal Hydrologic Study Area con- tains the most extensively developed and most studied ground water basins in the State. Usable storage capacity of 29 of the 42 basins has been estimated at 10.4 million acre-feet. A part of this storage capacity is being used to store imported surface water, and there is further opportunity for such storage. 14. The Colorado Desert Hydrologic Study Area contains 46 ground water basins. A few. in particular Coachella Valley, are highly developed: most, howev- er, remain unused and several contain brackish water. Most of these basins, and nearby basins m the adjacent South Lahontan Hydrologic Study Area, receive very little annual natural recharge in comparison to existing uses. The Owens Valley ground water basin is one notable exception. 15. a) The California State Water Project facilities should be used for conjunctive operation with ground water basins in Southern California and the San Joa- quin Valley at the earliest possible opportunity. Capacity in project aqueducts not required during years of adequate water supply would be used. b) The operation should be designed for minimum physical, institutional, and economic impact on the ground water basins and their present users. c) Advance analyses of hydrologic and economic effects of proposed operations can be made for basins for which mathematical models are available. d) The basins should be those with some storage capacity so that filling the basins will benefit overlying ground water users by decreasing pumping lifts and energy requirements. The alternative would be to use water from a basin during a dry period and then refil' It. Recommendations 1. Reconnaissance level studies of large ground wa- ter basins m the Central Valley should be undertaken to examine possible benefits, costs, and problems that could result from use of storage capacity in conjunc- tion with surface supplies to meet statewide water requirements during periods of severe drought. 2. Since there are many opportunities in the State for more comprehensive conjunctive use programs for surface and ground water, federal, state, and local agencies which transport, sell, or distribute surface wa- ter supplies should examine their service areas and take meaningful steps to develop programs to use sur- face and ground water supplies conjunctively. Glossary Alluvium — a geologic term describing beds of sand, gravel, silt, and clay deposited by flowing water. Alluvium (younger) — sand, gravel, silt, and clay deposits of recent geologic age. Alluvium (older) — sand, gravel, silt, and clay depos- its with an age range of lOO's of thousands to more than 1 million years. Aquifer — a geologic formation that stores, trans- mits, and yields significant quantities of water to wells and springs. Artesian Well — a well tapping a confined or artesian aquifer in which the static water level stands above the top of the aquifer. Conjunctive operation — a term used to describe op- eration of a ground water basin in coordination with a surface water reservoir system. The purpose is to artifi- cially recharge the basin during years of above-average precipitation so that the water can be withdrawn dur- ing years of below-average precipitation, when surface supplies are below normal. Conjunctive operation will provide more water at a lower cost than would other- wise be possible. Consumptive use — ^the water that evaporates during its use for urban or agricultural purposes. Dry period — an historic period of years when water supply IS much below normal. An example was 1929-34 when the water in Northern California streams aver- aged only about 38 percent of normal. It has been used as the reference drought situation in much water re- source planning. Its statistical period of recurrence is under study. Economic life — ^the period needed to repay the in- vestment of money in a facility. Frequently 50 years for water supply projects Electrical conductivity (EC) — ^the measure of the ability of water to conduct an electrical current, the magnitude of which depends on the concentration of minerals in the water. Related to total dissolved solids. Fault — a fracture in the earth's crust, with displace- ment of one side of the fracture with respect to the other. Frequently acts as a barrier to movement of ground water. Formation — a geologic term that designates a spe- cific group of underground beds or strata which have been deposited in sequence one above the other and during the same period of geologic time. Hydraulic gradient — slope of the water table. Hydrology — ^the origin, distribution, and circulation of water of the earth — precipitation, streamflow, infil- tration, ground water storage, and evaporation. Hydrology, ground water^ihe branch of hydrology that deals with ground water — occurrence, movement, replenishment, and depletion. Injection well—weW used for introducing water into an aquifer. Technique used to stop sea water intrusion, replenish an aquifer, or dispose of cooling water. Lava tube — an underground opening formed during volcanic eruptions. Locally— a term used to describe a small area within a basin, usually less than one square mile. Marine sediments — sediments originally laid down in an ancient salt-water body and now above sea level. Mining — pumping from ground water bodies greatly in excess of replenishment. Overdraft — ^the temporary condition of a ground wa- ter basin where the amount of water withdrawn by pumping exceeds the amount of water replenishing the basin over a period of time. Percolation — ^the flow or trickling of water through the soil or alluvium to the ground water table. Permeability— \he capability of soil or other geologic formation to transmit water. Porosity — voids or open spaces in alluvium and rocks that can be filled with water. Potentiometric surface — the surface to which the water in a confined aquifer will rise in tightly cased wells. Pumping lift— the distance water must be lifted in a well from the well pumping level to ground surface. Recharge — ^flow to ground water storage from precipitation, infiltration from streams, and other sources of water. Safe yield — ^the maximum quantity of water that can be continuously withdrawn from a ground water basin without adverse effect. Saline — consisting of or containing salts, the most common of which are potassium, sodium, or magne- sium in combination with chloride, nitrate, or carbon- ate. Surface supply — water in reservoirs, lakes, or streams; expressed either in terms of rate of flow (cu- bic feet per second) or volume (acre-feet). Total dissolved solids (TDS) — ^the quantity of miner- als (salts) in solution in water, usually expressed in milligrams per liter or parts per million. Transmlsslvlty — rate of flow of water through an aquifer Tree mold — vertical tube formed by lava solidifying around a tree which decays with time, leaving a hollow hole in the shape of the tree. Usable storage capacity — ^the quantity of ground water of acceptable quality that can be economically withdrawn from storage. Volcanlcs — material of volcanic origin, such as ash, cinder, lava, or basalt. Water table — ^the surface where ground water is en- countered in a well in an unconfined aquifer. Figure 4. Ground Wafer Basins CHAPTER II. THE RESOURCE About 40 percent of the area of California is under- lain by ground water basins. The total storage capacity of the basins has been estinnated to be about 1 .3 billion acre-feet of water. Many of the basins are full of water or nearly so. A conservative estimate of the usable portion of the storage capacity is 143 million acre-feet, more than three times the total surface reservoir stor- age capacity in the State. These ground water basins presently provide about 40 percent (15 million acre- feet per year) of the applied water needs of the State. However, the annual withdrawal exceeds recharge by about 2.2 million acre-feet. This is the present measure of annual overdraft of the basins. Origin of Ground Water Many ground water basins in California are nearly full and always have been. Until a basin is used by man, the amount of water that enters through any recharge area of the basin is equalled by the quantity of water discharged in some manner from the basin. Since most of California's ground water basins are in relatively and valleys and most of the precipitation oc- curs at the higher elevations in the mountains, natural recharge of the ground water basins occurs mainly by percolation from the streams flowing across the val- leys. In many basins, this recharge tends to occur in the area where the streams leave the mountains, since this is where the coarser sedimentary material was depos- ited. The amount of recharge has been increased in many areas by construction of shallow basins to broad- en the area of permeable material covered by the wa- ter. Figure 5. The Hydrologic Cycle Precipitation falling on the valley floors in most parts of the southern half of the State remains withm the depth of soil penetrated by the roots of native plants and is withdrawn and consumed by the plants. Only in years with periods of exceptionally heavy precipitation is there enough moisture in the soil for penetration below the root zone and on into the ground water basin. In the northern part of the State, some percola- tion from direct precipitation on the valleys usually occurs annually. When water is used to irrigate crops or for landscap- ing in urban areas, the amount applied is usually sev- eral times as much as natural rainfall. Although the plants grown consume much more water than native vegetation, part of the water usually penetrates below the root zone and on into the ground water basin. Dur- ing years of above normal precipitation, water in ex- cess of crop requirements is applied in some areas specifically for recharge of underlying ground water basins. Reservoirs have been built in a number of areas of the State to regulate streamflow to increase ground water basin recharge. Water is imported from great distances to some areas for recharge of ground water basins. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power has stored large quantities of water from the Owens River under- ground in the San Fernando Valley. Santa Clara Valley Water District is recharging the Santa Clara Valley ground water basin with water from the South Bay Aqueduct of the California State Water Project. Mem- ber agencies of The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California have used large quantities of Colo- rado River water in their service areas for ground water recharge. Bulletin No. 160-74, "The California Water Plan- Outlook in 1974", indicated that (1) the ground water basins presently supply about 5.2 million acre-feet an- nually from natural or deliberate recharge of the ba- sins, and (2) about 7.6 million acre-feet of water that enters the basins due to percolation from canals and distribution systems and excess surface applications. These two sources, plus about 2.2 million acre-feet of average annual overdraft of ground water basins, total 15 million acre-feet per year, or about 40 percent of the total applied water use of California in 1972. Recharge Basins Figurr. 6. Major Aqueducts HIGH POROSITY Sediments with uniform grain size MODERATE POROSITY Sediments with variable grain size MINIMAL USABLE POROSITY Cemented sediments of variable grain size MINIMAL USABLE POROSITY Fine Sediments LOW POROSITY Fractured crystalline rock LOW TO HIGH POROSITY Fractured volcanic rocks Figure 7. Ground Water in Sediments and Rocks 10 About 1.5 million acre-feet of the annual overdraft occurs in the San Joaquin Valley. This is 0.5 million acre-feet less than the annual overdraft in the Valley in 1967 as reported m Bulletin No. 160-70. "Water for Cali- fornia, The California Water Plan, Outlook in 1970". Water imported by the Central Valley Project to the San Luis Unit and to the Arvin-Edison area of the Friant Division and to the service area of the California State Water Project caused the decrease in overdraft. Nature and Occurrence of Ground Water Most of California's ground water occurs in alluvial material deposited by the existing streams. These allu- vial materials, defined as younger alluvium for this re- port, constitute the alluvial fill in more than 250 valley areas of California. The water in this alluvial material is usually contained in deposits of sand and gravel. These deposits can be compared to a bucket filled with sand, gravel, or a mixture of the two, with water added until the material in the bucket is saturated. The water occu- pies the very small spaces between the particles. If a dram is opened in the bottom of the bucket, the amount of water flowing out will range from 10 to 25 percent of the volume of the bucket. Yields will be smaller if the bucket contains fine sand and silt, and larger if most of the material is gravel or medium to coarse sand. Not all of the water will dram from the bucket because some remains on the surface of the particles and in the smallest spaces. 11 ■0: '^^^ '^^^4 ,^ t'\>v: ^^l^terl*': n Older Alluvium 12 Clay and fine silt layers are usually intermingled with the sand and gravel and also are saturated with water but the spaces between the grains are so small that these layers form effective barriers to movement of water. There is a common misconception that ground water occurs in open pools or underground rivers. In fact, if there were such a pool or river in California, it would be filled with sand and gravel in addition to water. Adjacent to and underlying the younger alluvial materials are extensive areas of older alluvium ranging in age from hundreds of thousands to more than one million years. For the most part these formations are less permeable than the younger alluvium, but some of them yield large quantities of water. They also provide significant recharge areas where they occur in areas of heavy rainfall, or where crossed by streams. iVvi^l- :^Sa Mt ^^iHi # I I -^ >~ /a'bl s Figure 8. Ground Water in Unconsolidated Sediments m .v^^^ ^ '' ^ / >^' \- ^ - I -f=s?^ fCROP oCDER^LLUVm / I Figure 9. Ground Water in Older Alluvium 13 i::'W- Water-bearing Volcanics, Burney Falls 14 In the northeast corner of the State, northeast of San Francisco Bay. and along the east side of the Central Valley there are extensive areas of volcanics made up of a wide variety of volcanic materials, much of it per- meable and able to store ground water and transmit it to wells. Volcanics also occur in the northern portion of Owens Valley, in the desert areas and along coastal Ventura and Los Angeles Counties; however, their po- tential for ground water development is not clearly defined. In a few areas in the higher mountains, glacial mo- raines are sufficiently permeable to provide usable supplies of ground water. In a few coastal areas, thin marine terraces provide usable supplies of ground wa- ter. Limestone in California is insignificant as a water- bearing formation. However, limestone is an important water-bearing formation in some parts of the United States. The State also lacks extensive sedimentary rock formations such as those underlying many thou- sands of square miles in the~area between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River and yielding large quantities of ground water. In much of the upland areas of the State, fractures and other spaces in harder rock formations yield small quantities of water sufficient for a domestic supply for an individual home or for stock water. Where the hard- er rock formations are deeply weathered, as in San Diego County, these weathered areas commonly re- ferred to as "residuum", frequently provide usable sup- plies of ground water for domestic use. Availability of water in such formations can vary widely between areas, even if only a few feet apart. Presence of springs or seeps indicates good locations for wells. Advice of a geologist can greatly decrease the probability of drill- ing a dry hole in search of water in these rock forma- tions. Some of the deeper lying sediments in California's ground water basins, especially in the Central Valley, were deposited m sea water. These marine sediments often contain salt water, in some areas 1.000 feet or more below the surface. In other areas, however, such as the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the salt water is as little as 100 feet below the surface. Where these marine sediments have been lifted by geologic forces and the salt water has been flushed out by percolating fresh water, the sediments have become fresh water aquifers supplying local water needs in such areas as coastal Sonoma and Santa Cruz Counties. VESiaES (Cavities) TREE MOLD COOLIIMG JOINT PYROaASTIC BLOCKS BURIED STREAM GRAVEL LAVA TUBE (Rare) Figure 10. Ground Water in Volcanics 15 Highly Fractured Water-bearing Volcanics 16 Windmill ond Water Storage Tank Movement of Ground Water Water moves underground in response to the same gravitational forces as does water on the surface. It moves toward the point of lowest water surface in the basin unless confined by some overlying material it cannot penetrate. The movement is very slow, usually less than 1,000 feet per year, because of the great amount of friction resulting from movement through the spaces between grams of sand or gravel. The low point is created by escape of water from the basin. The water may be entering an ocean, lake, or stream or may be appearing on the surface as a spring or seep. In California, the low point is most often created by pumping water from the basin through wells. There is common exception to freedom of move- ment of water from the highest water surface to the lowest water surface in the basin (which sometimes differ from the highest and lowest land surface in the basin). This occurs when water becomes trapped un- der extensive clay layers that effectively prevent its upward movement. These layers often act much like a pipe in which water enters at a high point and is under pressure at the low end of the pipe. If the pressure is great enough toward the low end for water to rise above the ground surface, artesian flow occurs when the clay layers are penetrated by wells. Artesian flow IS usually a short-lived situation. It doesn't take a great number of wells to decrease the pressure so that pumping is required to obtain desirable production. 17 RECHARGE AREA PUMPED WELL -WATER LEVEL OMETRIC SURFACE d Aquifer) CHARGE (Precipitotion & Irrigotion) PUMPED WELL FLOWING WELL NON WATER BEARING ROCK Figure 1 1. Unconfined and Confined Ground Water In some ground water basins, bedrock lies at shallow depths and in some places faults cut through the ba- sins. The shallow subsurface bedrock or the faults act as barriers to impede the movement of ground water. Commonly, where this occurs, the barrier acts as a dam. and water levels on the upstream side of the barriers are considerably closer to the land surface than are water levels on the downstream side. The velocity of water in surface streams is measured in feet per second. Velocity of water moving in ground water basins is usually measured in feet per year. The cross-sectional area through which the water moves ranges from hundreds to thousands of feet in depth. The width is usually measured in miles. Therefore, de- spite the very low velocity, quite large quantities of water can move from one area of a ground water basin to another because the cross-section is so large. Be- cause of this water movement, many ground water basins serve a very important role in distribution of water. The water flows underground from the loca- tions where the basins can be recharged to the loca- tions in the basin where the water is extracted. The ground water basin provides an economical natural substitute for extensive canal and pipeline surface dis- tribution facilities. In addition to the horizontal flow of ground water, vertical flow can occur, depending on the difference in hydraulic gradients between ground water bodies. Vertical flows become critical when poor-quality water can move upward or downward into fresh ground wa- ter bodies. ^,^DEEP WELL* WATER TABLt-'3^-«.--- 'II' •Jj- '•••'•■'"• i * '■ '"'J-' '■'.•'pII' • ••.••.••J » >-^ CONFINING BED N •• Figure 12. Effects of Faulting on Wafer Table 18 Quality of Ground Water Water is one of the most effective solvents. It can hold in solution very large concentrations of some compounds and small concentrations of an exhaustive list of substances. These substances are generally clas- sified as mineral compounds, such as sodium chloride (common table salt) or organic compounds such as oils or other plant or animal substances. Gases such as oxygen and nitrogen are also dissolved in water and have great importance to fish and plant life. Rainfall contains very little dissolved material but be- gins to dissolve mineral and organic compounds as it flows across the surface of the earth. That portion that percolates through the soil to ground water basins dis- solves materials even more rapidly, since it comes in contact with much greater surfaces of the soil and aquifer particles through which it percolates. Water in ground water basins usually has a fairly low mineral content in the recharge areas and an increased content toward the point of discharge from the basin. Most mineral increases occur naturally or because of use and evaporation of water by plants. The unused water that returns to the ground water basin after an irrigation carries with it nearly all the salt contained in the original quantity of water. Most of the organic materials are added to the ground water through the use of water and disposal of wastes containing organic material. Water that has been in swamps, however, sometimes picks up large quantities of organic materi- al from plants. Common Minerols In Water Basins Monitored by Department of Water Resources for Quality Windmill— Stock Water Well In some basins, poor quality or high temperature water, or both, occurs where faults cut through the water-bearing sediments. Ground water basins frequently overlie or adjoin for- mations that contain salt water or sometimes dis- charge into the ocean or other salt water bodies below the surface of the salt water body. Salt water from such sources usually intrudes the fresh water aquifers when large quantities of the fresh water are pumped. Con- versely, some of the confined fresh water aquifers in coastal regions extend seaward under the ocean floor for considerable distances without any evidence that sea water has intruded the aquifers. Correction of water quality problems, or prevention of their occurrence, is a major portion of the task of managing ground water basins. This has led to realiza- tion that management of basins is as much concerned with maintenance of suitable quality as with develop- ment of the desired quantities of ground water. Fortu- nately, for the most part, the quality of the water in California's ground water basins is suitable for all bene- ficial uses. The Role of Ground Water in California's Development The first major influence of ground water on the development of California was to allow settlement at almost any location throughout the State where people wished to carry on mining, agriculture, or other enterprise. This was because of the wide-spread avail- ability of sufficient ground water near the surface to supply a family and its livestock by simply digging a well or developing a spring. Its second major influence was on irrigation early in this century, with the development of tools to bore large-capacity wells and the provision of electric pow- er and efficient motors and pumps. Domestic and Stock Water The availability of ground water in dug wells or springs for domestic use also provided a health benefit for early California settlers. Purification of water as it percolates through soil and the granular media of aquifers minimizes the transfer of water-borne dis- eases. This is in marked contrast with the transmittal of diseases from one population to the next downstream users where people use untreated water from surface streams and return much of their wastes to such streams. These wastes in turn contaminate the water for the next downstream users. Polluted surface water was a major health problem for many early cultures and IS still of major significance in undeveloped coun- tries. 20 WATER TABLE SPRING , .^ ^""^v' N IMPERMEABLE ROCK N. /-. v GEOLOGIC CONTACT SPRING WATER TABLE SPRING FAULT BARRIER SPRING Tliii \\y \vn 111" -*-r- BASALT M IMPERMEA VBLE ROCK-vT- 'x.> VESICULAR LAVA BED^^ "If IMPERMEABLE ROCK v < \ \ \ N^ * \ \\ VOLCANIC ROCK SPRING WATER TABLE T~),^5;— 7- INFILTRATION OF RAINWATE SUBSURFACE GEOLOGIC BARRIER SPRING CRYSTALLINE ROCK FRACTURE SPRING Figure 1 4. Springs 21 Flowing Artesian Well— Stock and irrigation Woter Supply Centrifugal Pump and Motor 22 Wells are often the most economic means of obtain- ing good quality water for domestic and municipal pur- poses in communities overlying ground water basins. Ground water is frequently used even when an alterna- tive surface supply is available that could be treated and distributed. Stock water for large areas of range- land IS available from ground water through develop- ment of springs and from wells. The pumps at the wells are often powered by windmills. Artesian Well Irrigation Many ground water basins in California have aqui- fers that contain water under pressure. The pressure was sufficient to cause the water to rise to the surface of the ground and flow freely when wells first penetrat- ed the aquifers. The pressure results from presence of overlying clay layers, some of which are very extensive. Water percolating in the upper portions of the basins flows under the relatively impermeable clay layers and creates substantial pressure in the lower portions of the basin. Development of motorized well-digging equipment around the turn of the century enabled wells to be drilled sufficiently deep to penetrate these aquifers and to make available substantial quantities of flowing artesian water for irrigation. Centrifugal Pumps During the early 1900s. the availability of both gaso- line engines and electric power, as well as centrifugal pumps, enabled large quantities of water to be pumped from wells. There are still centrifugal pumps operating in pits, some. 20 feet or more in depth, in some areas in California. Such installations were fairly numerous in the early 1950s. Deep Well Turbines Development of deep-well turbine pumps and the increased availability of electrical power in agricultural areas m the 1920s led to widespread use of ground water for agriculture, even in areas where the water had to be pumped from depths of several hundred feet. In some instances, water was lifted as much as 1,000 feet. Use of ground water in the agricultural areas enabled individual farmers to irrigate large areas of land with relatively small capital outlay for water. Use of similar wells by municipalities overlying ground water basins provided dependable supplies of municipal and industrial water for relatively large populations in areas with little or no summer stream- flow. Figure 15. Ground Water Basins with Moderate or Inten- sive Development Economy to Support Water Importation charge of the basin. Water levels fall, causing several , , , problems for water users. Pumping costs increase. Ground water development helped establish strong ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ deepened, and poor quality water urban and agricultural economies. These economies sometimes enters wells were able to meet the large financial requirements to j^^^^ ^^^^^^5 gl^^g ^,^^ ^^^ ^^5,^^ ^or a dependa- develop and import water from surface sources, often ^,g ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^3,,^^ ^^^^^ p^o^p^ ^^^ far distant from the ground water basin. ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ i^p^^^ ^ supplemental supply. When the land area overlying a ground water basin One of the early import projects was the Los Ange- ls fully urbanized or fully devoted to irrigated agricul- las Aqueduct to bring water from the Owens Valley to ture. the water requirements usually exceed the re- Los Angeles. 24 ^i?>^ ^^ y- '"^ "Jf '-..T-v Urbon Areo Overlying a Ground Woter Bosln 25 CHAPTER III. INVENTORY OF CALIFORNIA'S GROUND WATER RESOURCES A small part of the information available on individ- ual ground water basins in California is given in the following tabulations. Brief reference is made in the tabulations to the most informative reports on each basin. The complete reference is given in the bibliogra- phy at the end of this chapter. For this inventory, the State has been divided into nine hydrologic study areas (HSA). A basin location map and brief summary of ground water conditions, in addition to data in the tabulation, are provided for each HSA. Many of the definitions given in the glossary in Chap- ter II are used in the tabulation. Terms as defined in the following material are used in the tabulations to indi- cate the present level of knowledge for the basin in regard to geology, ground water hydrology, and water quality. Evaluation Degree of knowledge Geolosic Criteria Intensive Detailed identification (names) and description of aquifers and detailed data on transmissivity (model)* Hish Detailed identification and description of aquifers but minimum data on transmissivity. Moderate Moderate subsurface data available enabling the general description of aquifers and occasional naming. Limited Limited subsurface data on free and confined water bodies. Superficial Limited to knowledge that ground water occurs. Hydrologic Criteria Intensive. High Moderate. Limited. . . Superficial. Intensive. . High Moderate Limited . . . SuperRcidl. Detailed information on recharge, occurrence, movement, disposal, and changes in storage (can model). General information on recharge, occurrence, movement, and disposal. Moderate information on occurrence and movement and recharge and disposal. Limited information on occurrence and move- ment based mainly on water level data. Limited to knowledge that ground water occurs. Water Quality Criteria Detailed information on quantity and quality of all waters areally and analytical (model). General information on ground and surface water. Not enough data to show boundaries of different qualities of ground waters areally and/or vertically. Moderate information on ground and surface water. Data either highly clustered and/or spread out areally. Limited information on ground and surface water areally and analytically. Only that ground water is used for a particular purpose. iildbic lo dcvcloc and verify a mathondliu! model ot 27 sr STUDY AREA KEY GROUND WATER BASINS - NORTH COASTAL HYDROLOGIC STUDY AREA 28 North Coastal Hydrologic Study Area Ground Water Basins No. Old No. Name County 1-1 Smith River Plain Klamath River Valley Butte Valley Shasta Valley Scott River Valley Hayfork Valley Del Norte 1-2 1-3 Siskiyou Siskiyou Siskiyou 1-4 1-5 1-6 Trinity 1-7 1-8 Mad River Valley Eureka Plain Eel River Valley Round Valley Laytonville Valley Little Lake Valley Lower Klamath River Valley Happy Camp Town Area 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 Siskiyou Siskiyou Siskiyou Siskiyou 1-16 1-17 Bray Town Area Red Rock Valley Anderson Valley Garcia River Valley Fort Bragg Terrace Area. . Fairchild Swamp Valley. . Modoc Plateau Recent Volcanic Areas Modoc Plateau Pleisto- cene Volcanic Areas Prairie Creek Area Redwood Creek Valley . Big Lagoon Area Mattole River Valley. . . . Honeydew Town Area . . Pepperwood Town Area . Weolt Town Area Garberville Town Area . . Larabee Valley Dinsmores Town Area Hyampom Valley Hettenshaw Valley. . Cottoneva Creek Valley, , Lower Laytonville Valley Branscomb Town Area. . . Ten Mile River Valley. . . Little Valley Sherwood Valley Williams Valley Eden Valley Big River Valley Navarro River Valley Gualala River Valley Gravelly Valley Anapolis Ohison Ranch Formation Highlands 1-18 1-19 1-20 1-21 1-22 1-23 1-24 Siskiyou 1-25 Siskiyou 1-26 1-27 1-28 1-29 1-30 1-31 1-32 1-33 1-34 1-35 Trinity Trinity 1-36 1-37 1-38 1-39 1-40 1-41 1-42 1-43 1-44 1-45 1-46 1-47 1-48 Lake 1-49 Summary The North Coastal Hydrologic Study Area (HSA) comprises the coastal drainage basins of California north of the Russian River basin to the Oregon border. Principal streams are the Smith River. Klamath River, Trinity River. Redwood Creek. Mad River. Eel River, and Mattole River. The mean annual runoff from the HSA IS about 28 million acre-feet. In some basins flow- ing wells and springs exist; notably. Big Springs near Granada in Siskiyou County flows at a perennial rate of 18,000 gallons per minute. In this HSA. 49 ground water basins and areas of potential ground water storage have been identified. The inventory covers 14 ground water basins. These 14 basins, with a total area of about 2,000 square miles, have been identified as significant sources of ground water. The water-bearing deposits range in thickness up to slightly more than 2.000 feet. Estimated storage capacity for nine of the 14 basins is about 1.3 million acre-feet computed with varying thickness of water- bearing material from 25 to over 200 feet. Usable stor- age capacity for all nine basins has been estimated at about 800.000 acre-feet; the limiting factors are sea- water intrusion, aquifer materials of low permeability, thin alluvial deposits, and quality of water. Ground water temperature ranges from about 48° to about 62° F, Total dissolved solids (TDS) content of the water is generally less than 500 mg/l. but in one loca- tion TDS exceeds 4.800 mg/l. The predominant water type IS calcium bicarbonate, but magnesium, sodium, sulfate, and chloride are also found in some basins. Properly constructed wells in the volcanic deposits in the Klamath River, Butte, and Shasta Valleys can yield as much as 4,000 gallons per minute. Butte Valley is the most highly developed ground water basin in the HSA, In 1972 ground water pumpage was 63.000 acre-feet, which accounted for about 75 percent of the water supply. The basin is not m an overdraft condition. Round Valley is not as well developed as Butte Val- ley; however, water users depend on the ground water basin for almost 100 percent of their water needs. In the North Coastal HSA, which is an area of water surplus, ground water supplied about 140,000 acre-feet in 1972, or about 15 percent of the net annual demand of 940,000 acre-feet. The projected 2020 net annual demand for the HSA is about 1 million acre-feet, of which ground water is expected to supply 180,000 acre- feet, or about 18 percent of the total. Most of the increased pumping is expected in Butte Valley. Recent (1970-71) data from Bulletin No, 63-5 indi- cate evidence of sea-water intrusion along the coast of the Eel River Valley, These data show chloride concen- trations exceeding 100 mg/l m Redwood Creek Basin. Mad River Valley, and the Eureka Plain, However, all four areas are within the zone of tidal influence and are therefore subject to periodic intrusion. The main wa- ter-producing zones in the Mad River Valley. Eureka Plain and Eel River Valley are in the older alluvium (Hookton and Carlotta Formations), These formations are confined aquifers and show no evidence of sea- water intrusion. 29 INVENTORY OF GROUND NORTH HYDROLOGiC Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity Bdsin number Max. Aver. in acre-feet 1-1 Smith River Plain, Del Norte County A 70-square-mile coastal ba- sin drained by the Smith River. Younger alluvium. 500 50 10-35 100,000 75,000 1-2 Klamath River Valley, Modoc and Siskiyou Counties A 720-square-mile basin drained by the Klamath River. Extends into Oregon. Younger alluvium and younger volcanics. 4000 1000 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1-3 Butte Valley, Siskiyou County A 480-square-mile internal drained basin with outlet to Klamath River. Younger allu- vium and older volcanics. 4000 2000 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1-4 Shasta Valley, Siskiyou County A 340-square-mile basin drained by Shasta River. Young- er alluvium and younger vol- canics. 4000 1000 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1-5 Scott River Valley, Siskiyou County A 80-squdre-mile basin drained by Scott River. Younger alluvium. 2500 1750 5-100 400,000 300,000 1-6 Hayfork Valley, Trinity County A6-square-mile basin drained by Hayfork Creek. Younger alluvium. 200 Unknown 0-25 3,500 1,500 1-7 Hoopa Valley, Humboldt County A 5-square-mile basin drained by Trinity River. Younger allu- vium 300 Unknown 10-40 19,000 9,500 1-8 Mad River Valley, Humboldt County A 60-square-mile coastal ba- sin drained by Mad River, Younger alluvium. 1,200 400 10-150 60,000 60,000 1-9 Eureka Plain, Humboldt County A 60-square-mile coastal ba- sin drained by several coastal streams. Younger alluvium. 1,200 400 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1-10 Eel River Valley, Humboldt County A 120-square-mile coastal basin drained by the Eel and Van Duzen Rivers. Younger and older alluvium. 1,200 400 10-40 1 36,000 100,000 1-11 Round Valley, Mendocino County A 23-square-mi 1 e basin drained by Mill Creek. Younger and older alluvium. 1,300 400 10-200 430,000 150,000 1-12 Laytonville Valley, Mendo- cino County A 1 2-square-mile basin drained by Ten Mile and Out- let Creeks. Younger alluvium. 700 250 10-120 27,000 21,000 30 WATER RESOURCES COASTAL STUDY AREA Development Degree of knowledse Problems Moderate for irrigation, domestic, municipal, and stock use. Estimated 1968 pumpage 4,200 AF. Estimated safe yield 39,000 AFY. A poten- tial for limited additional development in the soutfi area and moderate development in the north area. Minor for domestic, irrigation and stock use. Estimated 1972 pumpage 13,000 AF. Estimated safe yield 24,000 AFY. A potential for limited additional development. Intensive for irrigation, domestic, and stock use. Estimated 1972 pumpage 63,000 AF. Sufficient ground water to meet projected 2020 water requirements of 92,000 AFY. A poten- tial for limited additional development. Minor for irrigation — mostly for domestic and stock use. Estimated 1972 pumpage 9,000 AF. Estimated potential yield over 40,000 AFY. A potential for moderate to high additional development. Minor for irrigation — mostly for domestic and stock use. Estimated 1975 pumpage 5,000 AF. Estimate potential yield over 36,000 AFY. A potential for moderate to high additional devel- opment. Minor for domestic and industrial use. Esti- mated 1960 pumpage was about 300 AF. No potential for additional development. Minor for domestic use — yields generally less than 10 gallons per minute. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate lor domestic, irrigation, industrial, and municipal use: mainly domestic. Estimated 1972 pumpage 9,000 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate for domestic, irrigation, industrial, and municipal. Estimated 1972 pumpage 15,000 AF. A potential for limited additional develop- ment. Moderate for domestic, irrigation, industrial, and municipal use. Estimated 1972 pumpage 10,000 AF. A potential for moderate additional development inland, limited near the coast. Moderate for domestic, irrigation, industrial, and stock use. Ground water is essentially the only source of water for the valley. Estimated 1972 pumpage 5,000 AF. Estimated safe yield is about 30,000 AFY. A potential tor moderate additional development. Moderate for domestic, irrigation, municipal, industrial, and stock use. Estimated 1972 pump- age 1 ,000 AF. Estimated safe yield about 10,000 AFY. A potential for moderate to high addi- tional development. Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR61,110;USGS4 Limited for geology, eastern irea, super- ficial for geology, western ATe.a. Limited in hydrology and water quality. References: DWR45, 140; uses 52 Moderate for geology. Limited for hydroL ogy and water quality. References: DWR70, 111;USGS 131 Limited for geology, hydrology, and w/ater quality. References: DWR72, 140; USGS77 Moderate for geology, limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 45, 70, 140; USGS76 Limited for geology, superficial for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 45, 129 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR129;USGS107 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 129, 140, 188; USGS 38 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 129, 140, 188; USGS 38 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 129, 140, 188; USGS 38 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 47, 129, 140; USBR 3; USGS 18 Moderate for geology, limited for hydrol- ogy, and water quality. References: DWR 47, 129; USGS 18 Low well yield in the south led to importa- tion of water from the Smith River. Due to the shallow aquifer, danger of contamination with septic tank effluent exists. FHigh iron content in some areas. Danger of seawater intrusion in northern part of basin. Ground water in the Klamath Lake area is generally high in sodium and nitrate content. Waters of poor quality are reported to occur in the upper water-bearing zones in the Tule Lake area. FHigh sodium content in western portion of valley in the vicinity of Meiss Lake. Arsenic in shallow water in vicinity of Davis Creek. Temporary summer pumping overdraft caused by too many wells pumping at the same time. Some wells in north and central portion of valley yield high concentration of sodium, chloride, and boron. Wells near Lake Dwin- nell produce water with high boron. Scattered shallow wells have high nitrates. Moffet Creek area has high sulfates. Thin alluvium and tight sediments — low yield. One deep well yielded water with high concentrations of sodium chloride. No other water quality problems are known. Very thin alluvium — usually in the late summer and fall saturated thickness of alluvium is less than 5 feet — small yield. No known water quality problems. Sea-water intrusion along the coast. Sand- ing of wells is a problem from the older FHookton Formation. Sea-water intrusion along the coast. Sand- ing of wells is a problem from the older Hookton Formation. Scattered wells contain excessive iron. One deep well (375') pro- duced high concentrations of boron and high percent sodium. Sea-water intrusion along the coast. FHigh concentrations of Iron baslnwide generally. Locally high in iron. Locally high in iron, sodium, and boron. 31 INVENTORY OF GROUND NORTH HYDROLOGIC Bdsin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity Basin number Max. Aver. in acre-feet 1-13 1-14 Little Lake Valley, Mendo- cino County Lower Klamath River Valley, Del Norte County A 1 7-square-mi le basin drained by Outlet Creek. Younger and older alluvium. A 12-square-mile coastal ba- sin drained by Klamath River. Younger alluvium. 1,000 250 300 Unknown 10-200 Unknown 92,000 Unknown 92,000 Unknown 32 WATER RESOURCES COASTAL STUDY AREA— Continued Development Degree of knowledge Problems Moderate for domestic, irrigation, industrial, and stock use. Estimated 1972 pumpage 1,000 AF. Estimated safe yield 6,000 AFY. A poten- tial for moderate additional development. Minor for domestic and municipal use. A po- tential for moderate additional development in tlie gravel areas of the valley. Moderate for geology, limited for fiydroi- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 47, 129; USBR 12; USGS 18 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 61 Locally high in iron, manganese, and boron. Thin alluvial deposits. 33 0 Legend I I YOUNGER ALLUVIUM ^ OLDER ALLUVIUM ^ OLDER MARINE SEDIMENTS r~| OLDER VOLCANICS 8. SEDIMENTS -I 1 1 I sc STUDY AREA KEY GROUND WATER BASINS - SAN FRANCISCO BAY HYDROLOGIC STUDY ARE/ 34 San Francisco Bay Hydrologic Study Area Ground Water Basins 2-1 2-2 2-2.02 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 Old No. 2-9.02 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-17.01 2-17.02 2-18 2-18.01 2-18.02 2-18.03 2-19 2-20 2-21 2-22 2-23 2-24 2-25 2-26 2-27 2-28 2-29 2-30 2-31 2-32 2-33 2-34 2-35 1-22 1-14 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-17.01 1-17.02 1-18 1-18.01 1-18.02 1-18.03 1-23 1-98 Name Petdluma Valley Napa-Sonoma Valley . Napa Valley Sonoma Valley Suisun-Fdirfield Valley. Pittsburg Plain Clayton Valley. . . Ygnacio Valley. . . San Ramon Valley. County Castro Valley Santa Clara Valley East Bay Area . South Bay Area. Livermore Valley. . Sunol Valley McDowell Valley Knights Valley Potter Valley Ukiah Valley Sanel Valley Alexander Valley Alexander Area Cloverdale Area Santa Rosa Valley Santa Rosa Plain Healdsburg Area . . . . Rincon Valley Kenwood Valley Lower Russian River Valley Bodega Bay Area Half Moon Bay Terrace. Napa-Sonoma Volcanics Highlands San Gregorio Valley. . . Sebastopol Merced For- mation Highlands Pescadera Valley Sand Point Area Ross Valley San Rafael Valley Novate Valley Arroyo del Hambre Valley Visitation Valley Islais Valley San Francisco Sand Dune Area Merced Valley San Pedro Valley. Marin, Sonoma Napa, Solano, Sonoma Napa, Solano Sonoma Solano Contra Costa Contra Costa Contra Costa Contra Costa Alameda Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, San Mateo Alameda, Contra Costa Santa Clara Alameda, Contra Costa Alameda Mendocino Sonoma Mendocino Mendocino Mendocino Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma San Mateo Sonoma San Mateo Marin, Sonoma San Mateo Marin Marin Marin Marin Contra Costa San Francisco, San Mateo San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco, San Mateo San Mateo Summary The San Francisco Bay Hydrologic Study Area (HSA) includes basins tributary to the San Francisco Bay. the Russian River drainage, and some minor ba- sins along the coast in San Mateo County. In this HSA, 41 ground water basins, sub-basins, and areas of poten- tial ground water storage have been identified. The inventory covers 26 ground water basins and sub-ba- sins. These 26 basins, with a total area of about 1,700 square miles, have been identified as significant sources of ground water. The water-bearing deposits range in thickness up to 1,000 feet. There are flowing wells in several basins. Estimated storage capacity for 19 of the basins is about 28.3 million acre-feet. Usable storage capacity of 15 basins has been estimated to be about 1.6 million acre-feet: factors limiting development are sea-water intrusion, aquifer materials of low permeability, and the quality of the water. Ground water temperatures generally range from about 50° to about 75°. but tem- peratures as high as 140°F have been recorded at Boyes Hot Springs in Sonoma Valley. TDS content of the water is generally less than 500 milligrams per liter, but a sample collected in Napa Valley had 11,700 milli- grams per liter. The predominant water type is cal- cium-magnesium bicarbonate. Properly constructed wells in some areas yield as much as 3,000 gallons per minute. From basin to basin, the development of ground wa- ter for irrigation, domestic, industrial, and stock varies from minor to intensive. In 1972, ground water supplied 290.000 acre-feet, or about 24 percent of the HSA's net annual water demand. Of the projected 2020 water demand of about 2 million acre-feet, ground water is expected to supply 350,000 acre-feet, or about 17 per- cent (from Bulletin 160-74). Most of the increased pumping will occur in the South Bay area. Sea-water intrusion in Alameda and Santa Clara Counties has been arrested by recharge programs. A well m the Alviso area in Santa Clara County was re- ported flowing this year (1975) after having stopped flowing many years ago. This shows the success of the Counties' program to refill the basin. Sea-water intru- sion in Napa Valley. Sonoma Valley, and Pittsburg Plain has been arrested by using imported surface water and reducing ground water pumpage. Knowledge of geology, hydrology, and water quality in many basins is limited. Two basins m which knowl- edge is adequate are Livermore and Santa Clara Val- leys. Studies are currently being conducted in Sonoma, Alameda, and Santa Clara Counties. 35 INVENTORY OF GROUND SAN FRANCISCO BAY Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity Basin number Max. Aver. in acre-feet 2-1 Petaluma Valley, Marin and Sonoma Counties. A 41 -square-mi le basin drained by Petaluma Creek. Younger and older alluvium. 650 40 0-900 2,100,000 Unknown 2-2 Napa-Sonoma Valley 2-2.01 Napa Valley, Napa and Solano Counties. A 230-square-mile basin drained by Napa River. Younger and older alluvium, and older volcanics and sediments. 3,000 200 10-200 300,000 Unknown 2-2.02 Sonoma Valley, Sonoma County. A 50-square-mi le basin drained by Sonoma Creek. Younger and older alluvium, and older volcanics and sedi- ments. 400 Unknown 0-1,000 2,660,000 Unknown 2-3 Suisun-Fairfield Valley, Sola- no County. A 260-square-mile basin drained by Green Valley, Sui- sun, Ledgewood and Laurel Creeks. Younger and older alluvium, and older volcanics and sediments. 1,000 150 10-200 226,000 40,000 2-4 Pittsburg Plain, Contra Costa County. A 30-square-mi le basi n drained by New York Slough. Younger and older alluvium. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2-5 Clayton Valley, Contra Costa County. A 30-square-mile basin drained by Walnut Creek. Younger alluvium. Unknown Unknown 20-200 1 80,000 80,000 2-6 Ygnacio Valley, Contra Costa County. A 30-square-mile basin drained by Walnut Creek. Younger alluvium. 500 200 20-200 200,000 50,000 2-7 San Ramon Valley, Contra Costa County. A 30-square-mi 1 e basin drained by Ramon Creek. Younger alluvium. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2-8 Castro Valley, Alameda County. A 4-squa re-m 1 1 e basin drained by San Lorenzo Creek. Younger alluvium. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2-9 Santa Clara Valley, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties (Includes 2-9.01 East Bay area and 2-9.02 South Bay dred). A 580-square-mile basin drained by Guadalupe River, and Alameda, Coyote, Red- wood and San Francisquito Creeks. Younger and older al- luvium. 1,650 425 10-1010 12,200,000 Unknown 2-10 Livermore Valley, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. A 170-5quare-mile basin drained by Arroyo de la La- guna. Younger and older allu- vium. 2,800 400 0-500 540,000 200,000 2-11 Sunol Valley, Alameda County. A 20-square-mile basin drained by Alameda Creek. Younger and older alluvium. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 36 WATER RESOURCES HYDROLOGiC STUDY AREA Intensive for domestic and moderate for stock watering, municipal, irrigation, and industrial use. A potential for moderate additional de- velopment. Moderate to intensive for domestic, irrigation, municipal, and industrial use. Estimated 1970 pumpage for northern Napa Valley 5,700 AF. Pumpage can be increased to 24,000 AF with- out significant decline of the water levels. A po- tential for moderate additional development. Moderate to intensive for domestic and limited for municipal, industrial and irrigation use. Estimated 1950 pumpage 2,400 AF. A potential for moderate additional development. Moderate for irrigation, domestic, stock and industrial use. Estimated 1971 pumpage 3,800 AF. Estimated safe yield about 6,000 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Intensive industrial pumpage in 1930's caused overdraft. Use of Contra Costa Canal water ceased overdraft. 1969 pumpage 1,200 AF. A potential for limited additional develop- ment. Intensive for irrigation, domestic, stock, and industrial use. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for irrigation, domestic, stock, and industrial use. A potential for limited additional development. Intensive for irrigation, domestic, and stock use. A potential for limited additional develop- ment. Limited for irrigation, domestic, and stock use. A potential for limited additional development. Intensive for domestic, industrial, and irriga- tion use. Irrigation pumpage in Santa Clara County declined since 1965 due to levying of a ground water pump tax. Artificial recharging program in Alameda and Santa Clara Counties. Estimated 1970 pumpage 250,000 AF. A po- tential for limited additional development. Intensive for domestic, industrial, and irriga- tion use. 1970 pumpage 27,000 AF. Estimated safe yield 27,000 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for domestic use. Water collected in galleries and exported by San Francisco Water Department. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 48, 123, 144, 185,- USGS 16, 17 Moderate for geology north half and limited south half. Moderate for hydrology. Limited tor water quality. References: DWR 48, 185, USGS 41,62 Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 48, 123; USGS 62 Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 179; USBR 6; USGS 84, 116 Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 55, 179; USGS 3 Limited for geology in coastal irea, super- ficial inland. Limited for hydrology and water quality. References: DWR55, 145, 179;USGS3 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 55, 179, 185; Misc. 10 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 179; USGS 10 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 60, 179; USGS 10 High to intensive for geology in most of basin. Moderate for hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 4, 10, 69, 116, 117, 118, 119; USBR 1, 9; USGS 105 High for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 10, 120, 121, 153 Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 120, 121, 177, 179 Hard water, high chloride and TDS. Any appreciable increase in ground water draft in the bayward segment will result in sea- water intrusion. Sea-water intrusion arrested by imported water via Putah South Canal and North Bay Aqueduct. Presence of connate water in deeper aquifers. Locally high iron, chloride, and boron. High TDS and hard water portion. bayward High boron and hard water. Heavy pump- ing in the southern part of basin may cause brackish water to move inland degrading the ground water quality. Sea-water intrusion was a problem from 1930 until the 1950's when the Contra Costa Canal was operating. In 1955 an apparent bayward hydraulic gradient was established and flushing of the saline water began. The exact location and extent of de- graded ground water in this basin was not known in 1971. Sea-water intrusion same as described in Pittsburg Plain, Basin 2-4. Sea-water intrusion same as described in Pittsburg Plain, Basin 2-4. High ground water table. None known. None known. Sea-water intrusion in Fremont and San Jose areas. Sea-water intrusion arrested by recharge program. Land subsidence due to overdraft. Subsidence has been arrested by the recharge program. Poor quality water occurs in eastern part of valley and near Dublin — high TDS, chloride, and boron. Generally water is hard requiring softening for domestic use. Areas with high TDS. 37 INVENTORY OF GROUND SAN FRANCISCO BAY Basin number Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Max. Aver. Depth zone in Feet Storage capacity in acre-feet 2-13 (1-22)' 2-14 (1-14) 2-15 (1-15) 2-16 (1-16) 2-17 2-17.01 (1-17.01) 2-17.02 (1-17.02) 2-18 2-18.01 (1-18.01) 2-18.02 (1-18.02) 2-18.03 (1-18.03) 2-19 (1-23) 2-20 (1-98) 2-26 Knights Valley, Sonoma County Potter Valley, Mendocino County Ukidh Valley, Mendocino County Sanel Valley, Mendocino County Alexander Valley Alexander Area, Sonoma County Cloverdale Area, Sonoma County Santa Rosa Valley Santa Rosa Plain, Sonoma County Healdsburg Area, Sonoma County Rincon Valley, Sonoma County Kenwood Valley, Sonoma County Lower Russian River Valley, Sonoma County Half Moon Bay Terrace, San Mateo County San Gregorio Valley, San Mateo County Pescadero Valley, San Mateo County A 5-square-mi I e basin drained by Redwood Creek. Younger alluvium. A 1 3-square-mi le basin drained by East Fork of Russian River. Younger and older allu- vium. A 1 6-square-mi I e basin drained by the Russian River. Younger and older alluvium. A 1 1 -square-m J le basin drained by the Russian River. Younger alluvium. A 23-square-mi I e basin drained by the Russian River. Younger and older alluvium. A 9-square-mi I e basin drained by the Russian River. Younger alluvium. A 96-square-mi le basin drained by Santa Rosa Creek. Younger and older alluvium, and older volcanics and sedi- ments. A 27-5quare-mi le basin drained by the Russian River. Younger and older alluvium. A 4-square-mile basin drained by Rincon Creek. Younger and older alluvium. A 6-5quare-mile basin drained by Santa Rosa and Sonoma Creeks. Younger and older al- luvium, and older volcanics and sediments. A 9-square-mile coastal basin drained by the Russian River. Younger alluvium. A 25-square-mile coastal ba- sin drained by Pilarcitos Creek. Younger alluvium including an extensive marine terrace. A 10-square mile coastal ba- sin drained by San Gregorio Creek. Younger alluvium. A 8-squdre-mile coastal ba- sin drained by Pescadero Creek. Younger alluvium. Unknown Unknown 1,600 1,500 1,000 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 0-200 17,000 71,000 369,000 51,700 445,000 50,000 0-1000 7,100,000 0-470 0-250 Unknown Unknown Unknown 930,000 67,000 290,000 460,000 160,000 Unknown Unknown Unknown Old number 38 WATER RESOURCES HYDROLOGIC STUDY AREA Continued Development Limited for domestic and stock use. A poten- tial For moderate additional development. Limited for irrigation — generdlly for domestic and stock use. A potential for limited additional development. Intensive for domestic, irrigation, industrial, and municipal use. Estimated 1954 pumpage 10,000 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate for irrigation and domestic use. A potential for limited additional development. Degree of knowledge Problems Moderate for geology. Limited for fiydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 123, 129 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 47, 129, 185, 189, USGS 16, 18 Limited for geology, tiydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 47, 129, 185, 189; USGS 16, 18 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 47, 129, 185, 189, USGS 16, 18 Moderate for irrigation, domestic, industrial. Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- and stock use. Estimated 1954 pumpage 3,000 ' ogy and water quality. AF. A potential for moderate additional devel- ' References: opment } DWR 1 23, 1 29, 1 89, USGS 1 6, 1 8 Moderate for irrigation, domestic, industrial. Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- and stock use. A potential for limited additional ogy and water quality. development. Intensive for municipal, industrial and irriga- tion use. A potential for moderate additional development. Moderate for irrigation, domestic, industrial, and stock use. A potential for moderate addi- tional development. Moderate for irrigation, domestic and stock use. A potential for limited additional develop- ment. Limited for domestic and stock use. A poten- tial for moderate additional development. Limited for domestic use. A potential for imited additional development. Limited for domestic use and irrigation of parks, golf courses and cemeteries. Standby for municipal and a few industrial wells. A poten- tial for limited additional development. Moderate for domestic, irrigation and stock use. Small ground water pumpage in the order of 300 Ay per year. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate for irrigation, domestic and stock use. A potential for limited additional develop- ment. References: DWR 123, 129; USGS 18 Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 123, 129, 132, 144; USGS 17 Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 123, 129; USGS 17 Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 123, 129; USGS 17 Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 123, 129 Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 123, 129; USGS 18 Moderate for geology north area, limited south area. Limited for hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 55, 128, 179; Misc. 6 Superficial for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 55, 129, 179 Superficial for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 55, 128 None known. Low yields. Fairly hard for domestic use and often contains objectionable concentra- tions of iron. Generally good quality. Some with poor quality— high boron. High boron and iron. Water hard for domestic use. Moderately hard water for domestic use. Areas with TDS greater than 500 mg/1, and hard water. Moderately hard water. Areas of high TDS and hardness. Moderately hard water. Hard water, high chloride and TDS. Sea-water intrusion near the coast. Poor quality water along the coast, may be local ground water condition of the marine terrace deposits rather than seawater intru- sion. Moderate to high TDS. Poor quality water along the coast, may be local ground water condition of the alluvium rather than sea-water intrusion. High TDS. Tidal area showed seawater intrusion from sample taken in 1970. 39 Legend rn YOUNGER ALLUVIUM OLDER ALLUVIUM OLDER MARINE SEDIMENTS a ivr ttSacfigpo"- GROUND WATER BASINS - CENTRAL COASTAL HYDROLOGIC STUDY ARE^J 40 CENTRAL COASTAL HYDROLOGIC STUDY AREA Ground Water Basinc No. Old No. 3-1 3-2 3-4 3-4.06 3-4.08 3-4.09 3-4.10 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-18 3-19 Name Soquel Valley Pajaro Valley Gilroy-Hollister Valley. Salinas Valley Paso Robles Basin Seaside Area Langley Area Corral de Tierra Area. . . Cholame Valley Lockwood Valley Carmel Valley Los Osos Valley San Luis Obispo Valley. Pismo Creek Valley Arroyo Grande Valley- Nipoma Mesa Area Santa Maria River Valley Cuyama Valley. San Antonio Creek Valley Santa Ynez River Valley Goleta Basin Santa Barbara Basin. Carpinteria Basin Carrizo Plain County Santa Cruz Monterey, Santa Cruz San Benito, Santa Clara Monterey Monterey, San Luis Obispo Monterey Monterey Monterey Monterey, San Luis Obispo Monterey Monterey San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara Kern, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Santa Barbara San Luis Obispo No. 3-20 3-21 3-22 3-23 3-24 3-25 3-26 3-27 3-28 3-29 3-30 3-31 3-32 3-33 3-34 3-35 3-36 3-37 3-38 3-39 3-40 3-41 3-42 3-43 3-44 3-45 3-46 3-47 3-48 3-49 Old No. Name Ano Nuevo Area Santa Cruz Purisima For- mation Highlands Santa Ana Valley Upper Santa Ana Valley Quien Sabe Valley Tres Pinos Creek Valley. West Santa Cruz Terrace Scotts Valley San Benito River Valley. Dry Lake Valley Bitter Water Valley Hernandez Valley Peach Tree Valley San Carpoforo Valley. . . Arroyo de la Cruz Valley San Simeon Valley Santa Rosa Valley Villa Valley Cayucos Valley Old Valley Toro Valley Morro Valley Chorro Valley Rinconada Valley Pozo Valley , Huasna Valley Rafael Valley Big Spring Area Careaga Sand Highlands. Montecito Area County San Mateo Santa Cruz San Benito San Benito San Benito San Benito Santa Cruz Santa Cruz San Benito San Benito San Benito San Benito San Benito San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara Santa Barbara 41 Summary The Central Coastal Hydrologic Study Area (HSA) comprises the coastal drainage basins between the western end of Ventura County on the south and the southern end of San Mateo County on the north. In this HSA. 53 ground water basins, sub-basins and areas of potential ground water storage have been identified. The inventory covers 22 ground water basins and sub- basins. These 22 basins, with a total area of about 3,300 square miles, have been identified as significant sources of ground water. Water-bearing deposits ex- ceed 2,300 feet in thickness in Santa Maria River Valley. There are flowing wells in several basins. Estimated storage capacity for 18 valleys is about 25.2 million acre-feet. Usable storage capacity of 16 valleys is estimated to be about 6.9 million acre-feet. The principal factor limiting development of ground water in the HSA is sea-water intrusion. Ground water temperature ranges from about 55° to about 75° F. The TDS content of the water is generally less than 800 milligrams per liter, but locally is more than 11, 000 milligrams per liter. The predominant water type is calcium bicarbonate; however, sodium, magne- INVENTORY OF GROUND CENTRAL COASTAL Basin name, county Basin description; size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity Basin number Max. Aver. in acre-feet 3-1 Soquel Valley, Santa Cruz County A 7-square-mile coastal ba- sin drained by Soquel Creek. Younger alluvium and older marine sediments. 800 350 Unknown 800,000 Unknown 3-2 Pajaro Valley, Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties A 120-square-mile coastal basin drained by the Pajaro River. Younger alluvium. 1,200 500 Unknown Unknown Unknown 3-3 Gilroy-Hollister Valley, San Benito and Santa Clara Counties A 350-square-mile basin drained by the Pajaro River. Younger and older alluvium. 1,700 400 20-200 932,000 800,000 3-4 Salinas Valley, Monterey County A 620-squdre-mile coastal basin drained by the Salinas River. Younger and older allu- vium. 3,750 750 20-200 3,500,000 1,300,000 3-4.06 Paso Robles Basin (Upper Salinas Valley), Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties A 860-square-mile basin drained by the Salinas River. Younger and older alluvium. 3,300 500 50-250 6,800,000 1,700,000 3-5 Cholame Valley, Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties A 20-square-mi le basin drained by Cholame Creek. Younger and older alluvium. 3,300 1,000 Unknown Unknown Unknown 3-6 Lockwood Valley, Monterey County A 90-square-mi 1 e basin drained by the San Antonio River. Younger and older allu- vium. 3,300 1,000 20-230 1,000,000 500,000 3-7 Carmel Valley, Monterey County A 10-square-mile coastal basin drained by the Carmel River. Younger alluvium. Unknown 600 0-160 60,000 Unknown 3-8 Los Osos Valley, San Luis Obispo County A 20-square-mile coastal ba- sin drained by Los Osos, Chor- ro, and Morro Creeks. Younger alluvium. 700 230 10-200 112,200 14,700 42 sium, sulfate, and chloride are present locally in signifi- cant quantities. Properly constructed wells in some areas can yield as nnuch as 4.400 gallons per minute. About 90 percent of the water supply m the HSA comes from ground water. There is potential for lim- ited additional development in most of the ground wa- ter basins. The most intensively developed ground water basm is the lower Salinas Valley in Monterey County, where about 95 percent of the water supply is ground water. Sea-water intrusion was first noticed in the late 1930s and early 1940s when several wells in a shallow 180- foot-aquifer were abandoned because of high salt con- tent. Degradation of the 180-foot aquifer led to devel- opment of a deeper 400-foot aquifer, and subsequent degradation of the coastal portion of this deep aquifer. As of 1973 both aquifers showed evidence of intru- sion. During that year, water with a chloride concentra- tion of 100 milligrams per liter was found 4 miles inland in the 180-foot aquifer and 2 miles inland in the 400-foot aquifer. Since 1950, the intrusion rate in the 180-foot aquifer has been about 0.1 mile per year. Intrusion in the Salinas Valley can be controlled by reducing ground water pumping in the pressure area, roughly from Spreckels to Monterey Bay. WATER RESOURCES HYDROLOGIC STUDY AREA Development Degree oF knowledse Proble Moderate for irrigation, domestic, and mu- nicipal use. 1966 pumpage about 3,300 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Intensive for irrigation, domestic, stock, indus- trial, and municipal use. Estimated 1971 pump- age 62,000 AF. Estimated safe yield is 44,000 AFV. No further development potential. Intensive for irrigation, domestic, stock and industrial use. Estimated 1972 pumpage 1 28,000 AF. No further development potential. Intensive for irrigation, domestic, stock and industrial use. Estimated 1972 pumpage 336,000 AF. No further development potential. Intensive for irrigation use and moderate for municipal use. Limited for industrial, domestic and stock use. Recharge estimated at 47,000 AFV. 1967 extractions about 48,000 AF. A potential for moderate additional development. Limited for domestic, irrigation, and stock use. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for irrigation, domestic and stock use. A potential for moderate additional develop- ment. Moderate for geology, limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 2, 55; USGS 2, 8, 49 FHigh for geology. Moderate for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 2, 1 51 , 1 52, USBR 1 ; USGS 92, 93 Moderate for geology except in San Juan Valley area. Moderate for hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 1 40, 1 77, 1 78, USBR 1 ,- USGS 42, 58 Moderate for geology in coastal area, limited inland. Moderate for hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 14, 55, 140, 151, 152, 172, 176, USGS 45 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 13, 140, 157, 162, 167; USGS 28 Superficial for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 13, 185 Superficial for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 148 Moderate for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 171 Moderate for domestic, irrigation, and stock use. Estimated 1973 pumpage 6,200 AF. Esti- mated sustained annual yield is about 15,000 AF. A potential for moderate additional devel- opment. Moderate for irrigation and municipal use. Moderate for geology, hydrology and Limited for industrial and domestic use. A poten- : water quality, tial for limited additional development. I References: DWR 13, 56, 167, 169 No apparent sea-water intrusion in 1955. Sea-water intrusion reported by USGS in 1969. High TDS, iron, and hardness. Sea-water intrusion area had increased 1 mile inland by 1947, 1.4 mile by 1962 and 1.6 mile inland by 1970. Water quality usually poor with high TDS, nitrates, and hardness. FHigh TDS and boron. Overdraft condition exists. Sea-water intrusion area increasing. Both the "180-foot" and "400-foot" aquifers intruded. In the "180-foot" aquifer, chlor-' ide concentration of 500 mg T and 100 mg/l extend inland 3.5 and 4 miles, respectively. The intrusion rate of 0.1 mile per year has occurred since 1950. Intrusion in the "400- foot" aquifer is about 2 miles inland fairly stationary since 1954. High TDS and hard- ness. Locally boron high for irrigation use. None known. Hard water. Moderate TDS and hard water, high iron and manganese. Locally chloride high for domestic and irrigation uses. Sea-water intrusion. 43 INVENTORY OF CENTRAL HYDROLOGIC STUDY Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity Basin number Max. Aver. in acre-feet 3-9 San Luis Obispo Valley, San Luis Obispo County A 1 5-square-mi le basin drained by San Luis Obispo Creek. Younger alluvium. 600 300 20-160 67,000 22,000 3-10 Pismo Creek Valley, San Luis Obispo County A 10-square-mile coastal ba- sin drained by Pismo Creek. Younger alluvium. 500 350 10-110 30,000 10,000 3-11 Arroyo Grande Valley-Ni- pomo Mesa Area, San Luis Obispo County A 40-square-mile coastal basin drained by Arroyo Grande Creek. Younger and older allu- vium. 2,500 300 100-800 1,700,000 40,000 (Arroyo Grande Valley only') 3-12 Santa Maria River Valley, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties A 200-square-mile coastal basin drained by the Santa Maria River. Younger and older alluvium. 2,200 1,000 20-200 2,000,000 1,000,000 3-13 Cuyama Valley, Kern, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties A 230-square-mile basin drained by the Cuyama River. Younger and older alluvium. 4,400 1,100 100-300 2,100,000 400,000 3-14 San Antonio Creek Valley, Santa Barbara County A 90-square-mile coastal ba- sin drained by San Antonio Creek. Younger and older allu- vium, and older marine sedi- ments. Unknown 400 50-250 2,100,000 300,000 3-15 Santa Ynez River Valley, Santa Barbara County A 260-square-mile coastal basin drained by the Santa Ynez River. Younger and older allu- vium, and older marine sedi- ments. 1,300 750 20-250 2,700,000 362,000 3-16 Goleta Basin, Santa Barbara County A 16-square-mile coastal ba- sin drained by Atascadero Creek. Younger alluvium. 800 500 50-250 180,000 1 7,000 3-17 Santa Barbara Basin, Santa Barbara County A 15-square-mile coastal ba- sin drained by Sycamore Creek. Younger alluvium. 1,000 500 50-250 550,000 281,000 3-18 Carpinteria Basin, Santa Bar- bara County A 12-square-mile coastal ba- sins drained by Santa Monica, Steer and Rincon Creeks. Younger alluvium. 500 300 50-250 1 40,000 19,000 3-19 Carrizo Plain, San Luis Obis- po County A 270-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger and older alluvium. 1,000 500 30-230 400,000 100,000 3-26 West Santa Cruz Terrace, Santa Cruz County A 6-square-mile coastal area west oF Santa Cruz. Extensive marine terrace. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3-27 Scotts Valley, Santa Cruz County A 8-square-mile basin drained by Carbonera Creek. Younger alluvium and older marine sedi- ments. 1,100 200 Unknown Unknown Unknown 44 GROUND WATER RESOURCES COASTAL AREA — Continued Development Intensive for irrisation use and limited to moderate for industrial and domestic use. Re- charge is estimated at about 2,250 AFY. A po- tential for limited additional development. Moderate for irrigation and limited for domestic use. Natural recfiarge is estimated at about 2,000 AFY. A potential for limited addi- tional development. Intensive for irrigation and limited for indus- trial and domestic use. Recharge is estimated at about 12,000 AFY. A potential for limited additional development. Intensive for irrigation, moderate for munici- pal and industrial use, and limited for domestic use. Extractions about 100,000 AFY. Safe yield 60,000 AFY. No potential lor further develop- ment. Intensive for irrigation and limited for domes- tic, municipal and stock use. Safe yield 6600 AFY. a potential for limited to moderate addi- tional development. Moderate for irrigation and limited for domes- tic use. A potential for limited additional devel- opment. Degree of knowledge Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR13, 167 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 13, 167 High for geology in coastal area, limited inland. Moderate for hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 13, 53, 65, 157, 167 High for geology in coastal area, moderate inland. Moderate for hydrology and water quality. References; DWR 13, 53, 168; USGS 82, 133 Moderate for geology central area and limited at ends. Moderate for hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 13; USGS 11 3, 115, 124 Moderate for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 170; USGS60, 68, 90 Problems None known. Along coastal margin, TDS, chloride and sulfate high for domestic use. Locally, TDS and nitrate high for domestic use. Commonly nitrates high for domestic use in lower Arroyo Grande Valley. Along coastal margin TDS, chloride, and sulfate high for domestic use. Locally TDS high for domestic use. Over- draft. Locally unsuitable tor domestic and irriga- tion uses. Locally TDS high for domestic and irriga- tion use. Intensive for irrigation, moderate for municipal and limited for domestic use. Extractions about 52,000 AF in 1960. Sale yield 40,000 AFY. A potential for limited additional development. Intensive for irrigation and limited for mu- nicipal and domestic use. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for municipal, irrigation, industrial, domestic, and stock use. A potential for limited additional development. Intensive for irrigation and limited for munici- pal and domestic use. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for irrigation, municipal and domestic use. 1967 extractions about 600 AF. A poten- tial for limited to moderate additional develop- ment. Limited for domestic use. Potential for further development unknown. Moderate tor irrigation and domestic use. 1969 pumpage did not lower water levels. A potential tor limited additional development. Moderate for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 165; USBR 10; USGS 40, 69, 122, 129 Moderate for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: USGS 39, 68, 123 Moderate for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 55, USGS 91, 123 Moderate for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 55; USGS 39, 68, 123 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 13 Superficial tor geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 2 Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 130: USGS 1 Locally TDS high for domestic and irriga- tion use. Locally TDS manganese and iron high for domestic use. TDS high for domestic use. Boron and chloride high. Potential sea-water intrusion. Possible sea-water intrusion. Near Soda Lake and areas to the north and south generally unsuitable for domestic and irrigation uses. Small well yields. None known. 45 ^^SP sc STUDY AREA KEY Legend I I YOUNGER AauVIUM r~] OLDER ALLUVIUM I I OLDER VOLCANICS& SEDIMENTS MILES 4( I I I M £ ^^ C 0 GROUND WATER BASINS - SOUTH COASTAL HYDROLOGIC STUDY AREA 46 SOUTH COASTAL HYDROLOGIC STUDY AREA Ground Water Basins No. Old No. 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-4.07 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15 4-16 4-17 4-18 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 8-1 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-9 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-8 9-9 9-10 9-11 9-12 9-13 9-14 9-15 9-16 9-17 9-18 9-19 9-20 9-21 9-22 9-23 9-24 Name Upper Ojai Valley Ojai Valley Ventura River Valley. . . . Santa Clara River Valley . Santa Clara River Valley Eastern Basin Acton Valley Pleasant Valley Arroyo Santa Rosa Valley. Los Posas Valley Simi Valley Conejo Valley Coastal Plain-Los Angeles Co. San Fernando Valley San Gabriel Valley Upper Santa Ana Valley. Tierra Rejada Valley Hidden Valley Lockwood Valley Hungry Valley County No. Thousand Oaks Area. Russell Valley Conejo-Tierra Rejada Volcanic Areas Malibu Valley Coastal Plain — Orange Co. Upper Santa Ana Valley . Cajaico Valley (Inun- dated by Lake Mathews) Elsinore Basin San Jacinto Basin Hemet Lake Valley (Garner Valley) Big Meadows Valley. . . . Seven Oaks Valley Bear Valley San Juan Valley San Mateo Valley San Onofre Valley Santa Margarita Valley. . . Temecula Valley Coahuila Valley San Luis Rey Valley Warner Valley Escondido Valley San Pasqual Valley Santa Maria Valley San Dieguito Valley Poway Valley Mission Valley San Diego River Valley. . . El Cajon Valley Sweetwater Valley Otay Valley Tia Juana Basin Jamul Valley Las Pulgas Valley Batiauitos Lagoon Valley. San Elijo Valley Pamo Valley Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Los Angeles Los Angeles Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Ventura Ventura Ventura Los Angeles, Ventura Ventura Los Angeles, Ventura Los Angeles, Ventura Los Angeles Orange Riverside, San Bernardino Riverside Riverside Riverside Riverside San Bernar- dino San Bernar- dino San Bernar- dino Orange San D San D San Di Rivers Rivers' San Di San Di San Di San Di San Di San D San D San D San D San D San D San D^ San Di San Di San Di San Di San Di San Di ego ego ego de de ego ego ego ego ego ego ego ego ego ego ego ego ego ego ego ego ego ego 9-25 9-26 9-27 9-28 9-29 9-30 Old No. Name Ranchita Town Area Pine Valley Cottonwood Valley Campo Valley Potrero Valley Tecate Valley County San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego Summary The South Coastal Hydrologic Study Area (MSA) comprises the coastal drainage basins of California north of the Tia Juana River basin to the Ventura River drainage basin in western Ventura County. In this HSA. 62 ground water basins and areas of potential ground water storage have been identified. The inventory covers 42 ground water basins. These 42 basins, with a total area of about 3,200 square miles, have been identified as significant sources of ground water. The water-bearing deposits vary in thickness up to about 4,000 feet. Total storage capacity of 35 basins at selected depth intervals is about 146.7 million acre-feet. The estimated usable storage capacity of 29 of the basins is about 10.4 million acre-feet. One limiting factor considered in es- timating usable storage capacity of the coastal basins is sea-water intrusion. Sea-water intrusion occurs in one or more of these basins in each of the coastal counties and is a potential threat in all basins whose ground water levels are drawn down below sea level. Sea-water intrusion is being controlled artificially in Los Angeles and Orange counties only. Ground water temperatures generally vary from about 55° to about 90°F. TDS content of the water var- ies considerably from basin to basin. In most basins the ground water is suitable for all beneficial uses. In basins where Colorado River water is being used for recharge, the ground water has begun to take on the qualities of the recharge water and is inferior to the natural water in the HSA. Hardness is another common water quality problem in many ba- sins. Almost all of the basins are highly developed except in San Diego County, where the basins are not as ex- tensive and, in some cases, contain water of inferior quality, not suitable for domestic use. Ground water extractions m the HSA are estimated in excess of 1.7 million acre-feet. 47 INVENTORY OF SOUTH HYDROLOGIC Basin number 4-2 4-3 4-9 Basin name, county Basin description; size, major stream, water bearing material Upper Ojai Valley, Ventura County Ojai Valley, Ventura County Ventura River Valley, Ven- tura County Santa Clara River Valley, Ventura and Los Angeles Counties. (Includes 4-4.07, Eastern Basin, Los Angeles County) Acton Valley, Los Angeles County Pleasant Valley, Ventura County Arroyo Santa Rosa Valley, Ventura County Los Posas Valley, Ventura County Simi Valley, Ventura County A 3-square-mi I e basin drained by Lion and Sisar Creeks. Younger alluvium. A 1 3-square-mi le basin drained by San Antonio Creek. Younger alluvium. A 10-square-mile coastal ba- sin drained by the Ventura River. Younger alluvium. A 336-square-mile river val- ley and coastal plain drained by Santa Clara River and Revolon Slough. Younger and older allu- vium. A 10-square-mile basin drained by the Santa Clara River. Younger alluvium. A 47-square-m i I e basin drained by Calleguas Creek. Younger and older alluvium, and older volcanics and sedi- ments. A9-square-milebasindrained by Conejo Creek and Arroyo Santa Rosa. Younger and older alluvium, and older volcanics and sediments. A 79-square-mi le basin drained by Beardsley Wash and Arroyo Los Posas. Younger and older alluvium. A 25-square-mi I e basin drained by Arroyo Simi. Young- er alluvium. Well yields in spm Max 1,000-t- 3,000 1,000 2,400 1,200 Aver. Depth zone in feet 1,000 1,000 Storage capacity in acre-feet Average ground surface elevation to base of fresh water Average ground surface elevation to base of fresh water Average ground surface elevation to base of fresh water. Average ground surface elevation to base of fresh water 10-60 Average ground surface elevation to base of fresh water Average ground surface elevation to base of fresh water Average ground surface elevation to base of fresh water Average ground surface elevation to base of fresh water 6,000 Usable capacity in acre-feet 1,000 85,000 25,000 35,000 30,000,000 40,000 1,886,000 4,250,000 1 80,000 3,500 Unknown 16,000 Unknown 3,100 950,000 4,700 48 GROUND WATER RESOURCES COASTAL STUDY AREA Development Desree oF knowledge Problems Moderate for irrigation and municipal use. Limited for domestic and industrial uses. Natural recfiarge estimated at about 400 AFY. A poten- tial for limited additional development. Intensive for irrigation use. Moderate for municipal use. Limited for industrial use. Natural recharge estimated at about 1,500 AFV. 1970 extractions 2,500 AF. A potential for limited development. Moderate for municipal use. Limited for irri- gation, industrial and domestic use. Natural re- charge greater than 3,500 AFV. 1970 extrac- tions 7,500 AF. A potential for limited addi- tional development. Moderate to intensive for irrigation and mu- nicipal use. Limited for domestic and industrial use. Natural recharge is estimated at about 100,000 AFY. 1970 extractions about 175,000 AF. A potential for limited additional develop- ment. Intensive for municipal and agricultural use. Natural recharge is estimated at about 650 AFY. 1970 extractions about 1,000 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Intensive for irrigation, moderate for munici- pal, and limited for industrial and domestic uses. Natural recharge estimated at about 11,000 AFY. 1970 extractions about 24,000 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Intensive for irrigation, moderate for munici- pal, limited for industrial and domestic uses. Natural recharge estimated at about 3,000 AFY. 1970 extractions about 2,300 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Intensive for irrigation, moderate for munici- pal, limited for industrial and domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 10,800 AFY. 1970 extractions about 18,700 AF. A po- tential for limited additional development. Limited for irrigation, municipal, industrial and domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 4,700 AFY. 1970 extractions about 3,500 AF. A potential for limited additional devel- opment. Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References; DWR 9, 19, 37, 68, Misc. 16 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DNX/R 9, 19, 37, 67, 68, USBR 1 1 ; Misc. 1 6 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 9, 19, 49, 68; USBR 11; Misc. 16 Moderate to intensive for geology, hydrol- ogy, and water quality. References: DWR 9, 19, 28, 51, 54, 67, 68, 109, 138, 147, 160, 183; SWRCB 4; USBR 7; USGS 96, 111 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 147; USGS 13 Moderate for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 9, 19, 67, 68, 109; USBR 7 Moderate for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 9, 19, 67, 68, 109; USBR 7 Moderate for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 9, 19,67,68, 109, 160 Moderate for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 9, 19, 67, 68 Locally, TDS high for domestic use; mar- ginal for irrigation use. Locally, nitrate high and TDS marginal for domestic use. Overdraft. Adverse salt balance. Locally, TDS and sulfate high for domestic use and marginal for irrigation and marginal boron. In the lower River Valley, locally, sulfate, TDS, and chloride high for domestic use; TDS, chloride and percent sodium high for irrigation use. Locally, magnesium, sulfate, chloride, ni- trate and TDS high for domestic use; TDS chloride and boron high for irrigation use. Overdraft. Seawater intrusion. Failing septic tanks in unincorporated areas of Piru. None known. Locally, magnesium, sulfate, chloride, nitrate, and TDS high for domestic use, chloride and TDS high for irrigation use. Overdraft. Locally, nitrate high for domestic use; water, derived from older volcanics and sediments. Locally, high chloride and TDS for domestic use; TDS, boron, and chloride high for irrigation use. Locally, sulfate, and TDS high for domestic use, boron high for irrigation use. hHigh ground water table. Failing septic tank and leach field systems. 49 INVENTORY OF SOUTH COASTAL Well yields in qpm 1 Storage Usable Basin description: size, major stream, Depth zone capacity in capacity Basin in number Basin name, county water bearing material Max. Aver. in feet acre-feet acre-feet 4-10 Conejo Valley, Ventura County A 4-square-mile basin drained by tfie South Branch Arroyo Conejo. Younger alluvium and older volcanics and sediments. 1,000 50 Average ground surface elevation to base of fresh water. Unknown 2,600 4-11 Coastal Plain of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County A 500-squdre-mile coastal plain drained mainly by the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers. Younger alluvium. 2,000 600 1960 water levels to 2000 feet below ground surface. 31,730,000 2,363,000 4-12 San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles County A 200-square-mile basin drained by the Los Angeles River. Younger and older allu- vium. 3,240 1,220 1960 water levels to base of water- bearing unit. 3,400,000 3,200,000 4-13 San Gabriel Valley, Los An- geles County A 200-square-mile basin drained by the Rio Hondo and San Gabriel Rivers. Younger alluvium. 4,850 1,000 Average ground surface elevation to base of fresh water. 10,438,000 Unknown 4-14 Upper Santa Ana Valley, Los Angeles County A 30-square-mi 1 e basin drained by Live Oak and Thompson Washes. Younger al- luvium. 750 100 1960 water levels to base of fresh water. 750,000 Unknown 8-1 Coastal Plain of Orange County, Orange County A 360-square-mile coastal plain drained primarily by the Santa Ana River. Younger al- luvium. 1,000 600 1960 water levels to base of fresh water 40,000,000 Unknown 8-2 Upper Santa Ana Valley, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties A 620-square-mile basin drained primarily by the Santa Ana River. Younger and older alluvium. 4,500 800 1960 water levels to base of fresh water 16,000,000 2,000,000- 8-4 Elsinore Basin, Riverside County A 26-square-mile basin with drainage to Elsinore Lake. Younger alluvium. 4,400 200 Between 15 feet below ground surface and 1948-49 winter water levels. 27,000 Unknown 8-5 San Jacinto Basin, Riverside County A 235-squdre-mile basin drained by the San Jacinto River. Younger and older allu- vium. 1,000 100 Between 1960 water table and 2,000 ft. below ground surface. 6,100,000 1,300,000 50 GROUND WATER RESOURCES HyDROLOGIC STUDY AREA— Continued Limited for all uses. Natural recharge esti- mated at about 2,600 AFY. 1970 extractions about 300 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 9, 19, 68 Problems Locally, sulfate, chloride, and TDS high or domestic use. Intensive for municipal, moderate for indus- trial, and limited for irrigation uses. 1973-74 extractions about 280,000 AFY. A potential for limited additional development. Intensive for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 5, 29, 44, 48, 50, 62, 99, 100, 101, 102, 114; SWRCB 5; USGS 102, 103; Misc. 8 Locally, chloride, sulfate, TDS, iron, and manganese high for domestic use; TDS and chloride high for irrigation use. Overdraft. Sea water intrusion controlled by injection barrier. Intensive for municipal, domestic and indus- trial use. Safe yield about 57,000 AFY. 1973- 74 extractions about 106,400 AF. A potential for limited additional development conjunctively with the State Water Project. High to intensive for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 381; SWRCB 1, Misc. 18 Locally, poor quality water. Poor quality water is moving into the well fields from the southwest portion of the basin. Moderate to intensive for municipal and in- dustrial use. Limited for irrigation and domestic use. Recharge under 1960 cultural conditions 166,000 AF. 1974 extractions about 250,000 AF. A potential for limited additional develop- ment. hiigh to intensive for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 26, 33, 103, 107, 146, 173 Locally, TDS marginal and nitrate high for domestic use. Overdraft. Moderate to intensive for irrigation and mu- nicipal use. Limited for industrial and domestic use. A potential for limited additional develop- ment. hiigh for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 104, 105, 175 Locally, nitrate and TDS high for domestic use. Intensive for irrigation, municipal and industrial use. Moderate for domestic use. Re- charge estimated at 221,000 AFY. 1956 extrac- tions about 200,000 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate to intensive for irrigation, municipal and industrial uses. Limited for domestic use. Safe yield about 230,000 AFY. 1970 ground water extractions about 460,000 AF. A poten- tial for limited additional development. Moderate for irrigation and municipal use. Limited for domestic use. Natural recharge esti- mated at about 4,000 AFY. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate to intensive for irrigation use. Moderate for municipal and military uses. Limited for domestic and industrial use. Recharge estimated at about 26,000 AFY (includes Hemet Valley). 1970 extractions about 100,000 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Intensive for geology, and hydrology. High for water quality. References: DWR 5, 52, 137, 190; USGS 20, 46, 85, 102, 104, 114 High to intensive for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 104, 105, 106, 174, 175; USGS 29, 30, 33, 34, 43, 86, 108, 128; Misc. 13 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 6, 12, 17; USGS 119 Moderate for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 12, 24, 31 TDS marginal for domestic use. Sea water intrusion. Overdraft. Locally, nitrate and TDS high for domestic use. Overdraft. Locally, fluoride and TDS high for domestic use; percent sodium high for irrigation use. Overdraft. Locally, nitrate, chloride, and TDS high for domestic use; boron, chloride, TDS and per- cent sodium high for irrigation use. 51 INVENTORY OF SOUTH COASTAL Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Weil yields in gpm Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity Basin number Max. Aver. in acre-feet 8-6 Hemet Lake Valley, (Garner Valley) Riverside County A 1 6-square-mi le basin drained by the South Fork of the San Jacinto River. Younger and older diluvium. 820 270 Unknown Included in Basin No. 8-5 Unknown 8-7 Big Meadows Valley, San Bernardino County A 7-square-mile basin drained by the Santa Ana River. Younger alluvium. Unknown Unknown 10-60 10,000 3,500 8-8 Seven Oaks Valley, San Ber- nardino County A 1 0-square-mi le basi n drained by the Santa Ana River. Younger alluvium. Unknown Unknown 10-60 1 4,000 4,700 8-9 Bear Valley, San Bernardino County A 30-square-mi 1 e basi n drained by Bear Creek. Young- er alluvium. 1,000 500 10-60 42,000 14,000 9-1 San Juan Valley, Orange County An 18-square-mile coastal basin drained by San Juan and Aliso Creeks. Younger al- luvium. 1,600 500 Ground surface to base of fresh water- bearing aquifer. 90,000 9,000 9-2 San Mateo Valley, San Diego County A 4-square-mile coastal ba- sin drained by San Mateo Creek. Younger alluvium. 1,800 700 5-55 14,000 14,000 9-3 San Onofre Valley, San Diego County A 2-square-mile coastal basin drained by San Onofre Creek. Younger alluvium. 150 50 5-55 6,500 6,500 9-4 Santa Margarita Valley, San Diego County A 13-square-mile coastal ba- sin drained by the Santa Mar- garita River. Younger alluvium. 2,000 1,250 5-100 61,600 24,000 9-5 Temeculd Valley, Riverside County A 150-square-mile basin drained by Murrieta Creek and the Santa Margarita River. Younger alluvium 1,750 750 1953 water level to 25 feet above base of younger alluvium 253,000 206,000 9-6 Coahuila Valley, Riverside County A 25 -square-mi 1 e basin drained by Coahuila Creek. Younger and older alluvium. 900 200 1953 water level to 25 feet above base of younger alluvium. 75,000 34,000 9-7 San Luis Rey Valley, San Diego County A 40-square-mile coastal ba- sin drained by the San Luis Rey River. Younger alluvium and residuum. 2,180 500 20-120 240,000 50,000 9-8 Warner Valley, San Diego County A 40-square-mi 1 e basin drained by the San Luis River. Younger alluvium. 1,800 800 20-220 550,000 55,000 52 GROUND WATER RESOURCES HYDROLOGIC STUDY AREA— Continued Development Degree of knowledge Problems Limited for irrigation and domestic use. Nat- ural recfiarge is included in Basin No. 8-5. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for domestic use. A potential for imited additional development. Limited for domestic use. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for domestic use. A potential for imited additional development. Moderate for irrigation and municipal use and limited for domestic and industrial use. Natural recfiarge is estimated to be greater tfian 10,500 AFY. Extractions about 5,000 AFY. A potential for limited additional development. Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DMG6, USGS126 SuperRcial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References; DWR 18,DMG 7 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 18; DMG 7 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 18, DMG 7 High for geology and hydrology. Moderate for water quality. References: DWR 108, 113, 150, SWRCB 3 Locally, TDS and nitrate high for domestic None known. None known. Lower portion sulfate, chloride, magne- sium and TDS high for domestic use, TDS, chloride, and boron high for irrigation use. Rising ground water and ponding. Moderate for irrigation use and limited for municipal, industrial, and military use. A poten- tial for limited additional development. Moderate for irrigation use and limited for domestic and military use. A potential for limited additional development. Intensive for military use, moderate for irriga- tion, and limited for municipal and industrial use. Natural recharge is estimated at about 6,000 AFY. 1972-73 extractions 9,500 AF. A poten- tial for limited additional development. Moderate for irrigation and limited for mu- nicipal, industrial and domestic uses. 1953 ex- tractions about 12,000 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate for irrigation use and limited for domestic use. 1953 extractions about 1,600 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate for irrigation and municipal use and limited for industrial and domestic use. A potential for limited to moderate additional de- velopment. Limited for irrigation, municipal, domestic, industrial, and stock watering uses. A potential for limited to moderate additional development. Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 49, 113 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 49, 113 Moderate for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 23, 49, 113, 182; USGS 57, 87 Moderate for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 23, 32,93, 182 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 23, 32, 95; USGS 57, 87 None known. None known. Lower portion, magnesium, sulfate, chlo- ride, nitrate, and TDS high for domestic use; chloride, boron and TDS high for irrigation use. Potential for sea water intrusion. Con- nate waters. Locally, sulfate, chloride, magnesium, ni- trate, and TDS high for domestic use; TDS high for irrigation use. Locally, sulfate, domestic use. and nitrate high for Moderate to intensive for geology, hydrol- Generally southwest portion magnesium, ogy, and water quality. sulfate, chloride, nitrate, iron, and TDS high References: for domestic use; chloride and TDS high for DWR 21, 48, 91,113, 159; USGS 57, 87, irrigation use. Sea water intrusion and con- nate water intrusion. Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR91, 113;USGS57, 87 Locally, fluoride high for domestic use; percent sodium high for irrigation use. 53 INVENTORY OF SOUTH HYDROLOGIC STUDY Basin number Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in 3pm Max. Aver. Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity in acre-feet 9-9 9-10 9-11 9-13 9-14 9-18 9-19 9-20 Escondido Valley, San Diego County San Pasqual Valley, San Diego County Santa Maria Valley, San Diego County San Dieguito Valley, San Diego County Poway Valley, San Diego County Mission Valley, San Diego County San Diego River Valley, San Diego County El Cajon Valley, San Diego County Sweetwater Valley, San Di ego County Otay Valley, San Diego County Tia Juana Basin, San Diego County Jamul Valley, San Diego County A 20-square-mile basin drained by Escondido Creek. Younger alluvium and residuum. A 1 2-square-mi le basin drained by Santa Ysabel Creek. Younger alluvium and residuum. A 24-square-mi le basin drained by Santa Maria Creek. Younger alluvium and residuum. A 6-square-mile coastal basin drained by the San Dieguito River. Younger alluvium. A 4-square-mi I e basin drained by Los Penasquitos Creek. Younger alluvium and residuum. A 11-square-mile coastal ba- sin drained by the San Diego River. Younger alluvium. A 1 5-square-mi le basin drained by the San Diego River. Younger alluvium and residuum. A 8-square-mi I e basin drained by Forrester Creek. Younger alluvium and residuum. A 3-square-mile coastal basin drained by the Sweetwater River. Younger alluvium. A 4-square-mile coastal basin drained by the Otay River. Younger alluvium. A 8-square-mile coastal basin drained by the Tia Juana River. Younger alluvium. A 5 -square-mile basin drained by the Sweetwater River. Younger alluvium and residuum. 190 1,700 20-70 1,000 300 50 Unknown 0-195 Unknown Unknown Unkno Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 24,000 73,000 77,000 63,000 12,000 37,000 50,000 8,000 Unknown Unknown 42,000 97,000 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10,500 24,200 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 54 GROUND WATER RESOURCES COASTAL AREA — Continued Moderate for irrigation and limited for indus- trial, domestic, and stock watering uses. Extrac- tions about 6,000 AF in 1968. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate for industrial and limited for domes- tic and stock watering uses. Natural recharge estimated at about 5,000 AFY. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for irrigation, industrial, domestic, and stock watering uses. Natural recharge is esti- mated to be greater than 2,000 AFY. A poten- tial tor limited to moderate additional develop- ment. Moderate for irrigation and limited for indus- trial and domestic uses. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate for irrigation and limited for domes- tic and stock uses. A potential for limited addi- tional development. Moderate for irrigation use. Limited for mu- nicipal, industrial, and domestic use. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate for irrigation use and limited for domestic, municipal, industrial and stock water- ing use. A potential for limited to moderate additional development. Moderate for irrigation use and limited for industrial and domestic use. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate for irrigation use and limited for industrial and domestic use. Natural recharge is estimated at about 1,100 AFY. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for municipal, irrigation, domestic and industrial uses. A potential for limited addi- tional development. Extensive for irrigation and limited for indus- trial, domestic and military uses. Natural recharge is estimated at about 8,000 AFY. 1952-53 ex- tractions about 18,000 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate for irrigation use. Limited for in- dustrial, domestic and stock watering use. A po- tential for limited additional development. Superficial for geology and limited for hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 59, 113, 166 Moderate for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 22, 59; SWRCB 3, USGS 37 Moderate for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 22, 59, 186 Moderate for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 22, 49, 59, 113, 186,- USGS 37 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 11 3, USGS 37 Moderate for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 21, 49, 113, 141; SWRCB 3; USGS 37 Moderate for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 21, 113, 141; USGS 37 Moderate for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 41, 113; USGS 37 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 49, 113 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 49, 113, 149 High for geology. Moderate for hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 25, 35, 36, 49, 113 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 113; DMG 9 Proble Commonly marginal to unsuitable for domestic use, nitrate, TDS, chloride high for irrigation use. Locally, nitrate and TDS high for domestic use; chloride high for irrigation use. h-ligh ground water table and ponding. Locally, sulfate, nitrate and TDS high for domestic use,- chloride high for irrigation use. Commonly unsuitable for domestic use, high sulfate and TDS. Commonly unsuitable for ir- rigation use, high TDS, chloride and boron potential. Potential sea-water and connate intrusion. High ground water table and ponding. Commonly marginal to unsuitable for domestic use. Locally, TDS, boron, and chlo- ride high for irrigation use. Upper portion of valley, magnesium, sul- fate, chloride, and TDS high for domestic use; TDS and chloride high for irrigation use. High ground water table and ponding. Suspected sea-water intrusion. Lower portion of valley, magnesium, sul- fate, chloride, nitrate, manganese, iron and TDS high for domestic use; chloride high for irrigation use. Largely unsuitable for domestic use, high nitrate. Chloride high for irrigation use. Unsuitable for domestic use, high TDS. Unsuitable for irrigation use, high chloride and TDS. Connate intrusion. Lower portion unsuitable for domestic use, high TDS. Unsuitable for irrigation use, high chloride and TDS. Unsuitable for domestic use, high sulfate and TDS. Unsuitable for irrigation use, high chloride and TDS. Locally marginal to unsuitable for domestic use, high nitrate and TDS. Generally marginal to inferior for irrigation use, high chloride. 55 Legend I I YOUNGER ALLUVIUM H OLDER AaUVIUM H OLDER MARINE SEDIMENTS H YOUNGER VOLCANICS ■I OLDER VOLCANICS B~] OLDER VOLCANICS& SEDIMENTS GROUND WATER BASINS - SACRAMENTO BASIN HYDROLOGIC STUDY AREA 56 SACRAMENTO BASIN HYDROLOGIC STUDY AREA Ground Waier Basins No. Old No. 5-1 5-2 5-2.01 5-2.02 5-3 5-4 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-21 5-30 5-31 5-32 5-33 Name Goose Lake Valley Alturas Basin South Fork Pit River and Alturas Area Warm Springs Valley. . Jess Valley Big Valley Fall River Valley Redding Basin Lake Almanor Valley. . . Mountain Meadows Valley Indian Valley American Valley Mohawk Valley Sierra Valley Upper Lake Valley Scott Valley Kelseyville Valley (Big Valley) High Valley Burns Valley Coyote Valley Coilayomi Valley Berryessa Valley Sacramento Valley Lower Lake Valley . . . . Long Valley Modoc Plateau Recent Volcanic Areas Modoc Plateau Pleisto- cene Volcanic Areas County No. Modoc Modoc Modoc Modoc Modoc Lassen, Modoc Lassen, Shasta Shasta, Tehama Plumas Lassen Plumas Plumas Plumas Plumas, Sierra Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Napa Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Placer, Sacra- mento, Solano, Sutter, Tehama, Yolo, Yuba Lake Lake Lassen, Modoc, Shasta, Siskiyou Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama 5-34 5-35 5-36 5-37 5-38 5-39 5-40 5-41 5-42 5-43 5-44 5-45 5-46 5-47 5-48 5-49 5-50 5-51 5-52 5-53 5-54 5-55 5-56 5-57 5-58 5-59 5-60 5-61 5-62 5-63 5-64 5-65 5-66 5-67 5-68 Old No. Name MountShasta Area McCloud Area Round Valley Toad Well Area Pondosa Town Area Fandango Valley Hot Spring Valley Egg Lake Valley Bucher Swamp Valley. . . . Rocky Prairie Valley Long Valley Cayton Valley Lake Britton Area Goose Valley Burney Creek Valley. . . . Dry Burney Creek Valley. North Fork Battle Creek Valley Butte Creek Valley Gray Valley Dixie Valley Ash Valley Sacramento Valley Eastside Tuscan Formation Highlands Yellow Creek Valley. . . . Last Chance Creek Valley Clover Valley Grizzly Valley Humbug Valley Chrome Town Area Elk Creek Area Stonyford Town Area . . . . Bear Valley Little Indian Valley Clear Lake Cache Formation Highlands Clear Lake Pleistocene Volcanics Pope Valley County Siskiyou Siskiyou Modoc Siskiyou Shasta, Siskiyou Modoc Lassen, Modoc, Shasta Modoc Modoc Modoc Lassen, Modoc Shasta Shasta Shasta Shasta Shasta Shasta Lassen Lassen Lassen Lassen Butte, Plumas, Tehama Plumas Plumas Plumas Plumas Plumas Glenn Glenn Colusa, Glenn Colusa Lake Lake Lake Lake 57 Summary The Sacramento Basin Hydrologic Study Area (HSA) generally includes the northern third of the Great Central Valley and the upper Sacramento River drainage area. In this HSA. 61 ground water basins, subareas. and areas of potential ground water storage have been identified. The inventory covers 24 ground water basins and sub-basins. These 24 basins, with a total area of about 6,400 square miles, have been identi- fied as significant sources of ground water. Sacra- mento Valley alone occupies 5,000 square miles. The southern portion of the Sacramento Valley ground wa- ter basin. Basin No. 5-21. is in the San Joaquin Basin HSA, and Sacramento Valley is only listed and de- scribed in the Sacramento Basin HSA. Water bearing deposits range in thickness up to about 3,000 feet, and several basins contain flowing wells. The estimated storage capacity of 22 basins is about 139.3 million acre-feet. Usable storage capacity of 8 basins is estimated to be about 22.1 million acre-feet, 22 million of which are in the Sacramento Valley. The principal factors limiting development are the low permeability of the aquifer material, water quality, and economic considerations such as the costs of well drill- ing and pumping energy. Ground water temperature ranges from about 55° to INVENTORY OF SACRAMENTO HYDROLOGIC Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity Bdsin number Max. Aver. in acre-feet 5-1 Goose Lake Valley, Modoc County A 75-square-mi le basin drained by the North Fork Pit River. Younger alluvium and older volcanics. 2,500 1,500 0-500 1,000,000 Unknown 5-2 Alturas Basin 5-2.01 Alturas Basin — South Fork Pit River and Alturas area A 140-square-mile basin drained by the South Fork Pit River. Younger and older allu- vium and older volcanics. 1,000 400 0-800 6,700,000 Unknown 5-2.02 Alturas Basin — Warm Springs Valley, Modoc County A 100-square-mile basin drained by the Pit River. Older alluvium and older volcanics. 1,000 400 0-800 1,600,000 Unknown 5-3 Jess Valley, Modoc County A9-square-mile basin drained by the South Fork Pit River. Younger alluvium. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5-4 Big Valley, Lassen and Mo- doc Counties. A 160-squdre-mile basin drained by the Pit River. Young- er and older alluvium, and older volcanics. 900 300 0-1000 3,700,000 Unknown 5-5 Fall River Valley, Lassen and Shasta Counties A 120-square-mile basin drained by the Pit River. Young- er alluvium and younger and older volcanics. 2,500 450 0-400 1,000,000 Unknown 5-6 Redding Basin, Shasta and Tehama Counties A 510-square-mile basin drained by the Sacramento River. Younger and older allu- vium. 2,150 640 0-300 3,500,000 Unknown 5-7 Lake Almanor Valley, Plumas County A 7-square-mile basin drained by the Feather River. Younger alluvium. 300 100 10-210 45,000 Unknown 58 about 75°F. TDS content varies from less than 55 milli- grams per liter (mg/1) to as high as 2,790 mg/1. The predominant water type is calcium bicarbonate, but sodium and magnesium bicarbonate water are also found in certain areas. Properly constructed wells in some areas can yield over 3,000 gallons per minute. Ground water pumping has caused land subsidence m the Sacramento Valley in an area between Zamora and Davis of about 0.2 to 0.9 feet from 1935 to 1964, and as much as 2 feet m two areas east of Zamora and west of Arbuckle. Total ground water pumpage m the HSA during 1970 is es- timated at 2.0 million acre-feet. Saline water at shallow depths has been encoun- tered in a number of locations in the Sacramento Val- ley, principally in the Sutter Basin and the Sacramento Delta. High boron concentrations are found in certain locations in the following valleys; Goose Lake Valley, Alturas Basin, Sierra Valley, Upper Lake Valley, Kelsey- ville Valley. High Valley, Coyote Valley, and Lower Lake Areas. The Sacramento Basin is an area of abundant and inexpensive surface water supplies. This is the mam reason why ground water levels for the most part are at or near the historical high. Essentially, the basin is filled to Its maximum storage capacity, and the poten- tial for further development of ground water is very high. GROUND WATER RESOURCES BASIN STUDY AREA Development Desree of knowledge Problems Limited for domestic, stock and irrigation use. Estimated 1974 pumpage 4,000 AF. Estimated safe yield 10,000 AFY. A potential for mod- erate additional development. Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR96, 97, 187 Northeastern portion has zones of high concentrations of fluoride, boron, and per- cent sodium. Thermal water at depth. Moderate for domestic, irrigation, munici- pal, and stock use. For the entire Alturas Basin, estimated 1974 pumpage 9,000 AF: estimated safe yield 17,000 AFY. A potential for mod- erate additional development. Moderate for domestic, irrigation, municipal and stock use. A potential for moderate addi- tional development Limited for domestic and stock use. Addition- al potential unknown. Moderate for domestic, industrial, and stock use. Estimated 1974 pumpage 5,000 AF and estimated 1970 safe yield 10,000 AFY. Addi- tional development for irrigation supply may be restricted due to tight sediments or low yielding sediments. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for irrigation and domestic use. 1970 pumpage 13,000 AF. Safe yield 39,000 AFY. Supplemental supply for irrigation appears promising. A potential for moderate additional development. Moderate for domestic, irrigation, municipal, f stock and industrial use. Estimated 1970 pump- j age 40,000 AF. Safe yield is greater than i 46,000 AFY. Essentially, the ground water j basin is full. A potential for high additional I development except in northern part of basin. Limited for domestic and irrigation use. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR96, 97, 187 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 96, 97 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 45, 185 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR96, 97, 187, USBR 5 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 66, 96, 97, 187 Moderate for geology in central area, limited in outer area. Limited for hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 16,66, 139, 187 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 45. Localized zones of high nitrate, iron, boron, and percent sodium. One well pro- duced water having 310 mg, I nitrates. High percent sodium. None known. Poor quality thermal waters from hot springs — unsuitable for beneficial uses. High iron and manganese concentrations areawide. High nitrate concentrations locally. High sodium sulfate concentration in water in South Central part of basin. High iron, nitrate and excessive sodium locally. Saline water containing sodium and boron at shallow depth along the north half of basin. None known. 59 INVENTORY OF SACRAMENTO HYDROLOGIC STUDY Basin number 5-9 5-10 5-16 5-18 Basin name, county Mountain Meadows Valley, Lassen County Indian Valley, Plumas County American Valley, Plumas County Mohawk Valley, Plumas County Sierra Valley, Plumas and Sierra Counties. Upper Lake Valley, Lake County Scott Valley, Lake County Kelseyville Valley, (Big Val- ley) Lake County High Valley, Lake County Burns Valley, Lake County Coyote Valley, Lake County Collayomi Valley, Lake County Sacramento Valley, Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Placer, Sacra- mento, Solano, Sutter, Tehama, Yolo and Yuba Counties Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material A 1 0-square-mi I e basin drained by the Feather River. Younger alluvium and older volcanics. A 20-square-mi le basin drained by the Feather River. Younger alluvium. A 7-square-mi I e basin drained by the Feather River. Younger alluvium. A 8-squa re-mile basin drained by the North Fork of the Feather River. Younger alluvium. A 140-square-mile basin drained by the North Fork of the Feather River. Younger allu- A 1 5-square-mi le basin drained by Cold Creek. Young- er alluvium. A 4-square-mi I e basin drained by Scott Creek. Younger allu- vium. A 30-square-mi I e basin drained by Adobe Creek. Younger alluvium and older vol- canics. A 3-square-mile basin drained by the North Fork of Cache Creek. Younger alluvium. A 2-square-mile basin drain- ing into Clear Lake. Younger alluvium. A6-square-mile basin drained by Putah Creek. Younger allu- vium. A 7-square-mi le basin drained by Putah Creek. Younger allu- vium. A 5,000-square-mile basin drained by the Sacramento River. Younger and older al- luvium and older volcanics and sediments. Well yields in gpm Max. Unknown 1,000 Unknown Unknown 1,350 1,000 1,200 1,200 4,000 Depth zone in feet Unknown 300 10-100 10,900 5,000 500 Storage capacity in acre-feet Unknown 90,000 7,500,000 Usable capacity in acre-feet Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10-100 5,900 1 1 5,600 9,000 27,000 29,000 113,650,000 4,500 60,000 1,400 7,000 7,000 22,000,000 60 GROUND WATER RESOURCES BASIN AREA — Continued Development Limited for domestic and stock use. A poten- tial for limited additional development. Limited for domestic, irrigation and stock use. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for irrigation, domestic, and stock use. A potential for limited additional develop- ment. Limited for irrigation, domestic, and stock use. Potential for developing additional irriga- tion water is restricted due to low permeability material underlying the valley floor. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for irrigation, domestic, and stock use. Ground water pumpage below safe yield. A po- tential for moderate to fiigfi additional develop- ment. Moderate for irrigation, domestic, and stock use. Estimated 1966 pumpage 3,500 AF. Esti- mated safe yield 4,400 AFY. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate for irrigation, domestic, and stock use. Estimated safe yield 2,300 AFY. A poten- tial for limited additional development. Intensive for irrigation, domestic, and indus- trial use. Estimated 1966 pumpage 14,500 AF. Estimated safe yield 15,000 AFY. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate for domestic, irrigation, and stock use. Estimated 1966 pumpage 400 AF. Esti- mated safe yield 300 AFY. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for domestic, irrigation, and stock use. Estimated safe yield 600 AFY. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate for domestic, irrigation, and stock use. Estimated 1966 pumpage 2,330 AF. Esti- mated safe yield 5,000 AFY. A potential for moderate additional development. Moderate for domestic, irrigation and stock use. A potential for moderate additional devel- opment. Moderate to intensive for irrigation, domes- tic, stock and industrial use. Estimated 1970 pumpage 1,850,000 AF. A potential for high additional development in many locations in this basin, mainly near the Sacramento River and northern half of the basin. Degree of knowledge Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 45 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 45 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 45 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 96, 97 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 96, 97, 184 Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 11, 45; USBR 12 Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 11, 45; USBR 12 Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 11, 45; USBR 12 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 45; USBR 12; USGS 125 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 45; USBR 12; USGS 125 Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 98; USBR 6, 12; USGS 125 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 98; USBR 12; USGS 125 Limited in geology, hydrology, and water quality except for several isolated areas of moderate, high and intensive. References: DWR 1, 3, 7, 1 5, 122, 124, 126, 193, 194; USBR 6; USGS 9, 11, 75, 94, 116; Misc. 15 Problems None known. None known. None known. In local areas ground water is unsuitable for beneficial uses. Warm to hot ground waters high in fluoride and boron occur in the central por- tion of valley. High boron — west and southern portions of the valley. None known. High boron eastern, southern, and north- ern perimeters of the valley. Local problems with high iron and boron content. Minor boron problems. Localized nitrate problems. High boron. None known. Land subsidence— as much as 2 feet, east of Zamora and west of Arbuckle, possibly caused by overdraft. Saline water at shallow depth south and west of Sutter Buttes. Mod- erately high boron in the Arbuckle and Woodland areas. Shallow poor quality water in Sacramento Delta area. 61 INVENTORY OF SACRAMENTO HYDROLOGIC Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity Bdsin number Max. Aver. in acre-feet 5-30 Lower Lake Valley, Lake County A 5-square-mile basin drained by Seigler Creek. Younger allu- vium. 300 Unknown 0-75 4,000 Unknown 5-36 Round Valley, Modoc County A 1 5-square-mi 1 e basin drained by the Pit River. Young- er and older alluvium. 400 150 0-200 120,000 Unknown 5-60 Humbug Valley, Plumas County A 1 4-square-mi le basin drained by the North Fork Feather River. Younger allu- vium. Unknown Unknown 0-100 76,000 Unknown 62 GROUND WATER RESOURCES COASTAL AREA — Continued Development Limited for domestic, and minor irrigation use. Estimated 1966 pumpage 270 AF. Estimated safe yield 800 AFV. A potential for limited to mod- erate additional development. Limited for domestic, irrigation, and stock use. Additional development for irrigation sup- ply may be restricted due to low yielding sedi- ments. A potential for limited additional devel- opment. Limited for irriqation, domestic, and stock use. Additional development for irrigation water is restricted due to low permeability material underlying the valley floor. A potential for limited additional development. Degree of knowledge Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: USBR 12, USGS 125 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 96, 97 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 96, 97 Problems High boron. Some waters unsatisfactory for domestic use. Low yielding sediments. None known. 63 Legend I I YOUNGER ALLUVIUM OLDER ALLUVIUM r~l OLDER V0LCANICS8. SEDIMENTS GROUND WATER BASINS - SAN JOAQUIN BASIN HYDR^L^ STUDY AREA SAN JOAQUIN BASIN HYDROLOGIC STUDY AREA Ground Water Basins No. Old No. Name County 5-21 Sacramento Valley Sacramento, Solano, Yolo 5-22 San Joaquin Valley Alameda, Contra Costa, Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, Sacra- mento, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tulare 5-23 Panoche Valley. San Benito 5-24 Squaw Valley Fresno 5-25 Kern 5-26 Walker Basin Creek Kern Valley 5-27 Cummings Valley Kern 5-28 Tehachapi Valley West . Kern 5-29 Castaic Lake Valley Yosemite Valley 5-69 Mariposa 5-70 Los Banos Creek Valley. . Merced 5-71 Vallecitos Creek Valley. . Cedar Grove Area Three Rivers Area Springville Area 5-72 Fresno 5-73 5-74 Tulare 5-75 Templeton Mountain Area Tulare 5-76 Tulare 5-77 5-78 Rockhouse Meadow Valley Tulare 5-79 Inns Valley Tulare 5-80 Brite Valley Bear Valley 5-81 5-82 Cuddy Canyon Valley. . . . Kern 5-83 Ventura 5-84 Cuddy Valley Mill Potrera Area Kern 5-85 Kern Summary The San Joaquin Basin Hydrologic Study Area (HSA) includes roughly the southern two-thirds of the Great Central Valley of California. The HSA is bordered onihe north by the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, on the east by the Sierra Nevada, on the south by the Tehachapi Mountains, and on the west by the Coast Ranges. The San Joaquin River drams a large part of the HSA, but the southern part of the HSA is an interior drainage area, tributary to evaporation sumps, chiefly Tulare and Buena Vista lakebeds. The northern part of the San Joaquin Basin HSA includes the southern por- tion of the Sacramento Valley ground water basin. Ba- sin No. 5-21. Sacramento Valley Basin No. 5-21 is listed and described only in Sacramento Basin HSA. In the HSA, 26 ground water basins and areas of potential ground water storage have been identified. The inventory covers nine ground water basins. These nine basins have been identified as significant sources of ground water. The total area of these nine basins is about 13,700 square miles, of which the San Joaquin Valley alone occupies 13,500 square miles, the largest ground water basin in the State. The maximum thickness of fresh water-bearing deposits (4,400 feet) occurs at the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley just north of Wheeler Ridge. Es- timated storage capacity between depths of 0 and 1,- 000 feet IS over 570 million acre-feet. The estimated usable storage capacity exceeds 80 million acre-feet; the principal factors limiting development are water quality and the high cost of pumping. Estimated stor- age capacity in three small basins is about 475,000 acre- feet. Ground water temperatures range from about 45° to about 105° F. TDS content of the water vanes from 64 to more than 10,000 milligrams per liter. The predomi- nant water type vanes from aquifer to aquifer and the source of recharge. The character of the water on the east side of the valley is predominantly sodium-cal- cium bicarbonate; water on the west sid.e principally contains sodium sulfate. Properly constructed wells in some areas yield over 3,000 gallons per minute. Subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley due to ground water extraction began m the mid-1920s. In 1942, 3 mil- lion acre-feet were pumped for irrigation, but by 1970, pumping for irrigation exceeded 10 million acre-feet As a result, water levels in the western and southern portions of the valley declined at an increased rate during the 1950s and 1960s. By 1970, 5,200 square miles of valley land had been affected, and maximum subsid- ence exceeded 28 feet in an area west of Mendota. Much of the Los Banos-Kettleman City subsidence area is now served by the San Luis Unit of the Central Valley Project. Since 1968, as more state and federal water has been used for irrigation, water levels have been recovering. In one instance, the rise in piezomet- ric level exceeded 200 feet, and m about three-fourths of the area the rise has been over 100 feet. In the future, when the full contractual Project deliveries are made, subsidence in this area is expected to cease. Since 1971, State Water deliveries to some parts of the Wheeler Ridge-Mancopa Water Storage District m Kern County have resulted in a ground water level re- covery of as much as 75 feet. Artificial recharge is the intentional replenishment of ground water. Extensive use of natural stream chan- nels and man-made basins allows large volumes of sur- face water to percolate into the ground water basin. In 1973, for this HSA. 1.6 million acre-feet were artificially recharged or stored in the San Joaquin Valley ground water basin for future use. 65 INVENTORY OF SAN JOAQUIN HYDROLOGIC Basin number 5-22 Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Max. Aver. Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity in acre-feet 5-26 5-27 San Joaquin Valley, Ala- meda, Contra Costa, Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Stan- islaus, and Tulare Counties A 13,500-square-mile basin drained by the San Joaquin River. Younger and older allu- vium. 3,200 Panoche Valley, San Benito County Squaw Valley, Fresno County Kern River Valley, Kern County Walker Basin Creek Valley, Kern County Cummings Valley, Kern County Tehachapi Valley — West, Kern County Castaic Lake Valley, Kern County 5-80 Brite Valley, Kern County A 50-square-mi le basin drained by Panoche Creek. Younger and older alluvium. A 8-square-mile basin drained by Wahtoke Creek. Younger A 70-square-mi le basin drained by the Kern River. Younger alluvium. A 1 6-square-mi le basin drained by Walker Basin Creek. Younger alluvium. A 1 3-square-mi le basin drained by Cummings Creek. Younger alluvium. A 37-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger and older alluvium. A 2-square-mile basin drained by Grapevine Creek. Younger alluvium. A 3-square-mi I e basin drained by Brite Creek. Younger allu- vium. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1,100 570,000,000 80,000,000 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unkn Unknown Unknown 350,000 Unknown 15,000 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 66 GROUND WATER RESOURCES BASIN STUDY AREA Development Intensive for irrigation, domestic, industrial, municipal, and stock use. Estimated 1970 pump- age 10 million acre-feet. A potential for high additional development in northern portion of valley, and a limited potential for additional development in the southern portion of the valley. Degree of knowledge Limited for irrigation and domestic use. Po- tential for additional development is unknown. Limited for irrigation and domestic use. Po- tential for additional development is unknown. Moderate for irrigation use. Limited for do- mestic use. A potential for limited to moderate additional development. Limited for irrigation and domestic use. Po- tential for additional development is unknown. Intensive for irrigation and domestic use. Estimated 1960 pumpage 4,200 AF. No poten- tial for additional development. Intensive for irrigation, industrial, municipal and domestic use. Estimated 1960 pumpage 9,500 AF. No potential for additional develop- ment. Limited for irrigation and domestic use. Po- tential for additional development is unknown. Intensive for irrigation and domestic use. Esti- mated 1960 pumpage 600 AF. No potential for additional development. High for geology, hydrology, and water quality in most of valley, isolated areas of moderate and limited. References: DWR 8, 15, 63, 64, 73, 122, 124, 127, 131, 133, 134, 136, 142, 143, 154, 158; USBR 2, 4, 8; USGS 12, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 50, 53, 54, 73, 74, 83, 97, 98, 99, 100, 106, 130, 132; Misc. 7 Superficial for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 46; DMG 1 Superficial for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DMG 5 Superficial for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 38 Superficial for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DMG 8 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 30; Misc. 9 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 34; Misc. 9 Superficial for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 84 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: Misc. 9 Problems Much of the Valley is in overdraft condi- tion, which has caused excessive land subsidence along the west side and southern partof the Valley — maximum subsidence of 28 feet southwest of Mendota and extensive dewdtering of unconfined aquifers east of the valley trough from Merced Irrigation District to the extreme southern part of the basin. A major water quality problem is the rising saline connate waters in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta from Stockton to Tracy. Shal- low poor quality water on west side of Valley. High sodium, chloride and sulfate water occur in scattered areas throughout trough of the Valley north of Fresno. High boron concentrations in areas in the Tulare Lake Basin. High nitrates around the Delano area. None known. None known. None known. None known. Annual overdraft, 1,700 AF (1960). In February 1974, Tehachapi-Cummings Water Storage District started to receive State Water Project water. Annual overdraft, 5,800 AF (1960). In February 1974, Tehachapi-Cummings Water Storage District started to receive State Water Project water None known. Annual overdraft of 500 AF (1960). 67 sc ?TuDY AREA KEY Legend I I YOUNGER ALLUVIUM OLDER ALLUVIUM I I YOUNGER VOLCANICS I I OLDER VOLCANICS GROUND WATER BASINS - NORTH LAHONTAN HYDROLOGIC STUDY ARE 68 NORTH LAHONTAN HYDROLOGIC STUDY AREA Ground Water Basins Old No. No. 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-5.01 6-5.02 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-67 6-91 6-92 6-93 6-94 6-95 6-96 -■-97 - -Cn 0-102 6-103 6-104 6-105 -•-10" Name Surprise Valley. Madeline Plains Willow Creek Valley. Honey Lake Valley. . . Tahoe Valley Tahoe Valley — South. Tahoe Valley — North. Carson Valley Antelope Valley (Topaz Valley) Bridgeport Valley Martis Valley (Truckee Valley) Cow Head Lake Valley. Pine Creek Valley Harvey Valley Grasshopper Valley. . . Dry Valley Eagle Lake Area Horse Lake Valley Tuleddd Canyon Area . . Painters Flat Secret Valley Bull Flat Modoc Plateau Recent Volcanic Areas Modoc Plateau Pleisto- cene Volcanic Areas Long Valley Slinkard Valley Little Antelope Valley. Sweetwater Flat County Lassen, Modoc Lassen Lassen Lassen El Dorado, Placer El Dorado Placer Alpine Mono Mono Nevada, Placer Modoc Lassen Lassen Lassen Lassen Lassen Lassen Lassen Lassen Lassen Lassen Lassen Lassen Lassen, Sierra Mono Mono Mono Summary The North Lahontan Hydrologic Study Area (MSA) ccupies the northeastern portion of California. A part ' the Great Basin, a large region of interior drainage, ^e MSA lies east of the drainage divide between the Central Valley and the streams flowing either into Ne- vada or into closed intermittent lakes near the Califor- nia-Nevada border. The HSA is bounded on the east by Nevada and on the west by the crests of the Sierra Nevada and the Warner Range. From north to south, the HSA extends from the Oregon border to the south- ern edge of the Walker River Basin in Mono County. In the HSA, 27 ground water basins, sub-basins and areas of potenti&l, ground water storage have been identified. The inventory covers 10 valleys with a total area of about 1.340 square miles which have been iden- tified as significant sources of ground water. The es- timated storage capacity of eight of the valleys is about 23.8 million acre-feet. Only one basin, Truckee Valley, has been analyzed to determine its usable stor- age capacity, which was estimated at 50,000 acre-feet. The maximum yield from an individual well, measured in the Madeline Plains, is about 3,800 gpm; however, the highest average yield of wells, measured in Sur- prise Valley and Honey Lake Valley, is about 900 gpm. Minor development of ground water has taken place in most of the basins, and the potential for further development appears promising. Limiting factors in- clude (1) economic considerations, such as the costs of drilling a well and pumping energy, and (2) quality considerations, such as the high mineral concentra- tions in ground water in parts of the HSA. Although ground water temperatures normally range from about 50° F to 80°F, temperatures as high as 182°F have been measured in thermal springs in Sur- prise Valley. TDS is generally lower than 500 mg/1, but in some areas concentrations up to 2,030 mg/1 have been measured. The predominant mineral in the ground water is calcium carbonate; however, sodium, magnesium, chloride, and sulfate are also found locally in significant quantities. Thermal water in Surprise Val- ley contains significant concentrations of sodium sul- fate and sodium chloride. 69 INVENTORY OF NORTH HYDROLOGIC Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity Basin number Max. Aver. in acre-feet ■/6-1 Surprise Valley, Lassen and Modoc Counties A 350-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Youngerallu- vium. 2,800 900 0-400 4,000,000 Unknown ' 6-2 Madeline Plains, Lassen County A 270-square-mile basin with interna 1 drainage. Younger allu- vium and older volcanics. 3,800 350 0-600 2,000,000 Unknown 6-3 Willow Creek Valley, Las- sen County A 20-squa re-mi 1 e basin drained by Willow Creek. Younger alluvium and younger and older volcanics. 1,200 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6-4 Honey Lake Valley, Lassen County A 490-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Extends into Nevada. Younger alluvium and older volcanics. 2,100 900 0-750 16,000,000 Unknown 6-5 Tahoe Valley 6-5.01 Tahoe Valley — South, El Dorado County A 21 -square-mi 1 e basin drained by the Upper Truckee River. Younger alluvium. 130 80 20-100 84,000 Unknown 6-5.02 Tahoe Valley — North, Pla- cer County A 4-squdre-mile basin drained by the Truckee River. Younger alluvium Unknown Unknown Unknown Estimate included in 6-5.01 Unknown 6-6 Carson Valley, Alpine County A 20-square-mi le basin drained by the Carson River. Younger and older alluvium. Unknown Unknown 20-120 100,000 Unknown 6-7 Antelope Valley, (Topaz Valley) Mono County A 36-squa re-mi 1 e basin drained by West Walker River. Younger alluvium. Unknown Unknown 20-120 340,000 Unknown 6-8 Bridseport Valley, Mono County A 100-square-mile basin drained by Robinson Creek and the East Walker River. Younger alluvium. Unknown Unknown 20-120 280,000 Unknown 6-67 Martis Valley (Truckee Val- ley), Nevada and Placer Counties A 25-square-mile basin drained by the Truckee River. Younger alluvium. 3,300 600 10-400 1,000,000 50,000 70 GROUND WATER RESOURCES LAHONTAN STUDY AREA Development Limited for irrigation, domestic, and stock use. 1974 pumpage has no long-term lowering effect on the ground water levels. A potential for moderate additional development. Limited for irrigation, domestic, and stock use. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for irrigation, domestic and stock use. A potential for moderate additional develop- ment. Moderate for irrigation, domestic, and stock use. A potential for high additional develop- ment. Degree of knowledge Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 96, 97, 163; USGS 7 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 96, 97, 156 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 96, 164 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 96, 97, 164; USGS 52 Problems Poor quality waters in thermal artesian wells and hot springs. High TDS, excessive iron and boron concentration. Two wells between Termo and Madeline have excessively high chlo- ride, sulfate and nitrate concentration. None known. High boron, TDS, fluoride arsenic, sulfate, and percent sodium. Accumulation of salts in basin most serious problem. Limited for domestic use and irrigation of the recreation areas (golf courses). A potential for high additional development. Limited for domestic use. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for irrigation and domestic use. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for irrigation and domestic use. A potential for moderate additional development. Limited for irrigation, domestic, and stock use. A potential for moderate additional develop- ment. Moderate for municipal and domestic use. Estimate safe yield 20,000 AFV. A potential for moderate additional development. Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 161; USGS 21 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: USGS 21; Misc. 3 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 58 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 57; Misc. 1,2 Limited for geology, in north half, super- ficial in south half. Superficial for hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 145; Misc. 1, 2 Moderate in geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: Misc. 3, 14 None knovj^n. None known. None known. Artesian wells in central portion of the valley contain high boron and fluoride con- centrations. None known. None known. 71 I I YOUNGER ALLUVIUM HI OLDER ALLUVIUM GROUND WATER BASINS - SOUTH LAHONTAN HYDROLOGIC STUDY ARE^ 72 SOUTH LAHONTAN HYDROLOGIC STUDY AREA Ground Water Basins No. Old No. 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-13 6-14 6-15 6-16 6-17 6-18 6-19 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23 6-24 6-25 6-26 6-27 6-28 6-29 6-30 6-31 6-32 6-33 6-34 6-35 6-36 6-37 6-38 6-39 6-40 6-41 6-42 6-43 6-44 Name Mono Valley Adobe Lake Valley. . . . Long Valley Owens Valley Black Springs Valley. . . . Fish Lake Valley Deep Springs Valley Eureka Valley Saline Valley Death Valley Wingate Valley Middle Amargosa Valley Lower Kingston Valley. . Upper Kingston Valley. . , Riggs Valley Red Pass Valley Bicycle Valley Avawatz Valley Leach Valley Pahrump Valley Mesquite Valley Ivanpah Valley Kelso Valley Broadwell Valley Soda Lake Valley Silver Lake Valley Cronise Valley Langford Valley Coyote Lake Valley Caves Canyon Valley. . . Troy Valley Lower Mojave River Valley Middle Mojave River Valley Upper Mojave River Valley El Mirage Valley Antelope Valley County No. Mono 6-45 Mono 6-46 Mono 6-47 Inyo, Mono Inyo 6-48 Inyo, Mono Inyo 6-49 Inyo Inyo 6-50 Inyo, San Bernardino 6-51 Inyo, San Bernardino 6-52 Inyo, San Bernardino San 6-53 Bernardino San 6-54 Bernardino San Bernardino 6-55 San 6-56 Bernardino 6-57 San 6-58 Bernardino 6-59 San 6-60 Bernardino 6-61 San 6-62 Bernardino 6-63 Inyo 6-64 Inyo, San 6-65 Bernardino 6-66 San 6-68 Bernardino 6-69 San 6-70 Bernardino 6-71 San Bernardino 6-72 San 6-73 Bernardino 6-74 San 6-75 Bernardino 6-76 San Bernardino 6-77 San Bernardino 6-78 San Bernardino 6-79 San Bernardino 6-80 San 6-81 Bernardino 6-82 San 6-83 Bernardino 6-84 San 6-85 Bernardino 6-86 San 6-87 Bernardino San 6-88 Bernardino Kern, Los 6-89 Angeles, San 6-90 Bernardino Old No. Name Tehachapi Valley East. . . . Fremont Valley Harper Valley Goldstone Valley Superior Valley Cuddeback Valley Pilot Knob Valley Searles Valley Salt Wells Valley Indian Wells Valley. ... Coso Valley Rose Valley Darwin Valley Panamint Valley Granite Mountain Area. Fish Slough Valley Cameo Area Race Track Valley h-lidden Valley Marble Canyon Area . . . Cottonwood Spring Area Lee Flat Santa Rosa Flat Kelso Lander Valley. . . . Cactus Flat Lost Lake Valley Coles Flat Wild Horse Mesa Area Harrisburg Flats Wildrose Canyon Brown Mountain Valley Grass Valley Denning Spring Valley. . California Valley Middle Park Canyon . . . Butte Valley Spring Canyon Valley. . Furnace Creek Area Greenwater Valley Gold Valley Rhodes Hill Area Butterbread Canyon Valley Owl Lake Valley Kane Wash Area Cady Fault Area County Kern Kern Kern, San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino Inyo, Kern, San Bernardino San Bernardino Inyo, Kern, San Bernardino Inyo Inyo Inyo Inyo Mono Inyo, Mono Inyo Inyo Inyo Inyo Inyo Inyo Inyo Kern Inyo San Bernardino Inyo Inyo Inyo Inyo San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino Inyo, San Bernardino Inyo Inyo Inyo Inyo Inyo Inyo Inyo Kern San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino 73 Summary The South Lahontan Hydrologic Study Area (HSA), which IS primarily desert, is drained internally with no outlet to the ocean. Three important rivers which flow throughout the year, at least m their upper reaches, are the Owens, Mojave, and Amargosa. In the South Lahontan HSA, 81 ground water basins and areas of potential ground water storage have been identified. The inventory covers 55 ground water ba- sins. These 55 basins, with a total area of about 13,600 square miles have been identified as significant sources of ground water. The water-bearing deposits range in thickness up to 2,000 feet. Total storage capacity for 50 of the basins, within selected depth intervals, is about 246.8 million acre- feet. Usable storage capacity of two basins is estimat- ed to be about 11.2 million acre-feet. One major limiting INVENTORY OF SOUTH HYDROLOGIC Basin name, county Basin description; size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity Basin number Max. Aver. in acre-feet 6-9 Mono Valley, Mono County A 250-square-mile basin with with internal drainage. Younger alluvium and glacial deposits. 80 35 20-220 3,400,000 Unknown 6-10 Adobe Lake Valley, Mono County A 60-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger al- luvium. Unknown Unknown 20-120 320,000 Unknown 6-11 Long Valley, Mono County A 120-square-mile basin con- taining the head-waters of the Owens River. Younger alluvium and glacial deposits. 250 90 20-120 160,000 Unknown 6-12 Owens Valley, Inyo and Mono Counties A 1,030-square-mile basin drained by the Owens River. Younger and older alluvium, and glacial deposits. 9,000 1,500-L 20-1,000 30,000,000 Unknown 6-13 Black Springs Valley, Inyo County A 50-square-mile basin trib- utary to Owens Valley. Young- er alluvium. Unknown Unknown 20-120 230,000 Unknown 6-14 Fish Lake Valley, Inyo and Mono Counties A 70-square-mi 1 e basin drained by Cottonwood Creek. Extends into Nevada. Younger and older alluvium. Unknown Unknown 50-150 320,000 Unknown 6-15 Deep Springs Valley, Inyo County A 40-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger al- luvium. 700 390 20-220 740,000 Unknown 6-16 Eureka Valley, Inyo County A 160-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger and older alluvium. Unknown Unknown 100-300 2,070,000 Unknown 6-17 Saline Valley, Inyo County A 210-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Waucoba Wash main drainage channel. Younger alluvium. Unknown Unknown 20-220 2,430,000 Unknown 6-18 Death Valley, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties A 1,320-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Major drainage channels are Salt Creek, Wingate Wash and Amargosa River. Younger and older alluvium. Unknown Unknown 20-220 11,000,000 Unknown 74 factor affecting usable storage capacity is the occur- rence of saline deposits within the sediments in nnany of the ground water basins. Ground water temperatures generally range from about 50° to 86° F, but temperatures as high as 240°F have been recorded in Coso Hot Springs. Although the TDS content of the water varies considerably from basin to basin and within some basins, much of the water contains less than 600 mg/l. In Searles dry lake. a soft playa. TDS of the brine is in excess of 400,000 mg/l. The fresh water supply for the valley is obtained from springs flanking the valley and from imported water. Ground water in Owens Valley is pumped to meet local water demands and for export to Los Angeles. An environmental impact report is being processed on a proposal to increase the long-term average pumping yield to 130,000 acre-feet per year. Valleys m which large volumes of ground water are used are Antelope, Indian Wells, Fremont, and Upper. Middle and Lower Moiave River. GROUND WATER RESOURCES LAHONTAN STUDY AREA Development Desree of knowledge Problems Limited for domestic, industrial, and livestock use. A limited potential for additional develop- ment. Limited for irrigation and domestic use. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for domestic, industrial, and irrigation use. A potential for limited additional develop- ment. Limited for ground water export, irrigation, industrial, livestock, and domestic use. A fiigh potential for additional development. Limited for livestock use. Insignificant use of oround water. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for domestic, irrigation, and livestock use. A potential for limited additional develop- ment. Limited for irrigation, domestic, and livestock use. A potential for limited additional develop- None. Althougfi not determined, may fiave a fiigf> potential for development. None. Altfiough not determined, may fiave a high potential for development. Limited for domestic and irrigation uses. A potential for moderate to high additional devel- opment. Major source of water from springs. Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR112, 155;USGS 59 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR112; Misc. 17 Moderate for geology in west and limited in east. Limited for hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 112, 181, 191 Limited to moderate for geology and water quality. High for hydrology. References: DWR 112, 125, USGS 70; Misc. 20 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 112 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 112; Misc. 4, 12 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 112 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 112 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 112 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality in center and superficial at ends. References: DWR 112; USGS 56, 64, 101 Locally, poor quality for domestic and irrigation use. High TDS, boron and percent sodium. None known. Locally poor quality for domestic and irri- gation use. High fluoride, boron, percent sodium, and arsenic from hot springs. High fluoride, boron, and percent sodium. None known. Locally fluoride marginal for domestic use. Locally fluoride marginal for domestic use. None known. Locally fluoride, chloride, sulfate, and TDS high for domestic use; boron and per- cent sodium high for irrigation. Locally poor quality for domestic and irri- gation use. High fluoride, boron, chloride, sulfate, TDS and percent sodium. 75 INVENTORY OF SOUTH HYDROLOGIC STUDY Basin number Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Max. Aver. Depth zone in feet Storase capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity in acre-feet 6-19 6-20 6-22 6-23 6-24 6-26 6-29 6-30 6-31 6-32 Wingate Valley, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties Middle Amargosd Valley, Inyo and San Bernardino Coun- ties Lower Kingston Valley, San Bernardino County Upper Kingston Valley, San Bernardino County Riggs Valley, San Bernardino County Red Pass Valley, San Bernar dino County Bicycle Valley, San Bernar- dino County Avdwatz Valley, San Bernar dino County Leach Valley, San Bernar- dino County Pdhrump Valley, Inyo County Mesquite Valley, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties. Ivanpah Valley, San Bernar dino County Kelso Valley, San Bernardino County Broadwell Valley, San Ber- nardino County A 70-square-mi I e basin drained by Wingate Wash. Younger and older alluvium. A 620-squdre-mile basin drained by the Amargosa River. Younger and older alluvium. A 290-square-mi le basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger and older alluvium. A 270-square-mi le basin drained by Kingston Wash. Younger alluvium. A 100-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger al- luvium. A 1 50-square-mile basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger and older alluvium. A 120-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger al- luvium. A 70-square-m 1 1 e basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger alluvium. A 70-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger and older alluvium. A 400-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Extends into Nevada. Younger alluvium. A 120-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger al- A 300-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Extends into Nevada. Younger alluvium. A 370-square-mile basin drained by Kelso Wash. Young- er and older alluvium. A 1 20-square-mile basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger alluvium. Unknown 3,000 Unknown Unknown 2,500 Unknown 100-300 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknov 1,500 370 Unknown Unkn Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 150 1,020 870,000 6,800,000 3,390,000 2,130,000 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1,190,000 Unknown 100-300 Unknown 100-300 100-300 20-220 870,000 1,700,000 580,000 650,000 690,000 580,000 Unknown Unknown Unknov Unknown Unknown Unknown 3,090,000 Unknown 5,340,000 1,220,000 Unknown Unknown 76 GROUND WATER RESOURCES tAHONTAN AREA — Continued Development None. May have a potential for limited to moderate additional development. Limited for domestic, irrigation, and industrial use. A potential for moderate to higfi additional development. None. A potential for moderate to high addi- tional development. Limited for domestic and livestock use. A po- tential for moderate additional development. None. A potential for limited additional development. None. A potential for limited addition development. Limited for military use. A potential for limited additional development. None. A limited potential for additional de- velopment. None. A potential for limited additional development. Limited irrigation and domestic use. A poten- tial for limited additional development. Limited for irrigation and domestic use. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for industrial, irrigation, domestic, and stock use. A potential for moderate additional development. Limited for domestic, irrigation, and industrial use. A potential for moderate to high additional development. Limited for domestic and irrigation use. A po- tential for limited additional development. Degree of knowledge Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 1 1 2 Limited for geology, hydrology, water quality. References: DWR 112; USBR 16; Misc. 19 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 112 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 112 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 112 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 112 Limited for geology and superficial for hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 112; USGS61 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DMG 3;USGS 118 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 112; uses 118 Moderate for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 42, 112; USGS 78, 127 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 42, 112; USGS 127; Misc. 5. Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 94, 112; USGS 127 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 112 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 87, 112 Proble None known. Locally poor quality for domestic and irri- gation use. High fluoride, boron, sulfate, and percent sodium. Locally poor quality for domestic and iri- gation use. Locally spring water is of poor quality for irrigation and domestic use. High fluoride, boron, chloride, TDS, sulfate, and percent sodium. None known. None known. None known. None known. None known. None known. Locally unsuitable for domestic and irriga- tion use. Poor quality. Locally unsuitable for beneficial use. Locally poor quality for domestic use. 77 INVENTORY OF SOUTH HYDROLOGIC STUDY Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity Basin number Max. Aver. in acre-feet 6-33 Soda Lake Valley, San Ber- nardino County A 590-square-m i le basin drained by the Mojave River. Younger alluvium. 2,100 1,100 20-220 9,300,000 Unknown 6-34 Silver Lake Valley, San Ber- nardino County A 40-square-mile basin witfi internal drainage. Younger al- luvium. Unknown Unknown 50-250 380,000 Unknown 6-35 Cronise Valley, San Bernar- dino County A 150-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger and older alluvium. 600 340 20-220 1,000,000 Unknown 6-36 Langford Valley, San Bernar- dino County A 50-square-mi le basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger and older alluvium. 690 410 100-300 760,000 Unknown 6-37 Coyote Lake Valley, San Bernardino County A 150-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger and older alluvium. 1,740 660 1961 water level to base of fresh water- bearing unit 7,530,000 Unknown 6-38 Caves Canyon Valley, San Bernardino County A 1 00-square-mi le basin drained by the Mojave River. Younger and older alluvium. 300 Unknown 1961 water level to base of fresh water- bearing unit 4,152,000 Unknown 6-39 Troy Valley, San Bernardino County A 130-square-mile basin with drainage tributary to the Mojave River. Younger alluvium. 1,700 300 20-220 2,170,000 Unknown 6-40 Lower Mojave River Valley, San Bernardino County A SOO-square-mile basin drained by the Mojave River. Younger and older alluvium. 1,700 560 20-220 5,100,000 Unknown 6-41 Middle Mojave River Valley, San Bernardino County A 430-square-mile basin drained by the Mojave River. Younger and older alluvium. 1,500 500 1961 water level to base of water- bearing unit. 8,048,000 3,000,000+ (Ground surface to 1961 water level) 6-42 Upper Mojave River Valley, San Bernardino County A 600-square-mile basin drained by the Mojave River. Younger and older alluvium. 3,600 630 1961 water level to base of water- bearing unit. 26,532,000 8,200,000 -f (Ground surface to 1961 water level) 6-43 El Mirage Valley, San Ber- nardino County A 120-square-mile basin drained by Sheep Creek. Younger and older alluvium. 1,000 230 20-220 1,760,000 Unknown 78 GROUND WATER RESOURCES LAHONTAN AREA — Continued Development Limited for municipal, irrigation, industrial and domestic use. A potential for moderate to high additional development. Limited for domestic use. A potential for imited additional development. None. A potential for limited to moderate additional development. Limited for military use. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for irrigation and domestic use. A poten- tial for moderate to high additional develop- ment. Limited for domestic use. A potential for noderate additional development. Limited for domestic, irrigation and industrial use. A potential for moderate additional devel- opment. Moderate for municipal, and irrigation use. Limited for domestic and industrial use. Recharge under 1960-61 cultural conditions, 5,600 AF. A potential for moderate additional develop- ment. Moderate for irrigation use. Limited for municipal, industrial, and domestic use. Recharge under 1960-61 cultural conditions 21,900 AF. 1960-61 extractions, 32,000 AF. A potential for moderate to high additional development. Moderate for irrigation, military, and munici- pal use. Limited for domestic and industrial use. Recharge under 1960-61 cultural conditions. 43.600 AF: extractions 57,000 AF. A poten- tial for moderate additional development. Limited for irrigation, industrial, and domestic use. A potential for moderate additional de- velopment. Degree of knowledge Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 86, 1 1 2 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 86, 112 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 86, 112 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR112,USGS61 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 71, 83, 112; USGS61 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 71, 83, 112 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality in west, superficial in east. References: DWR 71, 83, 112; USGS47 Moderate for geology, hydrology, and water quality in west and limited in east. References: DWR 20, 71, 83, 11 2; USBR 13; USGS 47, 55, 112 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 20, 71, 74, 76, 112; USBR 13; USGS 47 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 20, 71, 74, 112; USBR 13; USGS 47 Superficial for geology and limited for hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 112; USGS 6 Proble Locally fluoride and TDS high for domestic use; percent sodium high for irrigation use. Locally water quality unsuitable for domestic and irrigation use. Poor quality locally for domestic and irri- gation use. Locally fluoride and iron high for domestic use. Locally fluoride and TDS high for domestic use. Quality poor for irrigation. Locally quality poor for domestic use. Locally quality poor for domestic and irri- gation use. Large area downstream of Barstow of poor quality for domestic use. Overdraft. Locally quality poor for domestic and rrigation use. Overdraft. Locally quality poor for domestic use. Overdraft. Locally quality poor for domestic and irri- gation use. 79 INVENTORY OF SOUTH HVDROLOGIC STUDY Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity Basin number Max. Aver. in acre-feet 6-44 Antelope Valley, Kern, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino Counties A 1,620-square-mile basin with primarily internal drainage. Major drainage channels are Littlerock and Big Rock Creeks. Younger and older alluvium. 3,250 770 Average ground surface elevation to base of fresh water 70,000,000 -f Unknown 6-45 Tehachapi Valley-East, Kern County A 20-square-mi le basin drained by Cache Creek. Younger alluvium. 2,500 1,500 100-^300 138,000 Unknown 6-46 Fremont Valley, Kern County A 330-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger and older alluvium. 2,580 530 20-220 4,800,000 Unknown 6-47 Harper Valley, Kern and San Bernardino Counties A 510-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger allu- vium. 3,000 725 1961 water level to base of fresh water 6,975,000 Unknown 6-48 Goldstone Valley, San Ber- nardino County A 30-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger allu- vium. Unknown Unknown 100-300 210,000 Unknown 6-49 Superior Valley, San Bernar- dino County Al70-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger allu- vium. 450 100 100-300 1,750,000 Unknown 6-50 Cuddeback Valley, San Ber- nardino County A 1 30-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger allu- vium. 550 300 100-300 1,380,000 Unknown 6-51 Pilot Knob Valley, San Ber- nardino County A 200-square-mile basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger and older alluvium. 550 300 100-300 2,460,000 Unknown 6-52 Searles Valley, Inyo, Kern, and San Bernardino Counties A 250-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger and older alluvium. 1,000 300 20-220 2,140,000 Unknown 6-53 Salt Wells Valley, San Ber- nardino County A 30-square-mile basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger alluvium. Unknown Unknown 20-220 320,000 Unknown 6-54 Indian Wells Valley, Inyo, Kern, and San Bernardino Counties A 520-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger and older alluvium. 3,800 815 20-220 5,120,000 Unknown 6-55 Coso Valley, Inyo County A 50-square-mi le basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger alluvium. Unknown Unknown 20-250 390,000 Unknown 80 GROUND WATER RESOURCES LAHONTAN AREA — Cenlinucd Development Degree of knowledge Problems Intensive for irrigation and municipal use. Moderate for military and industrial use. Limited for domestic and recreation use. Safe yield about 58 000 AFY. 1970 extractions about 200,000 AF^. A potential for moderate to high additional development. Moderate to intensive for irrigation use. Moderate for industrial. Limited for domestic and municipal use. A potential for limited addi- tional development. Moderate for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 43, 79, 85, 112; SWRCB 2,- USGS 13, 31, 71 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 112; Misc. 9 Moderate for irrigation use, and limited for 1 Moderate for geology, hydrology, and domestic and industrial use. A potential for ( water quality, moderate additional development. I References: D^X'R 77, 89, 112; USGS 13, 19, 31 Moderate for irrigation use and limited for in- dustrial and domestic use. A potential for moderate to high additional development. Limited for military use. A potential for moderate additional development. Limited for domestic and stock use. A poten- tial for moderate additional development. Limited for military use. A potential moderate to high additional development. for Limited for military use. A potential for moderate additional development. Moderate to high for industrial use (extrac- tion of salts). Limited for domestic use. Water imported from Indian Wells Valley. A potential for limited additional development. None. A potential for limited additional development. Moderate for municipal and irrigation use. Limited for domestic and industrial use. Natural recharge about 10,000 AFY. 1968 extractions about 12,500 AF. A potential for limited addi- tional development. None. A potential for limited additional de- velopment. Superficial for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 92, 1 1 2 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 92, 1 1 2 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 92, 112 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 92, 1 1 2 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 90, 112 Moderate for geology and hydrology in center and superficial at ends. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 90, 112; USBR 15; USGS 48 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 90, 112 Moderate for geology, hydrology and water quality in center and superficial at ends. References: DWR 82, 112; USGS 14, 36,65 Superficial for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 82, 112; USGS 65 Locally quality poor for irrigation and domestic use. Overdraft. Failing septic tanks. Locally fluoride high for domestic use. Locally poor quality for domestic and irri- gation use. Locally poor quality for irrigation and domestic use. Locally poor quality for domestic and irri- gation use. Locally poor quality for domestic and irrigation use. Locally poor quality for domestic and irrigation use. Locally poor quality for domestic use. Locally poor quality for domestic and irri gation use. Locally poor quality for domestic and irrigation use. Locally poor quality for domestic and irri- gation use. High chloride, boron, and TDS. None known. 81 INVENTORY OF SOUTH HYDROLOGIC STUDY Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity Basin number Max. Aver. in acre-feet 6-56 Rose Valley, Inyo County A 60-square-mile basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger alluvium. 2,700 Unknown 20-220 820,000 Unknown 6-57 Darwin Valley, Inyo County A 70-square-mi 1 e basin drained by Darwin Wash. Younger alluvium. 130 43 100-300 400,000 Unknown 6-58 Panamint Valley, Inyo County A 360-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger and older alluvium. 35 30 20-220 3,400,000 Unknown 6-69 Kelso Lander Valley, Kern County A 1 7-square-m 1 1 e basin drained by Cottonwood Creek. Younger alluvium. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6-71 Lost Lake Valley, San Ber- nardino County A 30-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger and older alluvium. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6-76 Brown Mountain Valley, San Bernardino County A 30-square-mile basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger and older alluvium. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6-11 Grass Valley, San Bernardino County A 30-square-mile basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger alluvium. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6-79 California Valley, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties A 60-square-mile basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger and older alluvium. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 82 GROUND WATER RESOURCES LAHONTAN AREA — Continued Development Moderate for asriculture. Limited for domes- tic and industrial use. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for domestic and mining use. A po- tential for limited additional development. Limited for domestic use. A potential for moderate to high additional development. Limited for industrial, domestic, and livestock use. 1963 extractions estimated at 5 AF. A po- tential for limited additional development. None. A potential for limited additional de- velopment. None. A potential for limited additional de- velopment. Limited for livestock use. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for domestic, mining and livestock use. A potential for limited additional development. Degree of knowledge Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 82, 112;USGS65 Superficial for geology Limited for water quality. References: DWR 112 Superficial for geology Limited for water quality. References: DWR 90, 112 Superficial for geology, water quality. References: DWR 112 Superficial for geology, water quality. References: DWR 112 Superficial for geology, water quality. References: DWR 112 Superficial for geology Limited for water quality. References: DWR 112 Superficial for geology Limited for water quality. References: DWR112;DMG 2, 3 and hydrology. and hydrology. hydrology, and hydrology, and hydrology, and and hydrology. and hydrology. Problems Locally poor quality for domestic use. None known. Locally poor quality for domestic and irri gation use. Locally fluoride and IDS high for domestic None known. None known. None known. Locally fluoride marginal for domestic use. 83 Lcg,cnd Q YOUNGER ALLUVIUM OLDER ALLUVIUM GROUND WATER BASINS - COLORADO DESERT HYDROLOGIC STUDY ARE) 84 COLORADO DESERT HYDROLOGIC STUDY AREA Ground Water Basins No. Old No. 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-5 7-6 7-8 7-9 7-10 7-11 7-12 7-13 7-14 7-15 7-16 7-17 7-18 7-19 7-20 7-21 7-22 7-23 7-24 7-25 7-26 7-27 Name Lanfdir Valley Fenner Valley Ward Valley Rice Valley Chuckwalla Valley Pinto Valley Cadiz Valley Bristol Valley Dale Valley Twentynine Palms Valley Copper Mountain Valley Warren Valley Deadman Valley Lavic Valley Bessemer Valley Ames Valley . . Means Valley Johnson Valley Lucerne Valley Morongo Valley Coachella Valley West Salton Sea Basin. . . Clark Valley Borrego Valley Ocotillo Valley Terwilliger Valley San Felipe Valley County No. San Bernardino San Bernardino Riverside, San Bernardino Riverside, San Bernardino Imperial, Riverside Riverside, San Bernardino Riverside, San Bernardino San Bernardino Riverside, San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino Imperial, Riverside Imperial San Diego San Diego Imperial, San Diego Riverside San Diego 7-28 7-29 7-30 7-31 7-32 7-33 7-34 7-35 7-36 7-37 7-38 7-39 7-40 7-41 7-42 7-43 7-44 7-45 7-46 47 7 7 7 7 7-52 7-53 7-54 7-55 7-56 7-57 7-58 7-59 7-60 7-61 Old No. Name County Vallecito-Carrizo Valley. Coyote Wells Valley. ... Imperial Valley Orcopia Valley Chocolate Valley East Salton Sea Basin Amos Valley Ogilby Valley Yuma Valley Arroyo Seco Valley Palo Verde Valley Palo Verde Mesa Quien Sabe Point Valley. Calzona Valley Vidal Valley Chemehuevi Valley Needles Valley Piute Valley Canebrake Valley Jacumba Valley hielendale Fault Valley . . Pipes Canyon Fault Valley Iron Ridge Area Lost FHorse Valley Pleasant Valley Hexie Mountain Area. . . Buck Ridge Fault Valley . Collins Valley Yaqui Well Area Pinyon Wash Area Whale Peak Area Mason Valley Jacumba Valley-East Davies Valley Imperial, San Diego Imperial, San Diego Imperial Riverside Riverside Imperial, Riverside Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial, Riverside Imperial, Riverside Imperial, Riverside Riverside Riverside, San Bernardino Riverside, San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino San Diego San Diego San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino Riverside, San Bernardino Riverside Riverside Riverside Riverside, San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego Imperial, San Diego Imperial 85 Summary The Colorado Desert Hydrologic Study Area (HSA), includes basins tributary to the Colorado and Whitewater Rivers and numerous smaller drainage channels, some of which drain internally. The Whitewater. New. and Alamo Rivers, and San Felipe Creek are the larger channels draining into the Salton Sea. In the HSA, 61 ground water basins and areas of potential ground water storage have been identified. The inventory covers 46 ground water basins. These 46 basins, with a total area of about 12,500 square miles, have been identified as significant sources of ground water. The water-bearing deposits range m thickness up to 2,800 feet. In some basins flowing wells have been recorded. Total storage capacity of 42 basins at selected depth intervals is about 162.8 million acre-feet. The estimated usable storage capacity in 7 basins is about 10.3 million acre-feet. INVENTORY OF COLORADO HYDROLOGIC Basin number Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Max Aver. Depth zone in feet Storase capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity in acre-feet 7-1 7-3 7-9 Lanfair Valley, San Bernar- dino County Fenner Valley, San Bernar- dino County Ward Valley, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties Rice Valley, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties Chuckwalla Valley, Imperial and Riverside Counties Pinto Basin, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties Cadiz Valley, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties Bristol Valley, San Bernar- dino County Dale Valley, San Bernardino County A 280-square-mile basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger alluvium. A 720-square-mile basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger and older alluvium. A 770-square-mile basin. Drainage internal under low surface water flows. Younger alluvium. A 300-square-mile basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger alluvium. A 870-square-mile basin. Drainage internal under lowsur- face water flows. Younger allu- vium. A 310-square-mile basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger alluvium. A 430-square-mile basin. Drainage internal under low surface water flows. Younger alluvium. A 710-square-milebasin with internal drainage. Younger and older alluvium. A260-square-milebasin with internal drainage. Younger allu- vium. 16 100-300 150-350 3,000,000 Unknown 3,900 1,480 Unknown 1,800 100-300 20-220 20-220 20-220 5,600,000 8,700,000 2,280,000 9,100,000 230,000 4,300,000 7,000,000 2,000,000 Unknown Unknown Unknown 900,030 400-foot pumplift, 100 feet of saturated sediments 1 30,000 400-foot pumplift, 100 feet of saturated sediments. Unknowti Unknown Unknov 86 Ground water temperatures range fronn about 60° to about 90°F; however, a temperature in excess of 200°F has been recorded in a well m Coachella Valley. The TDS content of the water varies considerably from basin to basm. In most basins it is less than 600 mg/l. In other basins the dissolved solids content ranges into thousands of milligrams per liter. The highest recorded content is 304.000 mg/l. The predominant character of the water is sodium sulfate or sodium chloride, but significant quantities of calcium and bicarbonate are also present at some places. Coachella Valley is one of the most highly developed ground water basins in the study area. In 1970, applied ground water for irrigation of 6.600 acres was 41.100 acre-feet. Urban use by the resident population of 103.- 700 during the same period amounted to 45,300 acre- feet. In addition, about 350,000 acre-feet of Colorado River is used each year, primarily for irrigation. Ground water extractions in the HSA are estimated at about 185,000 acre-feet. GROUND WATER RESOURCES DESERT STUDY AREA Degree of knowledge Problems Limited for livestock and domestic use. Nat- ural recharge about 1800 AFV. Extractions negligible. A potential for limited to moderate additional development. Limited for livestock, domestic and industrial use. Natural recharge estimated at about 3000 AFV. 1952 extractions estimated at about 7.0 AF. A potential for limited to moderate addi- tional development. Limited for livestock and domestic use. Nat- ural recharge estimated at about 2700 AFV. 1952 extractions estimated at about 2 AF. A potential for moderate additional development. Limited for domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 500 AFV. 1952 extractions estimated at about 1 AF. A potential (or limited to moderate additional development. Limited for agriculture and domestic use. 1952 extractions 11 AF. A potential for limited to moderate additional development. Limited for domestic and industrial use. 1952 extractions estimated at about 320 AF. A po- tential for limited to moderate additional de- velopment. Limited for domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 800 AFV. 1952 extractions about 1 AF. A potential for moderate to high additional development. Limited for domestic and moderate for indus- trial use. Natural recharge estimated at about 2100 AFV. 1952 extractions about 11 AF. A potential for limited to moderate additional de- velopment. Limited for domestic, irrigation, and industrial use. Natural recharge estimated at about 900 AFV. 1952 extractions about 1 AF. A poten- tial for limited to moderate additional develop- ment. Superficial for geology and limited for hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 40, 42, USGS 117 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, 42 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, 87 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, 81 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, 42, 80; USBR 18 Limited for geology and hydrology in east and superficial in west. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, USBR 18; USGS 63 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, 87 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, 87 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, 78; USBR 14 Locally water high in sulfate and TDS, un- suitable for domestic use. Locally unsuitable for irrigation use. None known. Locally TDS, sulfate, fluoride, and chloride, high for domestic use. Saline water near Danby dry lake. Locally unsuitable for irri- gation use. Locally chloride, TDS, fluoride, and sul- fate high for domestic use; boron high for irrigation use. Locally sulfate, chloride, fluoride, and TDS high for domestic use; boron, TDS, and percent sodium high for irrigation use. Locally fluoride high for domestic use; percent sodium high for Irrigation use. Poor quality in the vicinity of Cadiz dry lake. Poor quality northwest of Bristol dry lake. f-Hiqh fluorides along northeast boundary of valley. Poor quality in the vicinity of Dale dry lake. 87 INVENTOI COLOI HyOROLOGIC S T inc wi- Che Cr« Se; Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet U Basin number Max. Aver. ac 7-10 Twentynine Palms Valley, San Bernardino County A 1 80-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger al- luvium. 600 220 20-220 1,420,000 Un 7-11 Copper Mountain Valley, San Bernardino County AllO-square-milebasin with internal drainage. Younger allu- vium. 525 300 20-220 830,000 Un 7-12 Warren Valley, San Bernar- dino County A 20-square-mi le basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger alluvium. 550 290 20-220 180,000 Un 7-13 Deadman Valley, San Ber- nardino County A160-square-milebasin with internal drainage. Younger allu- vium. Unknown Unknown 20-220 1,270,000 Un 7-20 7-22 Lavic Valley, San Bernardino County Bessemer Valley, San Bernar dino County Ames Valley, San Bernardino County Means Valley, San Bernar- dino County Johnson Valley, San Bernar- dino County Lucerne Valley, San Bernar- dino County Morongo Valley, San Bernar- dino County Coachella Valley, Imperial and Riverside Counties West Salton Sea Basin, In perial County A 40-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger allu- vium. A 85-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger al- luvium. A 1 50-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger al- luvium. A 25-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger al- luvium. A 1 50-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger al- luvium. A 260-square-mile basin with internal drainage. Younger al- luvium. A 1 4-square-mile basin drained by Big Morongo Creek. Younger alluvium. A 690-square-mile basin drained by the Whitewater River. Younger and older allu- vium. A 190-square-mile basin ad- joining the west shore of Salton Sea. Younger and older allu- vium. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2,500 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 90 20-220 1961 water levels to base of water- bearing unit. 20-220 270,000 740,000 1,200,000 260,000 1,300,000 4,736,000 100,000 100-1000 39,000,000 Unknown Unknown Ui Un Un Ur Ur 3,6 88 GROUND WATER RESOURCES DESERT AREA — Continued Development Degree of knowledge Proble Limited to moderate for domestic use. Nat- ural recharge estimated at about 300 AFY. 1952 extractions 760 AF. A potential for limited to moderate additional development. Moderate for domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 1100 AFV. 1969 extractions about 450 AF. A potential for moderate addi- tional development. Limited for irrigation and domestic use. Nat- ural recharge estimated at about 500 AFY. 1969 extractions about 1500 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 400 AFY. Water exported to Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Base. A poten- tial for moderate additional development. Limited for domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 300 AFY. A potential for moderate additional development. No development. Natural recharge estimated at about 300 AFY. A potential for limited to moderate additional development. Limited for domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 700 AFY. A potential for moderate additional development. Limited for livestock use. Natural recharge estimated at about 100 AFY. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for livestock, irrigation, and domes- tic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 2300 AFY. 1952 extractions about 62 AF. A potential tor limited to moderate additional development. Moderate for irrigation, domestic, and live- stock use. Recharge under 1960 61 cultural conditions 5700 AFY 1960-61 extractions 12,000 AF. A potential for limited to moderate additional development. Moderate for domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 800 AFY. 1952 extractions about 230 AF. A potential for limited addi- tional development. Moderate to high for municipal and irrigation use. Limited for domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 80,000 AFY. 1952 extrac- tions about 177,000 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for domestic use. A potential for limited additional development. Superficial to limited for geology and hydrology and limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, 75; USBR 14; USGS 44, 110 Limited for geology, hydrology, and v/ater quality. References: DWR 40, 75; USBR 14; USGS 72 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 40, 75; USBR 14; USGS 72 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality in west and superficial in east. References: DWR 40, 75; USBR 14, USGS 72 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 40, 87 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 40; USBR 14; USGS 109 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, 75; USBR 14; USGS 72 Limited for geology and hydrology. Super- ficial for water quality. References: DWR 40, 75; USBR 14; USGS 72, 109 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, USBR 14; USGS 72, 109 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 40, 71; USGS 5, 109 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40; USBR 14; USGS 5, 109 Intensive for geology, hydrology and water quality in center, moderate in ends. References: DWR 40, 115,1 80; USGS 1 5, 32, 89, 1 20, 121 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40 Locally fluoride high for domestic use. Failing septic tanks. Failing septic tanks. Poor quality vicinity of Deadman dry lake. Locally TDS high for domestic use. None known. Locally unsuitable for domestic and irri- gation use. FHigh TDS, fluoride, and chloride. None known. Sulfate high for domestic use. Locally TDS, nitrate, chloride, sulfate, and fluoride high for domestic use; TDS and boron high for irrigation use. Overdraft. None known. Locally fluoride, sulfate, and TDS high for domestic use; boron high for irrigation. Poor quality semi-perched water. Overdraft. Locally quality marginal to unacceptable for irrigation use and unacceptable for domestic use. INVENTORy OF COLORADO HYDROLOGIC STUDY Basin number 7-23 7-25 7-29 7-33 7-35 Basin name, county Clark Valley, San Diego County Borrego Valley, San Diego County Ocotillo Valley, Imperial and San Diego Counties Terwilliger Valley, Riverside County San Felipe Valley, San Diego County Vallecito-Carrizo Valley, Im- perial and San Diego Counties Coyote Wells Valley, Im- perial and San Diego Counties Imperial Valley, Imperial County Orocopia Valley, Riverside County Chocolate Valley, Riverside County East Salton Sea Basin, Im- perial and Riverside Counties Amos Valley, Imperial County Ogilby Valley, Imperial County Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material A 40-square-mile basin with internal drainage under low sur- face water flow. Younger and older alluvium. A 110-square-mile basin drained by Coyote Creek. Younger and older alluvium. A 410-square-mile basin drained by San Felipe Creek. Younger and older alluvium. A 1 0-square-mi I e basin drained by Coyote Creek. Old- er alluvium. A 40-square-mile basin drained by San Felipe Creek. Younger alluvium. A 200-square-mile basin drained by Vallecito and Car- rizo Creeks. Younger and older alluvium. A 100-square-mile basin drained by Palm Canyon Wash. Younger and older alluvium. A 1,870-square-mile basin drained to the Salton Sea via the New and Alamo Rivers. Younger and older alluvium. A 1 40-square-mile basin drained by Box Canyon Wash. Younger and older alluvium. A 120-square-mile basin drained by Salt Creek. Younger and older alluvium. A 150-square-mile basin drained by Salt Creek. Younger and older alluvium. A 220-square-mile basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger alluvium. A 220-square-mlle basin drained by unnamed streams. Younger alluvium. Well yields in gpm Max. 3,000 1,800 Unknown 1,000 Aver. 900 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Depth zone in feet 50 Storage capacity in acre-feet 450,000 1,300,000 5,800,000 Unknown Unknown 2,500,000 1,700,000 14,000,000 Usable capacity in acre-feet 300,000 1,000,000 1,900,000 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 200-400 1,500,000 Unknown 1,000,000 360,000 2,900,000 2,900,000 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 90 GROUND WATER RESOURCES DESERT AREA — Continued Development Degree of knowledge Problems Limited for domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 1200 AFY. A potential for limited to moderate additional development. Moderate for irrigation and domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 3200 AFV. 1952 extractions about 10,400 AF. A potential for limited to moderate additional development. Limited for irrigation and domestic use. Nat- ural recharge estimated at about 1100 AFY. 1952 extractions about 3 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for irrigation and domestic use. Nat- ural recharge estimated at about 400 AFY. 1952 extractions about 1900 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for livestock and domestic use. 1952 extractions about 38 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for domestic and livestock use. A po- tential for moderate to high additional develop- ment. Limited for domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 300 AFY. 1952 extractions about 1 AF. A potential for moderate to high additional development. Limited for livestock, domestic and irrigation use. Natural recharge estimated at about 3300 AFY. 1952 extractions about 300 AF. A poten- tial for moderate additional development. Limited for domestic and irrigation use. Nat- ural recharge estimated at about 500 AFY. A potential for moderate additional development. No development. Natural recharge estimated at about 200 AFY. A potential for moderate additional development. Limited for domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 200 AFY. 1952 extractions about 6 AF. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for domestic and industrial use. Nat- ural recharge estimated at about 250 AFY. A potential for moderate additional development. Limited for domestic and industrial use. Nat- ural recharge estimated at about 250 AFY. 1952 J. extractions about 9 AF. A potential for moder- ' ate additional development. Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, 88; USSR 17 Superficial for geology. Limited for hydrol- ogy and water quality. References: DWR 40, 88,USBR 17 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, 88;USBR 17 Superficial for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 40; DMG 6 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, 88 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, 88 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 40, 192 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 40, 135;USGS 35 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40; DMG 4 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40; DMG 4 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40; DMG 4 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40; DMG 4, 9 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40; DMG 9 Locally unsuitable for domestic and irri- gation use. High fluoride, TDS, and percent sodium. Locally magnesium, nitrate, fluoride, sul- fate, chloride, and TDS high for domestic use; percent sodium, TDS and chloride high for irrigation use. Locally chloride, fluoride, sulfate, and TDS high for domestic use; percent sodium, TDS and chloride high for irrigation use. Locally quality unsuitable for domestic and irrigation use. Locally chloride, sulfate and TDS high for domestic use; chloride and TDS high for irri- gation use. Locally, magnesium, sulfate, chloride, fluoride, and TDS high for domestic use; percent sodium high for irrigation use. Locally poor quality for domestic and irri- gation use. Large areas of poor quality water un- suited for domestic and irrigation use. Failing septic tanks near Brawley. Locally fluoride and TDS high for domestic Locally poor quality for domestic and irrigation use. Locally quality marginal to unacceptable for irrigation use and unacceptable for domestic use. Locally quality poor for domestic use. Locally quality poor for domestic use. 91 INVENTORY OF COLORADO HYDROLOGIC STUDY Basin name, county Basin description: size, major stream, water bearing material Well yields in gpm Depth zone in feet Storage capacity in acre-feet Usable capacity Bdsin number Max. Aver. in acre-feet 7-36 Yuma Valley, Imperial County A170-square-mile basin with drainage to the Colorado River. Younger and older alluvium. 100 40 0-200 4,600,000 Unknown 7-37 Arroyo Seco Valley, Impe- rial and Riverside Counties A 430-square-mile basin drained by Arroyo Seco Wash tributary to the Colorado River. Younger and older alluvium. Unknown Unknown 0-200 7,000,000 Unknown 7-38 Palo Verde Valley, Imperial and Riverside Counties A 200-square-mile basin with drainage to the Colorado River. Younger alluvium. 2,180 670 0-300 4,960,000 Unknown 7-39 Palo Verde Mesa, Imperial and Riverside Counties A 280-square-mile mesa drained by unnamed streams. Younger alluvium. 2,750 1,650 0-300 6,840,000 Unknown 7-40 Quien Sabe Point Valley, Riverside County A 40-square-mi le basi n drained by McCoy Wash a trib- utary to the Colorado River. Younger and older alluvium. 25 Unknown 0-200 230,000 Unknown 7-41 Calzona Valley, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties A 150-square-mile basin drained by Vidal Wash. Young- er alluvium. 2,340 500 100-500 1,500,000 Unknown 7-42 Vidal Valley, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties A 160-square-mile basin drained by Vidal Wash a trib- utar/ to the Colorado River. Younger alluvium. 1,800 675 100-500 1,600,000 Unknown 7-43 Chemehuevi Valley, San Ber- nardino County A 440-square-mile basin drained by Chemehuevi Wash, a tributary to the Colorado River. Younger alluvium. Unknown Unknown 0-200 4,700,000 Unknown 7-44 Needles Valley, San Ber- nardino County A 140-squdre-mile basin drained by Piute Wash, a trib- utary to the Colorado River. Younger alluvium. 1,500 980 0-200 1,100,000 Unknown 7-45 Piute Valley, San Bernardino County A 270-square-mile basin drained by Piute Wash. Young- er alluvium. 360 200 300-500 2,400,000 Unknown 7-47 Jacumba Valley, San Diego County A 10-square-mile basin bor- dering the Republic of Mexico. Younger alluvium. 900 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 92 GROUND WATER RESOURCES DESERT AREA — Continued Development Degree of knowledge Problems Moderate for domestic and Irrigation use. Natural recharge estimated at about 400 AFY. A potential for moderate additional develop- ment. Limited for domestic use. Natural rectiarge estimated at about 1500 AFY. A potential for moderate to tiigh additional development. Moderate for domestic and irrigation use. Natural rectiarge estimated at about 500 AFY. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for domestic and irrigation use. Nat- ural recharge estimated at about 800 AFY. A potential for moderate additional development. Limited for domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 300 AFY. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 400 AFY. A potential for moderate additional development. Limited for domestic and irrigation use. Nat- ural recharge estimated at about 350 AFY. A potential for moderate additional development. Limited for domestic use. Natural recharge eitimated at about 2300 AFY. A potential for moderate to high additional development. Moderate for irrigation and municipal use and limited for domestic use. Natural recharge esti- mated at about 1000 AFY. A potential for mod- erate additional development. Limited for domestic use. Natural recharge estimated at about 1200 AFY. A potential for moderate additional development. Limited for domestic and irrigation use. Nat- ural recharge estimated at about 1300 AFY. A potential for limited additional development. Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality in east and superficial in west. References: DWR 40, DMG 9; USGS 95 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, DMG 4 Moderate for geology and limited for hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 40; USGS 79, 80 Moderate to limited for geology, hydrol- ogy and water quality in the east, superficial in the west. References: DWR 40, USGS 79, 80 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 40; USGS 79, 80 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 40; USGS 79, 80 Superficial for geology, and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 40, 81 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality in east and superficial in west. References: DWR 40; USGS 81 Limited for geology, hydrology and water quality. References: DWR 40; USGS 66, 67, 81 Limited for geology, hydrology, and water quality. References: DWR 40; Misc. 11 Superficial for geology and hydrology. Limited for water quality. References: DWR 42; DMG 9 Locally magnesium, sulfate, chloride, man- ganese and TDS high for domestic use; chlo- ride, TDS and percent sodium high for irriga- tion use. Failing septic tank and leach field systems. Overdraft projected for 1975 be- cause of export of municipal waste water. Locally manganese, chloride, and TDS high for domestic use; TDS and percent sodium high for irrigation use. Locally fluoride, chloride, TDS and sulfate high for domestic use; chloride and TDS high for irrigation use. Failing septic tank and leach field systems. Locally arsenic, selenium, fluoride, chlo- ride, sulfate, and TDS high for domestic use; chloride, boron, and TDS high for irrigation use. Overdraft. Locally sulfate, chloride, fluoride, and TDS high for domestic use; chloride and TDS high for irrigation use. Locally sulfate, chloride, fluoride, and TDS high for domestic use; chloride high for irrigation use. Locally fluoride, sulfate, chloride, and TDS high for domestic use; chloride and per- cent sodium high for irrigation use. Locally sulfate, chloride, fluoride, and TDS high for domestic use; percent sodium high for irrigation use. Locally sulfate, chloride, fluoride and TDS high for domestic use; chloride, TDS and per- cent sodium high for irrigation use. Overdraft. Locally sulfate and fluoride high for domestic use; percent sodium high for irriga- tion use. Locally sulfate, fluoride, and TDS high for domestic use. 93 County Listing of Ground Water Basins Ground Water Basin Number ALAMEDA COUNTY Castro Valley 2-8 Santa Clara Valley 2-9 Santa Clara Valley-East Bay Area 2-9.01 Livermore Valley 2-10 Sunol Valley 2-11 San Joaquin Valley 5-22 ALPINE COUNTY Carson Valley 6-6 AMADOR COUNTY No ground water basins identified for use in this report BUTTE COUNTY Sacramento Valley 5-21 Sacramento Valley Eastside Tuscan Formation Highlands 5-55 CALAVERAS COUNTY No ground water basins identified for use in this re- port COLUSA COUNTY Sacramento Valley 5-21 Stonyford Town Area 5-63 Bear Valley 5-64 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY Pittsburg Plain 2-4 Clayton Valley 2-5 Ygnacio Valley 2-6 San Ramon Valley 2-7 Santa Clara Valley 2-9 Santa Clara Valley-East Bay Area 2-9.01 Livermore Valley 2-10 Arroyo del Hambre Valley 2-31 San Joaquin Valley 5-22 DEL NORTE COUNTY Smith River Plain 1-1 Lower Klamath River Valley 1-14 EL DORADO COUNTY Tahoe Valley 6-5 Tahoe Valley-South 6-5.01 FRESNO COUNTY San Joaquin Valley 5-22 Squaw Valley 5-24 Cedar Grove Area 5-72 GLENN COUNTY Sacramento Valley 5-21 Chrome Town Area 5-61 Elk Creek Area 5-62 Ground Water Basin Number Stonyford Town Area 5-63 HUMBOLDT COUNTY Hoopa Valley 1-7 Mad River Valley 1-8 Eureka Plain 1-9 Eel River Valley 1-10 Prairie Creek Area 1-25 Redwood Creek Valley 1-26 Big Lagoon Area 1-27 Mattole River Valley 1-28 Honeydew Town Area 1-29 Pepperwood Town Area 1-30 Weott Town Area 1-31 Garberville Town Area 1-32 Larabee Valley 1-33 Dinsmores Town Area 1-34 IMPERIAL COUNTY Chuckwalla Valley 7-5 Coachella Valley 7-21 West Salton Sea Basin 7-22 Ocotillo Valley 7-25 Vallecito-Carnzo Valley 7-28 Coyote Wells Valley 7-29 Imperial Valley 7-30 East Salton Sea Basin 7-33 Amos Valley 7-34 Ogilby Valley 7-35 Yuba Valley 7-36 Arroyo Seco Valley 7-37 Palo Verde Valley 7-38 Palo Verde Mesa 7-39 Jacumba Valley-East 7-60 Davies Valley 7-61 INYO COUNTY Owens Valley 6-12 Black Springs Valley 6-13 Fish Lake Valley 6-14 Deep Springs Valley 6-15 Eureka Valley 6-16 Saline Valley 6-17 Death Valley 6-18 Wingate Valley 6-19 Middle Amargosa Valley 6-20 Pahrump Valley 6-28 Mesquite Valley 6-29 Searles Valley 6-52 Indian Wells Valley 6-54 Coso Valley 6-55 Rose Valley 6-56 Darwin Valley 6-57 Panamint Valley 6-58 Fish Slough Valley 6-60 Cameo Area 6-61 95 County Listing of Ground Water Basins — Continued Ground Water Basin Number Race Track Valley 6-62 Hidden Valley 6-63 Marble Canyon Area 6-64 Cottonwood Spring Area 6-65 Lee Flat 6-66 Santa Rosa Flat 6-68 Cactus Flat 6-70 Coles Flat 6-72 Wild Horse Mesa Area 6-73 Harnsburg Flats 6-74 Wildrose Canyon 6-75 California Valley 6-79 Middle Park Canyon Valley 6-80 Butte Valley 6-81 Spring Canyon Valley 6-82 Furnace Creek Area 6-83 Greenwater Valley 6-84 Gold Valley 6^5 Rhodes Hill Area 6-86 KERN COUNTY Cuyama Valley 3-13 San Joaquin Valley 5-22 Kern River Valley 5-25 Walker Basin Creek Valley 5-26 Cummings Valley 5-27 Tehachapi Valley West 5-28 Castac Lake Valley 5-29 Inns Valley 5-79 Brite Valley 5-80 Bear Valley 5-81 Cuddy Canyon Valley 5-82 Cuddy Ranch Area 5-83 Cuddy Valley 5-84 Mill Potrera Area 5-85 Antelope Valley 6-44 Tehachapi Valley East 6-45 Fremont Valley &46 Harper Valley 6-47 Searles Valley 6-52 Indian Wells Valley 6-54 Kelso Lander Valley 6-69 Butterbread Canyon Valley 6-87 KINGS COUNTY San Joaquin Valley 5-22 LAKE COUNTY Gravelly Valley 1-48 Upper Lake Valley 5-13 Scott Valley 5-14 Kelseyville Valley (Big Valley) 5-15 High Valley 5-16 Burns Valley 5-17 Coyote Valley 5-18 Collayomi Valley 5-19 Ground Water Basin Number Lower Lake Valley 5-30 Long Valley 5-31 Little Indian Valley 5-65 Clear Lake Cache Formation Highlands 5-66 Clear Lake Pleistocene Volcanics 5-67 Pope Valley 5-68 LASSEN COUNTY Big Valley 5^ Fall River Valley 5-5 Mountain Meadows Valley 5-8 Modoc Plateau Recent Volcanic Areas 5-32 Modoc Plateau Pleistocene Volcanic Areas 5-33 Hot Spring Valley 5-40 Long Valley 5-44 Butte Creek Valley 5-51 Gray Valley 5-52 Dixie Valley 5-53 Ash Valley 5-54 Surprise Valley 6-1 Madeline Plains 6-2 Willow Creek Valley 6-3 Honey Lake Valley 6-4 Pine Creek Valley 6-92 Harvey Valley 6-93 Grasshopper Valley 6-94 Dry Valley 6-95 Eagle Lake Area 6-96 Horse Lake Valley 6-97 Tuledad Canyon Area 6-98 Painters Flat 6-99 Secret Valley 6-100 Bull Flat 6-101 Modoc Plateau Recent Volcanic Areas 6-102 Modoc Plateau Pleistocene Volcanic Areas 6-103 Long Valley 6-104 LOS ANGELES COUNTY Santa Clara River Valley — Eastern Basin 4-4.07 Acton Valley 4-5 Coastal Plain — Los Angeles County 4-11 San Fernando Valley 4-12 San Gabriel Valley 4-13 Upper Santa Ana Valley 4-14 Hungry Valley 4-18 Russell Valley 4-20 Conejo-Tierra Rejada Volcanic Areas 4-21 Malibu Valley 4-22 Antelope Valley 6-44 MADERA COUNTY San Joaquin Valley 5-22 MARIN COUNTY Petaluma Valley 2-1 Sebastopol Merced Formation Highlands.... 2-25 96 County Listing of Ground Water Basins — Continued Ground Water Basin Numb Sand Point Area 2-27 Ross Valley 2-28 San Rafael Valley 2-29 Novato Valley 2-30 MARIPOSA COUNTY Yosemite Valley 5-69 MENDOCINO COUNTY Round Valley Laytonville Valley Little Lake Valley Anderson Valley Garcia River Valley Fort Bragg Terrace Area Cottoneva Creek Valley Lower Laytonville Valley Branscomb Town Area Ten Mile River Valley Little Valley Sherwood Valley Williams Valley Eden Valley Big River Valley Navarro River Valley Gualala River Valley McDowell Valley Potter Valley (Old No. 1-14) Ukiah Valley (Old No. 1-15) Sanel Valley (Old No. 1-16) MERCED COUNTY San Joaquin Valley Los Banos Creek Valley MODOC COUNTY Klamath River Valley Fairchild Swamp Valley Modoc Plateau Recent Volcanic Areas Modoc Plateau Pleistocene Volcanic Areas Goose Lake Valley Al\uras Basin Alturas Basin-South Fork Pit River and Alturas Area Alturas Basin-Warm Springs Valley Jess Valley Big Valley Modoc Plateau Recent Volcanic Areas Modoc Plateau Pleistocene Volcanic Areas Round Valley Fandango Valley Hot Spring Valley Egg Lake Valley Bucher Swamp Valley Rocky Prairie Valley 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-19 1-20 1-21 1-37 1-38 1-39 1-40 1-41 1-42 1-43 1-44 1-45 1-46 1-47 2-12 2-14 2-15 2-16 5-22 5-70 1-2 1-22 1-23 1-24 5-1 5-2 5-2.01 5-2.02 5-3 5-4 5-32 5-33 5-36 5-39 5-40 5-41 5^2 5-43 Ground Water Basin Number Long Valley 5-44 Surprise Valley 6-1 Cow Head Lake Valley 6-91 MONO COUNTY Antelope Valley (Topaz Valley) 6-7 Bridgeport Valley 6-8 Mono Valley 6-9 Adobe Lake Valley 6-10 Long Valley 6-11 Fish Lake Valley 6-14 Granite Mountain Area 6-59 Fish Slough Valley 6-60 Slinkard Valley 6-105 Little Antelope Valley 6-106 Sweetwater Flat 6-107 MONTEREY COUNTY Pajaro Valley 3-2 Salinas Valley 3-4 Paso Robles Basin 3-4.06 Seaside Area 3-4.08 Langley Area 3-4.09 Corral de Tierra Area 3-4.10 Cholame Valley 3-5 Lockwood Valley 3-6 Carmel Valley 3-7 NAPA COUNTY Napa-Sonoma Valley 2-2 Napa Valley 2-2.01 Berryessa Valley 5-20 NEVADA COUNTY Martis Valley (Truckee Valley) 6-67 ORANGE COUNTY Coastal Plain — Orange County 8-1 San Juan Valley 9-1 PLACER COUNTY Sacramento Valley 5-21 Tahoe Valley 6-5 Tahoe Valley— North 6-5.02 PLUMAS COUNTY Lake Almanor Valley 5-7 Indian Valley 5-9 American Valley 5-10 Mohawk Valley 5-1 1 Sierra Valley 5-12 Modoc Plateau Pleistocene Volcanic Areas 5-33 Sacramento Valley Eastside Tuscan Formation Highlands 5-55 Yellow Creek Valley 5-56 Last Chance Creek Valley 5-57 97 County Listing of Ground Water Basins — Continued Ground Water Basin Number Clover Valley 5-58 Grizzly Valley 5-59 Humbug Valley 5-60 RIVERSIDE COUNTY Ward Valley 7-3 Rice Valley 7-4 Chuckwalla Valley 7-5 Pmto Valley 7-6 Cadiz Valley 7-7 Dale Valley 7-9 Coachella Valley 7-21 Terwilliger Valley 7-26 Orcopia Valley 7-31 Chocolate Valley 7-32 East Salton Sea Basin 7-33 Arroyo Seco Valley 7-37 Palo Verde Valley 7-38 Palo Verde Mesa 7-39 Quien Sabe Point Valley 7-40 Calzona Valley 7-41 Vidal Valley 7-42 Lost Horse Valley 7-51 Pleasant Valley 7-52 Hexie Mountain Area 7-53 Buck Ridge Fault Valley 7-54 Collins Valley 7-55 Upper Santa Ana Valley 8-2 Cajaico Valley (Inundated by Lake Mathews) 8-3 Elsinore Basin 8-4 San Jacinto Basin 8-5 Hemet Lake Valley (Garner Valley) 8-6 Temecula Valley 9-5 Coahuila Valley 9-6 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Sacramento Valley 5-21 San Joaquin Valley 5-22 SAN BENITO COUNTY Gilroy-Hollister Valley 3-3 Santa Ana Valley 3-22 Upper Santa Ana Valley 3-23 Quien Sabe Valley 3-24 Tres Pinos Creek Valley 3-25 San Benito River Valley 3-28 Dry Lake Valley 3-29 Bitter Water Valley 3-30 Hernandez Valley 3-31 Peach Tree Valley 3-32 Panoche Valley 5-23 Vallecitos Creek Valley 5-71 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY Death Valley 6-18 Ground Water Basin Number Wingate Valley 6-19 Middle Amargosa Valley 6-20 Lower Kingston Valley 6-21 Upper Kingston Valley 6-22 Riggs Valley 6-23 Red Pass Valley 6-24 Bicycle Valley 6-25 Avawatz Valley 6-26 Leach Valley 6-27 Mesquite Valley 6-29 Ivanpah Valley 6-30 Kelso Valley 6-31 Broadwell Valley 6-32 Soda Lake Valley 6-33 Silver Lake Valley 6-34 Cronise Valley 6-35 Langford Valley 6-36 Coyote Lake Valley 6-37 Caves Canyon Valley 6-38 Troy Valley 6-39 Lower Mojave River Valley 6-40 Middle Mojave River Valley 6-41 Upper Mojave River Valley 6-42 El Mirage Valley 6-43 Antelope Valley 6-44 Harper Valley 6-47 Goldstone Valley 6-48 Superior Valley 6-49 Cuddeback Valley 6-50 Pilot Knob Valley 6-51 Searles Valley 6-52 Salt Wells Valley 6-53 Indian Wells Valley 6-54 Lost Lake Valley 6-71 Brown Mountain Valley 6-76 Grass Valley 6-77 Denning Spring Valley 6-78 California Valley 6-79 Owl Lake Valley 6-88 Kane Wash Area 6-89 Cady Fault Area 6-90 Lanfair Valley 7-1 Fenner Valley 7-2 Ward Valley 7-3 Rice Valley 7-4 Pinto Valley 7-6 Cadiz Valley 7-7 Bristol Valley 7-8 Dale Valley 7-9 Twentynine Palms Valley 7-10 Copper Mountain Valley 7-11 Warren Valley 7-12 Deadman Valley 7-13 Lavic Valley 7-14 Bessemer Valley 7-15 98 County Listing of Ground Water Basins — Continued Ground Water Basin Number Ames Valley 7-16 Means Valley 7-17 Johnson Valley 7-18 Lucerne Valley 7-19 Morongo Valley 7-20 Calzona Valley 7-41 Vidal Valley 7-42 Chemehuevi Valley 7-43 Needles Valley 7-44 Piute Valley 7-45 Helendale Fault Valley 7-48 Pipes Canyon Fault Valley 7-49 Iron Ridge Area 7-50 Lost Horse Valley 7-51 Upper Santa Ana Valley 8-2 Big Meadows Valley 8-7 Seven Oaks Valley 8-8 Bear Valley 8-9 SAN DIEGO COUNTY Clark Valley 7-23 Borrego Valley 7-24 Ocotillo Valley 7-25 San Felipe Valley 7-27 Vallecito-Carrizo Valley 7-28 Coyote Wells Valley 7-29 Canebrake Valley 7-46 Jacumba Valley 7-47 Collins Valley 7-55 Yaqui Well Area 7-56 Pinyon Wash Area 7-57 Whale Peak Area 7-58 Mason Valley 7-59 Jacumba Valley-East 7-60 San Mateo Valley 9-2 San Onofre Valley 9-3 Santa Margarita Valley 9-4 San Luis Rey Valley 9-7 Warner Valley 9-8 Escondido Valley 9-9 San Pasqual Valley 9-10 Santa Maria Valley 9-11 San Dieguito Valley 9-12 Poway Valley 9-13 Mission Valley 9-14 San Diego River Valley 9-15 El Cajon Valley 9-16 Sweetwater Valley 9-17 Otay Valley 9-18 Tia Juana Basin 9-19 Jamul Valley 9-20 Las Pulgas Valley 9-21 Batiquitos Lagoon Valley 9-22 San Elijo Valley 9-23 Pamo Valley 9-24 Ground Water Basin Number Ranchito Town Area 9-25 Pine Valley 9-26 Cottonwood Valley 9-27 Campo Valley 9-28 Potrero Valley 9-29 Tecate Valley 9-30 SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY Visitation Valley 2-32 Islais Valley 2-33 San Francisco Sand Dune Area 2-34 Merced Valley 2-35 SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY San Joaquin Valley 5-22 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY Paso Robles Basin 3-4.06 Cholame Valley 3-5 Los Osos Valley 3-8 San Luis Obispo Valley 3-9 Pismo Creek Valley 3-10 Arroyo Grande Valley-Nipomo Mesa Area .. 3-11 Santa Maria River Valley 3-12 Cuyama Valley 3-13 Carrizo Plain 3-19 San Carpoforo Valley 3-33 Arroyo de la Cruz 3-34 San Simeon Valley 3-35 Santa Rosa Valley 3-36 Villa Valley 3-37 Cayucos Valley 3-38 Old Valley 3-39 Toro Valley 3-40 Morro Valley 3-41 Chorro Valley 3-42 Rinconada Valley 3-43 Pozo Valley 3-44 Huasna Valley 3-45 Rafael Valley 3-46 Big Spring Area 3-47 SAN MATEO COUNTY Santa Clara Valley 2-9 Half Moon Bay Terrace 2-22 San Gregorio Valley 2-24 Pescadero Valley 2-26 Visitation Valley 2-32 Merced Valley 2-35 San Pedro Valley 2-36 Ano Nuevo Area 3-20 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY Santa Maria River Valley 3-12 Cuyama Valley 3-13 San Antonio Creek Valley 3-14 99 County Listing of Ground Water Basins — Continued Ground Water Basin Number Santa Ynez River Valley 3-15 Goleta Basin 3-16 Santa Barbara Basin 3-17 Carpintena Basin 3-18 Careaga Sand Highlands 3-48 Montecito Area 3-49 SANTA CLARA COUNTY Santa Clara Valley 2-9 Santa Clara Valley— South Bay Area 2-9.02 Gilroy-Hollister Valley 3-3 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Soquel Valley 3-1 Pajaro Valley 3-2 Ano Nuevo Area 3-20 Santa Cruz Purisima Formation Highlands .. 3-21 West Santa Cruz Terrace 3-26 Scotts Valley 3-27 SHASTA COUNTY Fall River Valley 5-5 Redding Basin 5-6 Modoc Plateau Recent Volcanic Areas 5-32 Modoc Plateau Pleistocene Volcanic Areas 5-33 Pondosa Town Area 5-38 Hot Spring Valley 5-40 Cayton Valley 5-45 Lake Britton Area 5-46 Goose Valley 5-47 Burney Creek Valley 5-48 Dry Burney Creek Valley 5-49 North Fork Battle Creek Valley 5-50 SIERRA COUNTY Sierra Valley 5-12 Martis Valley (Truckee Valley) 6-67 Long Valley 6-104 SISKIYOU COUNTY Klamath River Valley 1-2 Butte Valley 1-3 Shasta Valley 1-4 Scott River Valley 1-5 Happy Camp Town Area 1-15 Seiad Valley 1-16 Bray Town Area 1-17 Red Rock Valley 1-18 Modoc Plateau Recent Volcanic Areas 1-23 Modoc Plateau Pleistocene Volcanic Areas 1-24 Modoc Plateau Recent Volcanic Areas 5-32 Modoc Plateau Pleistocene Volcanic Areas 5-33 Mount Shasta Area 5-34 McCloud Area 5-35 Toad Well Area 5-37 Ground Water Basin Number Pondosa Town Area 5-38 SOLANO COUNTY Napa-Sonoma Valley... Napa Valley Suisun-Fairfield Valley. Sacramento Valley 2-2 2-2.01 2-3 5-21 SONOMA COUNTY Anapolis Ohison Ranch Formation Highlands Petaluma Valley Napa-Sonoma Valley Sonoma Valley Knights Valley (Old No. 1-22) Alexander Valley (Old No. 1-17) Alexander Valley-Alexander Area (Old No. 1-17.01) Alexander Valley-Cloverdale Area (Old No. 1-17.02) Santa Rosa Valley (Old No. 1-18) Santa Rosa Valley-Santa Rosa Plain (Old No. 1-18.01) Santa Rosa Valley-Healdsburg Area (Old No. 1-18.02) Santa Rosa Valley-Rincon Valley (Old No. 1-18.03) Kenwood Valley (Old No. 1-23) Lower Russian River Valley .. (Old No. 1-98) Bodega Bay Area Napa-Sonoma Volcanics Highlands Sebastopol Merced Formation Highlands.... STANISLAUS COUNTY San Joaquin Valley SUTTER COUNTY Sacramento Valley TEHAMA COUNTY Redding Basin Sacramento Valley Modoc Plateau Pleistocene Volcanic Areas Sacramento Valley Eastside Tuscan Formation Highlands TRINITY COUNTY Hayfork Valley Hyampon Valley Hettenshaw Valley 1-49 2-1 2-2 2-2.02 2-13 2-17 2-17.01 2-17.02 2-18 .2-18.01 2-18.02 2-18.03 2-19 2-20 2-21 2-23 2-25 TULARE COUNTY San Joaquin Valley Three Rivers Area Springville Area , Templeton Mountain Area Manache Meadows Area... 5-22 5-21 5-6 5-21 5-33 5-55 1-6 1-35 1-36 5-22 5-73 5-74 5-75 5-76 100 County Listing of Ground Water Basins— Continued Ground Water Basin Sacator Canyon Valley Rockhouse Meadow Valley. Inns Valley Number 5-77 5-78 5-79 TUOLUMNE COUNTY No ground water basins identified for in this report VENTURA COUNTY Cuyama Valley Upper Ojai Valley Ojai Valley Ventura River Valley Santa Clara River Valley Pleasant Valley Arroyo Santa Rosa Valley Los Posas Valley 3-13 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-6 4-7 4-8 Ground Water Basin Number Simi Valley 4-9 Conejo Valley 4-io Tierra Rejada Valley 4-15 Hidden Valley 4-16 Lockwood Valley 4-17 Hungry Valley 4-18 Thousand Oaks Area 4-19 Russell Valley 4-20 Conejo-Tierra Rejada Volcanic Areas 4-21 Cuddy Ranch Area 5-83 YOLO COUNTY Sacrannento Valley 5-21 YUBA COUNTY Sacramento Valley 5-21 101 Bibliographies Two bibliographies follow. The first bibliography presents a selected list of references that are statewide in scope and also cover specialized topics. The second bibliography presents all of the references cited m the nine hydrologic study area inventories. The references are arranged numerically by agency. Abstracts of all Department of Water Resources Bulletins released since 1922 are available in the Department's Bulletin No. 170 Series. All reports are available for inspection, loan, and/or purchase through the individual agencies. Many of the reports are available in public and university libraries. Reports of the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Regional Office are available for inspection only at their Geology Section Office, 2800 Cottage Way, Sacra- mento. California 95825. Selected References of Statewide Coverage I. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES AND ITS PREDECESSORS. A California Department of Public Works Division of Water Resources Richter. R. C. and others, November 1952. Ground Water Basins in California. Water Quality Investigations Report No. 3 Richter. R. C . and others. March 1957, Office Report on Ground Water in California. Unnumbered Report. B. California Department of Water Resources Bulletin No. 3, May 1957. Tfie California Water Plan. Bulletin No. 39 series, 1900-1962. Water Supply Conditions in Soutfiern California. Bulletin No. 63. November 1958. Sea-Water Intrusion in California. Bulletin No. 66 series. 1955-56, 1957, 1958, 1959. 1960. 1961-62, Quality of Ground Waters in California. Bulletin No. 77 series. 1957-58, 1958-59. 1959-60, 1962, Ground Water Conditions in Central and Nortf^ern California. Bulletin No. 120-74, December 1974, Water Conditions in California. Summary Report. Bulletin No. 160-70, December 1970, Water for California. Tfie California Water Plan Outlook in 1970. Bulletin No. 160-74. November 1974, Tt)e California Water Plan. Outlook in 1974 II. CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY State Geologic Map Jennings. C W.. 1973. State of California. Preliminary Fault and Geologic l^ap. Preliminary report 13, two maps, map scale 1:750,000. Several authors, 1958 to 1967, State Geologic Map. Map Scale 1:250.000. A Series of 27 Sheets. Bulletin No. 198. 1973, Urban Geology. Master Plan for California The Nature. Magnitude, and Costs of Geologic Hazards in California and Recommendations for Their Mitigation III. CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD AND ITS PREDECESSORS ' Water Quality Control Plan Report, Klamath River Basin (lA) Water Quality Control Plan Report North Coastal Basm (IB) Water Quality Control Plan Report San Francisco Bay Basin (2) Water Quality Control Plan Report, Central Coastal Basm (3) Water Quality Control Plan Report. Santa Clara River Basm (4A) . Water Quality Control Plan Report Los Angeles River Basm (4B) . Water Quality Control Plan Report Sacramento River Basm (5A). Water Quality Control Plan Report, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Basm (5B) Water Quality Control Plan Report. San Joaquin River Basm (5C). Water Quality Control Plan Report Tulare Lake Basin (5D) Water Quality Control Plan Report. North Lahontan Basm (6A). Water Quality Control Plan Report. South Lahontan Basm (6B) Water Quality Control Plan Report West Colorado River Basm (7A) . Water Quality Control Plan Report. East Colorado River Basm (7B). Water Quality Control Plan Report. Santa Ana River Basm (8) . Water Quality Control Plan Report San Diego Basin (9) IV. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Bader. J S.. July 24. 1969. Summary of Ground Water Data as of 1967. California Region. Open-File Report Supported by Nine Subregion Reports. Kunkel. F.. March 17. 1970. Summary of Ground-Water Occurrence in California Open-File Report McGuinness. C. L.. and others. 1963, The Role of Ground Water in the National Water Situation Water-Supply Paper 1800 • Reports cil«l for this agpno' are currently in various stages of preparation. 103 V. MISCELLANEOUS Coe. J. J , and others, 1972. Ground Water Management. American Society of Civil Engineers, Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice. No. 40. Fuhriman. 0. K.. and Barton. J. R . December 1971. Ground Water Pollution in Arizona. California. Nevada, and Utah. Fuhriman, Barton and Associates. Provo. Utah 84601 for the U. S. Office of Research and Monitoring. Environmental Protection Agency. Project No 16060ERU. Contract No. 14-12-919. Poland. J. F.and Davis. G. H.. 1969. Land Subsidence Due to Withdrawal of Fluids. The Geo\oq\ca\ SoaeXs/ oi P<.mer\ca. Inc.. Reviews ir, Engineering Geology II. Poland. J. F.. August 22-24. 1973. Subsidence in United States Due to Ground Water Overdraft — A Fleview. American Society of Civil Engineers. Proceedings of the Irrigation and Drainage Division Speciality Conference Held at Fort Collins. Colorado. August 22-24. 1973. Pollan. R. G.. and others. June 1971. Water Resources. California Region. Water Resources Council. Pacific Southwest Inter-Agency Committee. California Region Framework Study Committee. Appendix V. Waananen. A. O.. and Bean. R. T.. 1966. Mineral and Water Resources of California. Part II. Water Resources. United States Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Williams. D, E,. and Wilder, D. G.. August 1971. Gasoline Pollution of a Ground Water Reservoir — A Case History. Paper presented at National Ground Water Quality Symposium. Denver. Colorado Selected References for Inventory Summaries \. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES AND ITS PREDECESSORS (DWR) A. California State Water Resources Board 1. Bulletin No. 1. 1951. Water Resources of California. 2. Bulletin No. 5, August 1953. Santa Cruz-Monterey Counties Investigation. 3. Bulletin No. 6. September 1952. Sutter-Yuba Counties Investigation. 4. Bulletin No. 7. June 1955. Santa Clara Valley Investigation. 5. Bulletin No. 8. March 1952. Central Basin Investigation. Lower Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Area. County of Los Angeles. 6. Bulletin No, 9. February 1953. Elsinore Basin Investigation. 7. Bulletin No. 10. June 1955. Placer County Investigation. 8. Bulletin No. 11. June 1955. San Joaquin County Investigation. 9. Bulletin No. 12. October 1953. Revised April 1956. Ventura County Investigation. 10. Bulletin No 13. March 1963. Alameda County Investigation. 11. Bulletin No. 14. July 1957. Lake County Investigation. 12. Bulletin No, 15. February 1959. Santa Ana River Investigation. Appendix B. Geology of San Jacinto and Elsinore Basins. 13. Bulletin No, 18. May 1958. San Luis Obispo County Investigation. 14. Bulletin No. 19. February 1956. Salinas River Basin Investigation. 15. Bulletin No. 21. June 1955. American River Basin Investigation. Report on Development Proposed for the California Water Plan. Appendix A. Ground Water Studies. 16. Bulletin No. 22, July 1964. Shasta County Investigation. 17. MacRostie. W. L., November 1951. Interim Report on Elsinore Basin Investigation. Unnumbered Report. B. California Department of Public Works Division of Water Resources Bulletins 18 Bulletin No 45. 1934. South Coastal Basin Investigation. Geology and Ground Water Storage Capacity of Valley Fill. 19, Bulletin No. 46. 1933. Ventura County Investigation. 20, Bulletin No. 47. 1934. Mojave River Investigation. 21, Bulletin No. 48. 1935. San Diego County Investigation. 22, Bulletin No, 55. 1949. San Dieguito and San Diego Rivers Investigation. 23 Bulletin No 57. June 1956. Santa Margarita River Investigation. Unnumbered Reports 24. Bookman. M,. November 5. 1951. Upper San Jacinto Water Basin Court Reference. City of San Jacinto, et al. vs. Fruitvale Mutual Water Company, et al. No. 51546. County of Riverside. Unnumbered Memorandum Report, 25. Bookman, M,. and others. November 29. 1951 Interim Report of Referee Tia Juana Basin. In the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of San Diego. Marvin L. Allen, et al. Plaintiffs and Cross-Defendants, vs. California Water and Telephone Company, a Corporation, et al. Defendants and Cross Complainants No. 85482 California Water and Tele- phone Company, a Corporation. Plaintiff and Cross-Defendant, vs. Cornelius R. Spooner. et al. Defendants and Cross- Complainants No. 154464. Unnumbered Interim Report. 26. Conkling. H.. and others. July 12. 1943. Report of Referee. In the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Los Angeles. City of Pasadena, a Municipal Corporation. Plaintiff vs. City of Alhambra. a Municipal Corporation, et al. Defendants No. Pasadena C-1323. Unnumbered Report. Volumes 1 and 2, 27. Crooker. H, M.. March 1930, South Fork Kern River Investigation. Report for the Period March 12 to December 31. 1929. Unnumbered Report. 28. Gleason. G. B . and others. March 30. 1949. Report on the Geology and Hydrology of Piru and Fillmore Basins. Ventura County. California. Unnumbered Report. 104 Selected References for Inventory Summaries — Continued 29. Gleason, G. B.. and others. June 1952. \A/esr Coast Basin Reference. Report of Referee. In the Superior Court of the State of California m and for the County of Los Angeles. California Water Service Company, a Corporation, et al. Plaintiffs, vs. City ofCompton. etal. Defendants California Water Service Company, a Corporation, etal. Plaintiffs, vs. Alexander Abercromby. et al. Defendants. No. 506806 Unnumbered Report. 30. Illingworth. L. R.. and others. July 7. 1950. Report on the Water Supply. Sewage Disposal. Flood Control and Foundation Problems at the California Institution for Women Near Tehachapi. Unnumbered Report. 31. Illingworth. L. R., and others. April 1955. Report of Referee Upper San Jacinto Basin. In the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Riverside. The City of San Jacinto, et al. Plaintiffs, vs. Fruitvale Mutual Water Company, etal. Defendants. No. 51546. Unnumbered Report. 32. Illingworth. L. R.. and others, July 1956. Temecula Creek Reference Report of Referee. In the Superior Court of the State of California in and for County of San Diego. Ernest Louis Barbey. et al. Plaintiffs, vs. James Oviatt. et al. Defendants, f^ary Vail Wilkinson, etal. Cross-Complainants, vs. Ernest Louis Barbey. etal. Cross-Defendants. No. 154140. Unnumbered Report. 33. James, L. B.. and others. March 1952. Report to Los Angeles Regional Water Pollution Control Board Laguna Wash Investiga- tion. Code No. 52-4-13. Unnumbered Water Quality Investigations Report 34. Lorens. P. J.. February 1952, Pollution Survey of Tehachapi Creek Spring Area A Contribution to a Report Prepared by the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering for the Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board Unnumbered Report. 35. Page. J. M.. and others. July 1954. Special Report No 1 of Referee. Tia Juana Basin tvlarvin L. Allen, et al. Plaintiffs and Cross-Defendants, vs. California Water and Telephone Company, a Corporation, et al. Defendants and Cross-Complainants. No 85482 California Water and Telephone Company, a Corporation. Plaintiffs, and Cross-Defendant vs. Cornelius R Spooner. et al. Defendants and Cross-Complainants. No. 154464. In the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of San Diego. 36. Page. J. M., and others. June 1957, Special Report No. 2 of Referee, Tia Juana Basin. In the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of San Diego. tVlarvin L. Allen, etal Plaintiffs and Cross-Defendants, vs. California Water and Telephone Company, a Corporation, et al. Defendants and Cross-Complamants. No. 85482. California Water and Telephone Company, a Corporation. Plaintiff and Cross-Defendant vs. Cornelius R Spooner. et al. Defendants and Cross-Complainants. No 154464. 37. Seward. E. N., and others. June 1954. Ventura County Oil Waste Investigation. Project No. 53-4^. A report to Los Angeles Regional Water Pollution Control Board No 4. Unnumbered Water Quality Investigations Report. 38. Stephenson. P, E.. March 1951. Report on Use of Water Within Isabella Reservoir Area on Kern River. Kern County California. Unnumbered Report. 39- Willets. D. B.. and others. September 1952, Investigations of Los Angeles River Code No. 52-4-2. Unnumbered Water Quality Investigations Report. 40. Willets. D. B., and others, May 1954. Ground Water Occurrence and Quality. Colorado River Basin Region. Water Quality Investigations Report No. 4. 41. Willets. D B . and others. December 1955. Office Report El Cajon Valley Water Quality and Resources San Diego County. Unnumbered Water Quality Investigations Office Report. 42. Willets, D. B.. and others. January 1956. Office Report on Water Well and Ground Water Data in Pahrump. Mesquite. Ivanpah. Lanfair. Fenner. Chuckwalla. and Jacumba Valleys. Unnumbered Office Report. 43. Willets, D B.. and others, April 1956, Antelope Valley Investigation. Lahontan Region Project No. 55-6-1. Report to Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board No 6. Unnumbered Water Quality Investigations Report. California Department of Water Resources Bulletins 44. Bulletin No. 39*2. July 1964, Water Supply Conditions in Southern California During 1961-62. 45. Bulletin No. 58. June 1960. Northeastern Counties Investigation. 46. Bulletin No. 60. March 1957. Interim Report to the California State Legislature on the Salinity Control Barrier Investigation. 47. Bulletin No. 62, November 1958, Recommended Water Well Construction and Sealing Standards. IVIendocino County. 48. Bulletin No. 63, November 1958. Sea-Water Intrusion in California. 49. Bulletin No. 63. Appendix A. December 1960. Sea-Water Intrusion in California. Status of Sea-Water Intrusion. Limited Distribution Report. 50. Bulletin No 63. Appendix B. March 1957, Sea-Water Intrusion in California. Appendix B, Report by Los Angeles County Flood Control District on Investigational Work for Prevention and Control of Sea-Water Intrusion, West Coast Basin Experimental Project. Los Angeles County. 51 Bulletin No. 63-1. October 1965. Sea-Water Intrusion. Oxnard Plain of Ventura County. 52 Bulletin No. 63-2, January 1968. Sea-Water Intrusion. Bolsa-Sunset Area. Orange County. 53. Bulletin No 63-3. February 1970. Sea-Water Intrusion. Pismo-Guadalupe Area. 54 Bulletin No. 63-4. September 1971, Sea-Water Intrusion. Aquitardsin the Coastal Ground Water Basin of Oxnard Plain. Ventura County 55 Bulletin No. 63-5. (in preparation) , Sea-Water Intrusion in California, Inventory of Coastal Ground Water Basins. 56. Bulletin No. 63-6. February 1972. Sea-Water Intrusion, fvlorro Bay Area. San Luis Obispo County. 57 Bulletin No 64. April 1964. West Walker River Investigation. 58. Bulletin No. 66-62. August 1964. Quality of Ground Waters in California. 1961 and 1962. Part I. Northern and Central California. 105 Selected References for Inventory Summaries — Continued 59. Bulletin No. 72, November 1959. San Dieguito River Investigation 60 Bulletin No. 74-2. June 1964, Water Well Standards. Alameda County. 61. Bulletin No, 74-3, August 1966, Water Well Standards. Del Norte County. 62. Bulletin No. 74-4. October 1965. Water Well Standards. Central Hollywood. Santa Monica Basins. Los Angeles County. 63. Bulletin No. 74-5. July 1969, Water Well Standards. San Joaquin County. Final Supplement 64. Bulletin No. 74-6. Septennber 1968, Water Well Standards. Fresno County. 65. Bulletin No. 74-7, July 1971, Water Well Standards Arroyo Grande Basin. San Luis Obispo County. 66. Bulletin No. 74-8. August 1968, Water Well Standards Shasta County. 67. Bulletin No. 74-9, August 1968, Water Well Standards Ventura County 68. Bulletin No. 75, February 1959, Water Quality and Water Quality Problems. Ventura County 69. Bulletin No. 81, December 1960, Intrusion of Salt Water Into Ground Water Basins of Souttiern Alameda County. 70. Bulletin No. 83, July 1964, Klamath River Basin Investigation. 71. Bulletin No. 84, August 1967, Mojave River Ground Water Basins Investigation. 72. Bulletin No. 87, July 1964, Shasta Valley Investigation. 73. Bulletin No. 89. December 1960, Lower San Joaquin Valley Water Quality Investigation. 74. Bulletin No. 91-1, June 1960, Data on Wells in the West Part of the Middle Mojave Valley Area. San Bernardino County. California. 75. Bulletin No. 91-2. June 1960. Data on Water Wells and Springs in the Yucca Valley-Twentynine Palms Area. San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. California. 76. Bulletin No. 91-3, August 1960. Data on Water Wells in the Eastern Part of the Middle Mojave Valley Area. San Bernardino County. Call torn 13- 77. Bulletin No. 91-4, September 1960, Data on Water Wells in the Willow Springs Gloster. and Chaffee Areas. Kern County. California. 78. Bulletin No 91-5, March 1961. Data on Water Wells in the Dale Valley Area. San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. California. 79. Bulletin No. 91-6. June 1962. Data on Wells in the Edwards Air Force Base Area. California. 80. Bulletin No. 91-7. May 1963. Data on Water Wells and Springs in the Chuckwalla Valley Area. Riverside County. California. 81. Bulletin No. 91-8. May 1963, Data on Water Wells and Springs in the Rice and Vidal Valley Areas Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, California. 82. Bulletin No. 91-9, May 1963, Data on Water Wells in Indian Wells Valley Area. Inyo. Kern, and San Bernardino Counties California. 83. Bulletin No. 91-10, December 1963, Wells and Springs in the Lower Mojave Valley Area. San Bernardino County. California. 84. Bulletin No. 91-11, May 1965, Water Wells in the Western Part of the Antelope Valley Area, Los Angeles and Kern Counties, California. 85. Bulletin No 91-12, December 1966, Water Wells in the Eastern Part of the Antelope Valley Area. Los Angeles County. California. 86. Bulletin No. 91-13, August 1967, Water Wells and Springs in Soda. Silver and Cronise Valleys. San Bernardino County. California. 87. Bulletin No. 91-14, August 1967, Water Wells and Springs in Bristol. Broadwell. Cadiz. Danby. and Lavic Valleys and Vicinity. San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. California. 88. Bulletin No. 91-15. January 1968. Water Welts and Springs in Borrego. Carrizo. and San Felipe Valley Areas. San Diego and Imperial Counties. California. 89. Bulletin No. 91-16, February 1969, Water Wells and Springs in the Fremont Valley Area. Kern County. California. 90. Bulletin No. 91-1 7, December 1969. Water Wells and Springs in Panamint. Searles, and Knob Valleys, San Bernardino and Inyo Counties. California. 91. Bulletin No 91-18. May 1971, Water Wells in the San Luis Rey Valley Area. San Diego County, California. 92 Bulletin No. 91-19, May 1971, Water Wells in the Harper Superior, and Cuddeback Valley Areas, San Bernardino County, California. 93. Bulletin No. 91-20, August 1971, Water Wells and Springs in the Western Part of the Upper Santa Margarita River Watershed. Riverside and San Diego Counties. California. 94. Bulletin No. 91-21, January 1972, Water Wells and Springs in Ivanpah Valley. San Bernardino County. California. 95. Bulletin No. 91-22, August 1974, Water Wells and Springs in the Eastern Part of the Upper Santa Margarita River Watershed. Riverside and San Diego Counties. California. 96. Bulletin No 98, February 1963, Northeastern Counties Ground Water Investigation 97. Bulletin No. 98, Appendix C, March 1965, Office Report Geology. Northeastern Counties Ground Water Investigation. 98. Bulletin No. 99, March 1962. Reconnaissance Report on Upper Putah Creek Basin Investigation. 99. Bulletin No. 104, September 1968, Planned Utilization of Ground Water Basins. Coastal Plain of Los Angeles County. 100. Bulletin No. 104, Appendix A, June 1961, Planned Utilization of the Ground Water Basins of the Coastal Plain of Los Angeles County Appendix A. Ground Water Geology. 101 , Bulletin No. 104, Appendix B, April 1962, Planned Utilization of the Ground Water Basins of the Coastal Plain of Los Angeles County. Appendix B. Safe Yield Determinations. 106 Selected References for Inventory Summaries — Continued 102^ Bulletin No 104, Appendix C. December 1966. Planned Utilization ot Ground Water Basins Coastal Plain of Los Angeles County Appendix C. Operation and Economics. 103. Bulletin No. 104-2. Appendix A. March 1966. Planned Utilization of Ground Water Basins. San Gabriel Valley. Appendix A. Geotiydrolagy. 104. Bulletin No. 104-3. May 1971. fleeting Water Demands in the Chimo-Riverside Area. 105. Bulletin No. 104-3. Appendix A. September 1970. Meeting Water Demands in the Chino-Riverside Area. Appendix A. Water Supply. 106. Bulletin No. 104-5. Decennber 1970. f\/leeting Water Demands in the Bunker Hill-San Timoteo Area. 107. Bulletin No. 104-6. June 1971. l\/leeting Water Demands in the Raymond Basin Area. 108. Bulletin No. 104-7. June 1972. Planned Utilization of Water Resources in the San Juan Creek Basin Area. 109. Bulletin No. 104-8 (in preparation). Ventura County Investigation. 1 10. Bulletin No. 105-3. December 1970. North Coastal Area Action Program. A Study of the Smith River Basin and Plain. 111. Bulletin No. 105-4. November 1973. Water IVIanagement for Wildlife Enhancement in Butte Valley. Appendix-Supporting Studies. 112. Bulletin No. 106-1. June 1964. Ground Water Occurrence and Quality. Lahontan Region. 113. Bulletin No, 106-2. June 1967, Ground Water Occurrence and Quality. San Diego Region. 114. Bulletin No. 107, August 1962. Recommended Well Construction and Sealing Standards for Protection of Ground Water Quality in West Coast Basin. Los Angeles County. 115. Bulletin No. 108. July 1964, Coachella Valley Investigation. 116. Bulletin No. 118-1. Appendix A. August 1967. Evaluation of Ground Water Resources South Bay. Appendix A Geology. 117. Bulletin No. 118-1. Volume 1. August 1968, Evaluation of Ground Water Resources South Bay. Volume 1. Fremont Study Area. 118. Bulletin No, 118-1. Volume II. August 1973, Evaluation of Ground Water Resources South San Francisco Bay. Volume II. Additional Fremont Study Area. 119. Bulletin No. 118-1, Volume III (in preparation). Evaluation of Ground Water Resources. North Santa Clara County. 120. Bulletin No. 118-2. June 1974. Evaluation of Ground Water Resources. Livermore and Sunol Valleys. 121 Bulletin No 118-2. Appendix A. August 1966. Livermore and Sunol Valleys. Evaluation of Ground Water Resources. Appendix. Geology 122 Bulletin No 118-3, July 1974, Evaluation of Ground Water Resources. Sacramento County 123. Bulletin No. 118-4 (in preparation). Evaluation of Ground Water Resources. Sonoma County. 124. Bulletin No. 120-74, December 1974. Water Conditions in California. Summary Report October 1. 1973-September 30. 1974. 125. Bulletin No. 126, October 1964, Fish Slough Dam and Reservoir. Feasibility Investigation. 126. Bulletin No. 133, March 1964, Folsom-East Sacramento Ground Water Quality Investigation. 127. Bulletin 135. August 1966. Madera Investigation. 128. Bulletin 138. March 1966. Coastal San Mateo County Investigation 129 Bulletin No 142-1. Volume 1. April 1965. Water Resources and Future Requirements. North Coastal Hydrographic Area. Volume I. Southern Portion. 130. Bulletin No. 143-1. June 1966. San Lorenzo River Watershed Water Quality Investigation. 131. Bulletin No. 143-3, April 1965, Fresno-Clovis Metropolitan Area Water Quality Investigation. 132. Bulletin No. 143-4. May 1968. Russian River Watershed Water Quality Investigation. 133. Bulletin No. 143-5. August 1969. Lower San Joaquin River Water Quality Investigation. 134 Bulletin No. 143-6, August 1968, Delano Nitrate Investigation. 135. Bulletin No. 143-7. February 1970. Geothermal Wastes and the Water Resources of the Salton Sea Area. 136. Bulletin No. 146. July 1967. San Joaquin County Ground Water Investigation. 137 Bulletin No 147-1. December 1966. Ground Water Basin Protection Projects Santa Ana Gap Salinity Barrier. Orange County. 138. Bulletin No. 147-6. September 1970. Ground Water Basin Protection Projects Oxnard Basin Experimental Extraction-Type Barrier 139. Bulletin No 150. March 1965. Upper Sacramento River Basin Investigation. 140- Bulletin No. 160-74, November 1974, The California Water Plan Outlook in 1974. Unnumbered Reports 141 Angelos. R E . and others, September 1965, Ground Water Conditions in San Diego River Valley. A Report to San Diego Regional Water Pollution Control Board No. 9 Project Code No 59-9-1. Unnumbered Report. 142. Anonymous, 1958, North Tulare Basin Ground Water Investigation. Geohydrology of North Tulare Basin. Unnumbered Office Report 143. Anonymous, 1958. Kern County Ground Water Investigation. Geohydrology of Kern County. Unnumbered Office Report. 144 Anonymous. 1960. Ground Water Geology of Petaluma-Santa Rosa Valleys. Unnumbered Report. 145 Anonymous. May 23. 1960, Report on Bridgeport Valley Ground-Water Investigation. Unnumbered Report. 146. Brown. G A . and others. October 1962. Ground Water Geology of the San Gabriel Valley. Los Angeles County. Unnumbered Office Report 107 Selected References for Inventory Summaries — Continued 147. Coluzzi. A A , May 1968, Santa Clara River Valley Water Quality Study. Unnumbered Report 148. Coe. A. L.. and others, October 1967. Monterey County Water Quality Investigation. 149. Doody. J. J.. June 1964, Ground Water Quality Survey of Lower Otay River Valley. A Report to San Diego Regional Water Pollution Control Board No 9. Project Code No 4109-024. Unnumbered Report. 150. Doody. J. J. September 1964. San Juan Creek Ground Water Study. A Report to San Diego Regional Water Pollution Control Board No. 9. Project Code No. 4109-064. Unnumbered Report. 151. Finlayson. D. J., and Ford. R. S.. June 1970. Sea-Water Intrusion Lower Salinas Valley. Progress Report 1968-1969 Unnumbered Progress Report. 152. Ford. R. S.. June 1969. Geology of the Lower Portion. Salinas Valley Ground Water Basin. Unnumbered Office Report. 153. Ford. R. S.. and others. June 1970. Livermore and Sunol Valleys. Evaluation of Ground Water Resources Tfirough 1968. Unnumbered Memorandum Report. 154. Ford, R. S.. July 1972. Ground Water and the Environment. San Joaquin County. Unnumbered Report. 155. Fowler. L. C. and others. March 1960. Reconnaissance Investigation of Water Resources of IVIono and Inyo Counties. Unnumbered Report. 156. Gentry, W.. and others. December 1959. IVIadeline Plains Water Quality Investigation. Unnumbered Water Quality Investiga- tions Report. 157. Gershon. S. I., and others. March 1971. Preliminary Evaluation of the Water Supply of the Arroyo Grande and Paso Robles Area. Unnumbered Report 158. Hanson. H. C. and others. May 1963. Ground Water Geology of the Tulare Basin. Unnumbered Office Report. 159. Hansen. R. G.. and others. May 1958. Investigation of the Water Quality in IVIission Basin San Luis Rey Valley. San Diego County. Project No 58-9-1 A Report to San Diego Regional Water Pollution Control Board No. 9 Unnumbered Water Quality Investigations Report. 160. Hassan. A. H.. and others. August 1974. l\/1athematical IVIodeling of Water Quality for Water Resources fvlanagement. Volume I. Development of the Water Quality IVlodel Volume II. Development of Historic Data for the Verification of the Ground Water Quality Model of the Santa Clara-Calleguas Area. Ventura County. Unnumbered Report. Vols. 1 and 2. 161. Hill. D. M.. February 1973. Qualification of Measuring Wells. Tahoe Valley (South Tahoe) Ground Water Basin No. 6-05 01. Unnumbered Memorandum Report. 162. Hudson. W. S.. and others. November 1974. Water Demand. Supply and Potential Sources in San Luis Obispo County. Unnumbered District Report. 163. Kramsky. M.. July 5. 1960. Water Quality. Surprise Valley. Unnumbered Water Quality Investigations Report. 164. Kramsky. M.. July 14. 1960. Water Quality Report on Honey Lake and Willow Creek Valleys Unnumbered Water Quality Investigations Report. 165. LoBue. J. F., November 1968. Investigation of Waste Discharges in Lompoc Basin. Unnumbered Report. 166. LoBue. J. F.. February 1969. Escondido Creek Ground Water Investigation. Unnumbered Report. 167. LoBue. J. F. and others. June 2. 1969. Water Quality Conditions of the Upper Salinas River Region. Unnumbered Memorandum Report 168. LoBue. J. F.. December 16. 1970. Santa Maria River Valley Water Quality Conditions. 1969. Unnumbered Memorandum Report, 169. LoBue. J, F.. and others. October 1973. Los Qsos-Baywood Ground Water Protection Study Unnumbered Report. 170. Loo. F,, December 1971, Ground Water Quality and Hydrology Data San Antonio Creek Basin. Southern District Unnumbered Memorandum Report. 171. Meffley, R. W., and others, July 1974, Zone 11 Investigation. Carmel Valley and Seaside Ground Water Basins. Monterey County. District Unnumbered Report. 172. Mclntyre, V. B., and others. July 1973. Sea-Water Intrusion Lower Salinas Valley. Monterey County. Unnumbered Report. 173. Mido. K. W., and others. December 1969, Planned Utilization of Ground Water Basins. San Gabriel Valley Including Appendix B: Operation and Economics. Unnumbered Memorandum Report. 174. Mido, K. W.. and others. February 1971. Meeting Water Demands in Bunker Hill-San Timoteo Area. Geology. Hydrology, and Operation-Economics Studies. Unnumbered Report. 175. Mido. K. W.. and others. May 1971. Meeting Water Demands in the Chino-Riverside Area. Appendix B. Operation-Economics. Unnumbered Memorandum Report 176. Morgester, J. J.. June 1969. Water Quality of the Lower Portion. Salinas Valley Ground Water Basin. Unnumbered Office Report. 177. Mosley. J C. and others. October 21. 1963. Mineral Quality Criteria South Santa Clara Valley. Unnumbered Report, 178. Mosley, J. C , and others. February 17, 1964. Mineral Quality Criteria, San Benito County. Unnumbered Report 179. Mosley. J. C. September 1964. Water Well Construction in the Bay Area Branch. Unnumbered Office Report. 180. Nishimura. G. H.. and others. December 10. 1969. Water Supply and Water Quality Conditions in Indio Hydrology Subarea. Unnumbered Report. 181. Nishimura, G. H.. and others, December 1973, Mammoth Basin Water Resources Environmental Study (Final Report) Unnum- bered Report. 182. Nishimura, G. H.. January 1975. Impact of Waste Treatment and Disposal on the Quality of Water Supplies. Santa Margarita Watershed. Unnumbered Memorandum Report. 108 Selected References for Inventory Summaries — Continued 183. Parsons. J. M.. November 1971, Preliminary Evaluation of Specific Yield and Change in Storage of the Santa Clara-Calleguas Subarea Unnumbered Report, 184 Reynolds. R, R,, and others. October \Q7Z. An Interagency-I^ultidisciplinary Investigation of the Natural Resources of the Sierra Valley Study Area. Sierra and Plumas Counties. Unnumbered Cooperative Study Report by Federal, State, and Local Agencies, 185. Richter, R. C. and others, March 1957. Office Report on Ground Water in California. Unnumbered Report. 186. Richardson, N L. July 1968, Water Quality Conditions m San Dieguito River Basin. Unnumbered Report 187. Roos, M., February 14, 1975, Supporting Data on Net Water Demand and Water Supplies for Bulletin No. 160-74. Unnumbered Report. 188. Scott. R. G,. and others, June 1973, Sea-Water Intrusion and Ground Water l\/lonitoring Programs in the Eureka Area. Unnumbered District Report. 189. Thronson. R. E,. 1963, Geologic Conditions and Occurrence and Nature of Ground Water in the Russian River Hydrographic Unit. Unnumbered Office Report, 190 Weber. E. t^.. and others, July 1967, Progress Report on Ground Water Geology of the Coastal Plain of Orange County. Unnumbered Progress Report, 191, Werner, S. L., and others. July 1967, Investigation of Geothermal Waters in the Long Valley Area. Mono County. Unnumbered Report. 192, Werner. S. L.. January 30. 1973. Ground Water Quality Problem. Coyote Wells Hydrologic Unit. Unnumbered Memorandum Report 193. Whisman. E. E.. and others. December 30, 1968, Ground Water Quality Problems in Sutter and Yuba Counties. Unnumbered Memorandum Report. 194. Wolfe. C, G.. and others. December 1955. Report to the California State Legislature on Putah Creek Cone Investigation. Prepared Pursuant to Chapter 1478. Statutes of 1951. Unnumbered Report. CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY (DMG) 1. Jennings, C W, and Strand, R. G , 1958, Geologic Map of California. Santa Cruz Sheet. Single Map Sheet. Scale 1:250,000. 2. Jennings. C. W.. 1961, Geologic Map of California. Kingman Sheet. Single Map Sheet, Scale 1:250.000, 3. Jennings. C. W.. and others, 1962. Geologic Map of California. Trono Sheet. Single Map Sheet, Scale 1:250.000. 4. Jennings, C. W.. 1967. Geologic Map of California. Salton Sea Sheet. Single Map Sheet. Map Scale 1:250.000. 5. Matthews. R. A., and others. 1965. Geologic Map of California. Fresno Sheet Single Map Sheet. Scale 1:250.000. 6 Rogers, T. H., 1965. Geologic Map of California. Santa Ana Sheet. Single Map Sheet. Scale 1:250,000. 7 Rogers. T H., 1967, Geologic Map of California. San Bernardino Sheet. Single Map Sheet, Scale 1:250,000, 8. Smith, A. R., 1964. Geologic Map of California. Bakersfield Sheet . Single Map Sheet, Scale 1:250.000. 9 Strand. R. G , 1962. Geologic Map of California. San Diego— El Centro Sheet. Single Map Sheet, Scale 1:250,000. CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD AND ITS PREDECESSORS (SWRCB) A State Water Rights Board 1 Finlayson. D J . and others. July 1962. Report of Referee. In the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Los Angeles. The City of Los Angeles, a Municipal Corporation. Plaintiff vs. City of San-Fernando, a Municipal Corporation, et al. Defendants. No. 650079 Unnumbered Report. B. State Water Resources Control Board Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board 2 Doyle. A. A., February 1969. Report on Arsenic Occurrence in the North Muroc Hydrologic Basin. Kern County. California. Unnumbered Report, C. State Water Resources Control Board 3. Anonymous. April 1974. Comprehensive Water Quality Control Plan Report for the San Diego Basm. Abstract. 4. Anonymous. June 1974. Water Quality Control Plan Report. Santa Clara River Basin (4A) Part I and II. Vol. 1. 5. Anonymous. 1974. Water Quality Control Plan Report. Los Angeles River Basin (4B). U. S. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION (USBR) A Mid-Pacific Regional Office 1 Richardson. H. E., and others. July 1961. San Felipe Division. Geology and Ground-Water Resources Appendix. Part I — North Santa Clara Valley. Part II — South Santa Clara Valley. Part III — Hollister Area. Part IV^Watsonville Subarea. Unnumbered Report. 2 Richardson. H E.. and others, July 1961, Feasibility Studies of East Side Division. Central Valley Project. California. Geology and Ground Water Resources Appendix. Unnumbered Report. 3 Richardson. H. E . and others. July 1962. North Coast Project. Eel River Division. Round Valley Unit. Geology and Ground-Water Resources Appendix. Unnumbered Report 4 Richardson. H E . and others. February 1963. Central Valley Project. San Luis Unit. Geology and Ground-Water Resources Definite Plan Appendix Unnumbered Report. 5 Richardson, H E,. and others. May 1964. Central Valley Project. Pit River Division. Reconnaissance Study of Allen Camp Unit. Geology and Ground-Water Resources Appendix Unnumbered Report, 6. Richardson. H. E.. and others. July 1964. Reconnaissance Study of West Sacramento Canals Unit California. Ground-Water and Geology Resources Appendix Part I — Lower Cache Creek Service Area. Part II — Solano County Service Area. Part III — Middletown Service Area. Unnumbered Report. 109 Selected References for Inventory Summaries — Continued 7. Richardson. H. E.. and others. January 1965. Feasibility Studies of Sespe Creek Project. Ground-Water Geology and Resources Appendix Unnumbered Report, 8. Richardson. H. E.. and others. September 1965. Central Valley Project. San Luis Unit. Ground-Water Conditions and Potential Pumping Resources Above the Corcoran Clay, an Addendum to the Ground-Water Geology and Resources Definite Plan Appendix. 1963. Unnumbered Report 9. Richardson. H E . and others. March 1966. San Felipe Division. Ground Water Conditions in North Santa Clara Valley. Santa Clara County. Spring 1958-Spring 1966. An Addendum to the Geology and Ground Water Resources Appendix. 1961. Unnum- bered Report. 10. Richardson. H. E.. and others. March 1968 (Revised June 1969). Lompoc Project. Feasibility Study. Ground-Water Geology and Resources Appendix Unnumbered Report. 1 1 Richardson. H. E.. and others. August 1968. Ventura River Project Extensions. Feasibility Study. Ground-Water Geology and Resources Appendix. Unnumbered Report. 12. Richardson. H. E.. and others, December 1968. North Coast Project. Eel River Division. English Ridge Unit. Feasibility Studies, Groundwater Geology and Resources Appendix. Unnumbered Report. B, Region 3 13. Anonymous. March 1965, Interim Report. Inland Basins Projects. Mojave River Basin. Unnumbered Report. 14. Anonymous, July 1967. Interim Report. Inland Basins Projects Morongo-Yucca Upper Coachella Valley. California. Unnum- bered Reconnaissance Investigation. 15. Anonymous. March 1968. Interim Report Inland Basins Projects, Indian Wells and Searles Valley, California. Unnumbered Reconnaissance Investigation. 16. Anonymous. November 1968. Interim Report on Inland Basins Projects Nevada-California, Amargosa Project. Unnumbered Reconnaissance Investigation. 17. Anonymous. June 1968. Interim Report. Inland Basins Projects. Borrego Valley. California. Unnumbered Reconnaissance Investigation. 18. Anonymous. December 1968. Interim Report. Inland Basins Projects. Chuckwalla Valley. California. Unnumbered Reconnais- sance Investigation V. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (USGS) 1. Akers. J. P.. July 24. 1969. Ground Water in the Scotts Valley Area. Santa Cruz County, California. Open-File Report. 2. Akers, J. P.. and others. March 28. 1967. Geohydrologic Reconnaissance of the Soquel-Aptos Area, Santa Cruz County. California. Open-File Report. 3. Akers. J. P.. March 1974, The Effect of Proposed Deepening of the John F. Baldwin and Stockton Ship Channels on Salt-Water Intrusion. Suisun Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Areas. California. Water Resources Investigations 56-73. 4. Back. W.. 1957, Geology and Ground Water Features of the Smith River Plain. Del Norte County, California. Water Supply Paper 1254. 5. Bader. J. S..and others. 1958. Data on Water Wells and Springs in Morongo Valley and Vicinity. San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California. Open-File Report. 6. Bader, J. S.. and others. 1958. Data on Water Wells in the Upper Mojave Valley Area. San Bernardino County. California. Open-File Report. 7. Bader. J, S.. January 29. 1969. Ground-Water Data as of 1967. North Lahontan Subregion. California. Open-File Report. 8. Bader. J. S.. March 5. 1969. Ground-Water Data as of 1967. Central Coastal Subregion. California. Open-File Report. 9. Bader. J. S.. March 5. 1969. Ground-Water Data as of 1967 Sacramento Basin Subregion. California. Open-File Report. 10. Bader. J. S.. March 5. 1969. Ground-Water Data as of 1967 San Francisco Bay Subregion. California. Open-File Report. 11. Berkstresser. C. F.. Jr., December 1973, Base of Fresh Ground Water Approximately 3.000 Micromhos in the Sacramento Valley and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. California. Water Resources Investigations 40-73. 12. Bertoldi, G. L.. March 11. 1971. Chemical Quality of Ground Water in the Dos Palos-Kettleman City Area. San Joaquin Valley, California. Open-File Report. 13 Bloyd. R. M., Jr.. August 28. 1967. Water Resources of the Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency Area. California. Open-File Report 14. Bloyd. R. M. and others. November 12. 1967. Mathematical Ground-Water Model of Indian Wells Valley. California Open-File Report. 15. Bloyd. R- M.. Jr.. 1971. Underground Storage of Imported Water in the San Gorgonio Pass Area. Southern California. Water Supply Paper 1999-D 16. Cardwell. G. T.. 1958. Data for Wells and Streams in the Russian and Upper Eel River Valleys, Sonoma and Mendocino Counties. California. Open-File Report. 1 7 Cardwell. G T.. 1958. Geology and Ground Water in the Santa Rosa and Petaluma Valley Areas Sonoma County, California. Water Supply Paper 1427. 18. Cardwell. G. T.. 1965. Geology and Ground Water in Russian River Valley Areas and m Round. Laytonville. and Little Lake Valleys. Sonoma and Mendocino Counties. California. Water Supply Paper 1548. 19. Chandler. T, S.. November 29. 1972. Water-Resources Inventory. Spnng 1966 to Spring 1971. Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency Area, California. Open-File Report. 110 Selected References for Inventory Summaries — Continued 20. Cordes, E H.. and others. December 8. 1966. Progress Report on Analog Model Construction Orange County. California. Open-File Report. 21. Crippen. J. R.. and others. 1970, The Lake Tahoe Basin. California-Nevada Water Supply Paper 1972 22. Croft. M. G.. and others. April 10. 1968, Geology. Hydrology, and Quality of Water in the Hanford-Visalia Area San Joaquin Valley. California. Open-File Report. 23. Croft, M. G , 1972. Subsurface Geology of the Late Tertiary and Quarternary Water-Bearing Deposits of the Southern Part of the San Joaquin Valley. California. Water Supply Paper 1999-H. 24. Dale. R H., and others, June 20, 1966, Ground-Water Geology and Hydrology of the Kern River Alluvial-Fan Area, California. Open-File Report. 25. Davis, G. H., and others. 1957, Ground Water Conditions m the Mendota-Huron Area. Fresno and Kings Counties. California. Water Supply Paper 1360-G. 26. Davis, G. H. and others, 1959. Ground Water Conditions and Storage Capacity in the San Joaquin Valley. California. Water Supply Paper 1469. 27. Davis. G. H.. and others. 1964. Use of Ground Water Reservoirs for Storage of Surface Water in the San Joaquin Valley. California. Water Supply Paper 1618. 28. Durham. D. L.. 1974. Geology of the Southern Salinas Valley Area. California. Professional Paper 819. 29. Dutcher. L. C. and others. 1358. Geologic and Hydrologic Features of the San Bernardino Area. California. With Special Reference to Underflow Across the San Jacinto Fault. Open-File Report. 30. Dutcher, L. C, and others. 1959. Geology and Ground-Water Hydrology of the Mill Creek Area. San Bernardino County. California. Open-File Report. 31. Dutcher. L. C. and others. August 25. 1963. Geology. Hydrology, and Water Supply of Edwards Air Force Base. Kern County. California. Open-File Report. 32. Dutcher, L. C. and others. 1963. Geology and Hydrology of Agua Caliente Spring. Palm Springs. California. Water Supply Paper 1605. 33. Dutcher. L. C. and others. 1963. Geologic and Hydrologic Features of the San Bernardino Area. Ca///om/a. Water Supply Paper 1419. 34 Dutcher. L. C. and others. February 9, 1972. Ground-Water Outflow. San Timoteo-Smiley Heights Area. Upper Santa Ana Valley. Southern California. 1927 through 1968. Open-File Report. 35. Dutcher. L. C. and others. 1972. Preliminary Appraisal of Ground Water in Storage with Reference to Geothermal Resources ■ in the Imperial Valley Area. California. Circular 649. 36. Dutcher. L. C. and Hoyle. W. R.. Jr., 1973. Geologic and Hydrologic Features of Indian Wells Valley. California. Water Supply Paper 2007. 37. Ellis. A. J., and others, 1919, Geology and Ground Waters of the Western Part of San Diego County. California. Water Supply Paper 446. 38 Evenson, R E., 1959. Geology and Ground-Water Features of the Eureka Area, Humboldt County, California. Water Supply Paper 1470 39. Evenson. R E , and others. November 23, 1962. Yield of the Carpinteria and Goleta Ground Water Basins, Santa Barbara County. California. 1941-58. Open-File Report. 40. Evenson. R E . April 4. 1966. Hydrologic Inventory of the Lompoc Subarea, Santa Ynez River Basin, Santa Barbara County. California. 1957-1962. With a Section on Perennial Supply. Open-File Report. 41. Faye. R. E.. November 1973, Ground-Water Hydrology of Northern Napa Valley. California. Water-Resources Investigations No. 13-73. 42. Faye. R. E., August 1974. Mathematical Model of the San Juan Valley Ground-Water Basin. San Benito County. California. Water Resources Investigations 58-73. 43. French. J. J.. 1972. Ground Water Outflow From Chino Basin. Upper Santa Ana Valley. Southern California. Water Supply Paper 1999-C 44. Giessner, F W., 1965, Ground Water Conditions During 1964 at the Marine Corps Base, Twentynine Palms, California. Open-File Report. 45 Greene, H. G . 1970. Geology of Southern Monterey Bay and its Relationship to the Ground Water Basin and Salt Water Intrusion. Open-File Report 46 Hardt. W. F., and others, tVlay 28, 1971, Analysis of Ground-Water System in Orange County. California, by Use of An Electrical Analog Model. Open-File Report 47 Hardt. W F . August 18, 1971, Hydrologic Analysis of Mojave River Basin. California. Using Electric Analog Model Open-File Report. 48. Hardt. W. F.. 1972. Proposed Water-Resources Study of Searles Valley. California. Open-File Report. 49. Mickey. J. J.. April 10. 1968. Hydrogeologic Study of the Soquel-Aptos Area. Santa Cruz County. California. Open-File Report. 50. Hilton. G. S., and others. April 30. 1963, Geology. Hydrology, and Quality of Water in the Terra Bella-Lost Hills Area. San Joaquin Valley. California. Open-File Report 51. Hilton. G. S . 1963, Water-Resources Reconnaissance in Southeastern Part of Honey Lake Valley. Lassen County. California. Water Supply Paper 1619-Z. 52. Hotchkiss. W R . August 1. 1968. A Geologic and Hydrologic Reconnaissance of Lava Beds National Monument and Vicinity. California. Open-File Report. HI Selected References for Inventory Summaries — Continued 53. Hotchkiss. W R. and others. August 6. 1971. Geology. Hydrology, and Water Quality of the Tracy-Dos Palos Area. Sar) Joaquin Valley, California. Open-File Report. 54. Hotchkiss. W. R.. May 12, 1972. Generalized Subsurface Geology of the Water-Bearing Deposits Northern San Joaquin Valley. California. Open-File Report. 55. Hughes. J. L.. December 27. 1973, Evaluation of Ground-Water Degradation Resulting from Waste Disposal to Alluvium Near Barstow. California. Open-File Report. 56. Hunt. C. B.. and others, 1966. Hydrologic Basin. Death Valley. California. Professional Paper 494-B. 57. Irwin, G. A., and others, 1971, Maps of the Watersheds of the Santa fvlarganta and San Luis Rey Rivers Riverside and San Diego Counties. California. Showing Ground-Water Quality Data 1971. Open-File Maps. 58. Kllburn, C, August 31, 1972, Ground-Water Hydrology of the Hollister and San Juan Valleys San Benito County California. 1913-1968. Open-File Report. 59. Kistler, R. W., 1966. Structure and IVIetamorphism in the Mono Craters Quadrangle. Sierra Nevada. California. Bulletin 1221-E. 60. Koehler, J. H., February 6, 1970, Ground-Water Conditions During 1968. Vandenberg Air Force Base Area. California. Open-File Report. 61. Kunkel, F., and others, 1959, Geologic Reconnaissance and Test-Well Drilling. Camp Irwin. California. Water Supply Paper 1460-F. 62. Kunkel, F., and others. 1960. Geology and Ground Water in Napa and Sonoma Valleys Napa and Sonoma Counties. California. Water Supply Paper 1495. 63. Kunkel. F.. 1963. Hydrologic and Geologic Reconnaissance of Pinto Basin Joshua Tree National Monument. Riverside County. California. Water Supply Paper 1475-0. 64. Kunkel. F., 1966, /4 Geohydrologic Reconnaissance of the Saratoga Spring Area. Death Valley National Monument. California. Open-File Report. 65. Kunkel, F., and others. January 23, 1969, Geology and Ground Water in Indian Wells Valley. California. Open-File Report. 66. Kunkel, F.. August 12. 1969. Test-Well and Soil Data Fort Mojave Indian Reservation Area. California. Basic Data Connpilation. 67. Kunkel. F.. 1970. The Deposits of the Colorado River on the Fort Mojave Indian Reservation in California 1850-1969. Open File Report. 68. LaRocque. G. A.. Jr., and others, 1950. Wells and Water Levels in Principal Ground-Water Basins in Santa Barbara County. California. Water Supply Paper 1068. 69. LaFreniere. G. F., and others, April 10, 1968, Ground-Water Resources of the Santa Ynez Upland Ground-Water Basin. Santa Barbara County. California. Open-File Report. 70. Lee. C. H., 1912, An Intensive Study of the Water Resources of a Part of Owens Valley. California. Water Supply Paper 294. 71. Lewis, R. E., and others, October 15, 1968, Water Resources Inventory for 1967 Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency Area. California. Open-File Report. 72. Lewis. R. E.. March 24, 1972, Ground-Water Resources of the Yucca Valley-Joshua Tree Area. San Bernardino County. California. Open-File Report. 73. Lofgren, B. E., and others, 1969, Land Subsidence Due to Ground-Water Withdrawal. Tulare-Wasco Area. California. Profes- sional Paper 437-B. 74. Lofgren, B. E., 1973. Land Subsidence Due to Ground-Water Withdrawal Arvin-Maricopa Area. California. Open-File Report. 75. Lofgren. B, E., 1973. Preliminary Investigation of Land Subsidence in the SacramentoValley. California. Open-File Report. 76. Mack. S.. 1958. Geology and Ground Water Features of Scott Valley. Siskiyou County. California. Water Supply Paper 1462. 77. Mack. S.. 1960, Geology and Ground Water Features of Shasta Valley. Siskiyou County. California. 78. Malmberg, G. T.. 1967, Hydrology of the Valley-Fill and Carbonate-Rock Reservoirs Pahrump Valley. California. Water Supply Paper 1832. 79. Metzger. D. G.. 1 965. A Miocene (?) Aquifer in the Parker-Blythe-Cibola Area. Arizona and California. Professional Paper 525-C. 80. Metzger. D, G.. and others. 1973. Geohydrology of the Parker-Blythe-Cibola Area. Arizona and California. Professional Paper 486-G. 81. Metzger, D. G., and others. 1973, Geohydrology of the Needles Area. Arizona. California and Nevada. Professional Paper 486-J. 82. Miller, G. A., and others. 1966. Utilization of Ground Water in the Santa Maria Valley Area. California. Water Supply Paper 1819-A 83. Mitten, H, T., and others, 1970, Geology. Hydrology, and Quality of Water in the Madera Area. San Joaquin Valley. California. Open-File Report. 84. Mitten, H. T., December 1974, Estimated Ground Water Pumpage in the Southern Part of the Sacramento Valley. California. 1969-71 Open-File Report 85. Moreland, J. A., and others, March 19. 1969. A Study of Deep Aquifers Underlying Coastal Orange County. California. Open-File Report. 86. Moreland, J, A., August 7. 1970, Artificial Recharge Yucaipa. California. Open-File Report. 87. Moreland, J. A., 1972, Maps of the Watersheds of the Santa Margarita and San Luis Rey Rivers. Riverside and San Diego Counties. California. Showing Water-Level Contours and Water-Ouality Diagrams. Autumn 1971. Open-File Maps. 88. Moreland, J, A.. October 1974. Hydrologic and Salt-Balance Investigations Utilizing Digital Models. Lower San Luis Rey River Area San Diego County. California. Water-Resources Investigations 24-74. 112 Selected References for Inventory Summaries — Continued 89 Moreland. J. A.. February 1975. Evaluation of Recharge Potential Near Indio. California Water Resources Investigations 35-74. 90. Muir. K. S.. 1964. Geology and Ground Water of San Antonio Creek Valley. Santa Barbara County. California. Water-Supply Paper 1664. 91 Muir. K S . 1968. Ground-Water Reconnaissance of the Santa Barbara-Montecito Area, Santa Barbara County, California. Water Supply Paper 1859-A. 92 Muir. K S.June 27. 1972. Geology and Ground Water of the Pajaro Valley Area. Santa Cruz and IVIonterey Counties, California. Open-File Report. 93. Muir. K. S.. October 1974. Sea-Water Intrusion. Ground Water Pumpage. Ground Water Yield and Artificial Recharge of the Pajaro Valley Area. Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties. California. Water-Resources Investigations 9-74. 94. Olmstead. F, H.. and others. 1961. Geologic Features and Ground-Water Storage Capacity of the Sacramento Valley. California. Water Supply Paper 1497. 95 Olmsted. F H . and others. 1973. Geohydrology of the Yuma Area. Arizona and California. Professional Paper 486-H. 96. Page. R W.. 1963. Geology and Ground-Water Appraisal of the Naval Air l^issile Test Center Area Point t^ugu. California. Water Supply Paper 1619-S. 97. Page. R. W.. and others. 1969. Geology. Hydrology, and Water Quality in the Fresno Area. California. Open-File Report. 98 Page. R. W.. and others. September 1973. Geology and Quality of Water m the l\/lodesto-IVIerced Area San Joaquin Valley. California, with a Section on Hydrology. Water-Resources Investigations 6-73. 99. Page. R. W.. 1973. Base of Fresh Ground Water (Approximately 3000 micromhos) in the San Joaquin Valley. California. Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-489 100. Piper. A. M.. and others. 1939. Geology and Ground-Water Hydrology of the Mokelumne Area. California. Water Supply Paper 780. 101 . Pistrang. M. A., and others. 1964. A Brief Geologic and Hydrologic Reconnaissance of the Furnace Creek Wash Area. Death Valley National Monument. California Water-Supply Paper 1779-Y 102. Poland. J. F . and others. 1956. Ground Water Geology of the Coastal Zone Long Beach-Santa Ana Area. California. Water Supply Paper 1109. 103. Poland. J, F.. and others. 1959. Geology. Hydrology and Chemical Character of Ground Waters in the Torrance-Santa Monica Area. California. Water Supply Paper 1461. 104. Poland. J. F.. and others. 1959. Hydrology of the Long Beach-Santa Ana Area. California, with Special Reference to the Watertightness of the Newport-lnglewood Structural Zone. With a Section on Withdrawal of Ground Water. 1932-41. Water Supply Paper 1471. 105 Poland. J. F.. and others. 1962. Subsidence in the Santa Clara Valley, California, A Progress Report. Water Supply Paper 1619-C. 106. Poland. J. F.. and others. 1973. Land Subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley. California as of 1972. Open-File Report. 107. Poole. J. L.. 1961. Water Resources Reconnaissance of Hoopa Valley. Humboldt. California. Water Supply Paper 1576-C. 108. Powers. W. R.. III. and others. December 1974. Oak Glen Water Resources Development Study Using Modeling Techniques. San Bernardino County. California. Water Resources Investigations 31-74. 109 Riley. F. S . 1956. Data on Water Wells in Lucerne. Johnson. Fry and Means Valleys. San Bernardino County, California. Open-File Report. 110 Riley. F S.. and others, 1961. Data on Water Wells on Marine Corps Base, Twentynine Palms, California. Open-File Report. 111 Robson. S. G . February 10. 1972. Water Resources Investigation Using Analog Model Techniques in the Saugus-Newhall Area, Los Angeles County. California. Open-File Report. 112. Robson. S. G.. February 1974. Feasibility of Digital Water Quality Modeling Illustrated by Application at Barstow, California. Water Resources Investigations 46-73. 113. Singer. J. A., and others. August 3. 1970. Pumpage and Ground Water Storage Depletion in Cuyama Valley. California. 1947-1966 Open-File Report. 114. Singer. J, A,. January 8. 1973. Geohydrology and Artificial Recharge Potential of the Irvine Area. Orange County. California. Open-File Report. 115. Swarzenski. W. V.. May 2. 1967. Progress Report Ground Water Appraisal of Cuyama Valley. California. Open-File Report. 116. Thomasson. H. G. and others. 1960. Geology. Water Resources and Usable Ground-Water Storage Capacity of Part of Solano County. California. Water Supply Paper 1464. 117. Thompson. D. G . 1920. Ground Water in Lanfair Valley. California. Water Supply Paper 450-B 118. Thompson. D. G . 1929. The Mojave Desert Region, California, A Geographic, Geologic, and Hydrographic Reconnaissance. Water Supply Paper 578 1 19. Thompson. T. H . September 15. 1965. Seepage Losses in the San Jacinto River Alluvial Fan. Near Elsinore. California. Open-File Report. 120. Tyley. S. J.. January 30. 1973. Artificial Recharge in the Whitewater River Area Palm Springs California. With a Section on Identification of Recharge Sources and an Evaluation of Possible Water Quality Effects on Artificial Recharge as Indicated by Mineral Equilibria Calculations Open-File Report. 121. Tyley. S. T . 1974. Analog Model Study of the Ground-Water Basin of the Upper Coachella Valley. California. Water Supply Paper 2027 122. Upson. J E . and others. 1951. Geology and Water Resources of the Santa Ynez River Basin. Santa Barbara County, California. Water Supply Paper 1107. 113 Selected References for Inventory Summaries — Continued 123 Upson. J. E . 1951, Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the South-Coast Basins of Santa Barbara County. California. Water Supply Paper 1108. 124. Upson. J E. 1951. Ground Water in the Cuyama Valley. California. Water Supply Paper 1110-B 125 Upson. J E. and others. 1955. Ground Water of the Lower Lake-Middleton Area. Lake County. California. VJaxer Supply Paper 1297, 126. Waring. G. A . 1919. Ground Water in the San Jacinto and Temecula Basins. California. Water Supply Paper 429. 127. Waring. G. A.. 1920. Ground Water in Pahrump. Mesquite and Ivanpah Valleys Nevada and California. Water Supply Paper 450-C 128. Warner. J. W.. and others. November 16. 1972, Artificial Recharge in the Waterman Canyon-East Twin Creek Area San Bernardino County. California. Open-File Report. 129. Wilson. H. D.. Jr.. 1959. Ground-Water Appraisal of Santa Ynez River Basin. Santa Barbara County, California, 1945-52. Water Supply Paper 1467. 130. Wood. P, R,. and others. 1959. Ground-Water Conditions in the Avenal-McKittrick Area, Kings and Kern Counties, California. Water Supply Paper 1457. 131. Wood, P, R,. 1960. Geology and Ground Water Features of the Butte Valley Region. Siskiyou County. California. Water Supply Paper 1491 132. Wood. P, R.. and others. 1964. Geology and Ground Water Features of the Edison-Maricopa Area. Kern County. California. Water Supply Paper 1656, 133. Worts. G. F.. Jr.. 1951. Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Santa Maria Valley Area. California, with a Section on Surface-Water Resources. Water Supply Paper 1000, MISCELLANEOUS (MISC.) 1. Anonymous. May 1969. Water and Related Land Resources. Central Lahontan Basin. Walker River Subbasin. Nevada-Califor- nia. U,S, Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service. Forest Service. Soil Conservation Service. Unnumbered' Report. Appendix II. 2. Anonymous. June 1969. Water and Related Land Resources, Central Lahontan Basin. Walker River Subbasin, Nevada-Califor- nia. US, Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service. Forest Service. Soil Conservation Service, Unnumbered Summary Report, 3. Anonymous. November 1972, Water and Related Land Resources. Central Lahontan Basin. Interim Report. Truckee River Subbasin. Nevada-California. US Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service. Forest Service. Soil Conservation Service, Unnumbered Interim Report, 4. Eakin. T. E,. 1950. Preliminary Report on Ground Water in Fish Lake Valley. Nevada and California. State of Nevada, Office of the State Engineer, Water Resources Bulletin No. 11, 5. Glancy. P. A,. June 1968. Water Resources Appraisal of Mesquite-lvanpah Valley Area. Nevada and California. Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Water Resources-Reconnaissance Series Report 46. 6. Lowney/Kaldveer Associates. Palo Alto. April 4, 1974, Ground Water Investigation. Denmston Creek Vicinity San l\/fateo County. California, for Coast-side County Water District Half IVIoon Bay. California. Unnumbered Report. 7. Manning. J, C. November 1967. An Evaluation of Water Sources for Agricultural Supply in Pleasant Valley. Fresno County, California. Hydrodevelopment. Inc.. Bakersfield, 8. Mcllwain. R. R,. and others. June 1970. West Coast Basin BarrieTVroject 1967-1969. A Los Angeles County Flood Control District Report on the Control of Sea-Water Intrusion. Los Angeles County Flood Control District. Unnumbered Report, 9. Michael. E, D,. and others. 1962, Geology. Ground Water Survey. Tehachapi Soil Conservation District. Consultants Report to Tehachapi Soil Conservation District, 10. Poland. J. F., March 1935. Ground Water Conditions in Ygnacio Valley, California. Stanford University Masters Thesis. 11. Rush. F. E.. and others. February 1966. Ground-Water Appraisal of the Eldorado-Piute Valley Area. Nevada and California. Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Water Resources-Reconnaissance Series Report 36, 12. Rush. F, E,. and others. 1973. Water Resources Appraisal of Fish Lake Valley. Nevada and California. Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Division of Water Resources. Water Resources-Reconnaissance Series Report 58. 13. Santa Ana River Water Master. February 1972. First Annual Report of the Santa Ana River Water Master. 1970-71. 14. Sharp. J, v.. February 1975. Availability of Ground Water. Truckee-Donner Public Utilities District. Nevada County. California. Hydro-Search. 15. Tanji. K. K. January 1975, Water and Salt Transfers in Sutter Basin, California. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Paper No. 74-2029. 16. Turner.JM.. 1971. Ventura County Water Resources Management Study, Geohydrology of the Ventura River System. Venxura County Department of Public Works. Flood Control District, Unnumbered Report, 17. Van Denburgh, A, S,. and others. 1970, Water Resources Appraisal of the Columbus Salt-Marsh-Soda Spring Valley Area. Mineral and Esmeralda Counties, Nevada. Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources, Water Resources-Reconnaissance Series Report 52. 18. Vemuri. V.. and others. February 1969. Identification of Nonlinear Parameters of Ground Water Basins by Hybrid Computation. Water Resources Research. Volume 5. No, 1, 19. Walker. G, E,, and others. March 1963. Geology and Ground Water of Amargosa Desert. Nevada-California. Nevada Depart- ment of Conservation and Natural Resources. Ground Water Resources-Reconnaissance Series Report 14, 20. Williams. D, E.. June 1969. Preliminary Geohydrologic Study of A Portion of the Owens Valley Ground-Water Reservoir. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Ph.D. Thesis, 114 CHAPTER IV. GROUND WATER BAS PROTECTION AND UTILIZATIO The use of ground water basins in California has developed several kinds of problems. Pump lifts vary- ing from 500 to 1,000 feet in some areas have made water too expensive for most agricultural uses. In sev- eral basins, excessive pumping has permitted salt wa- ter, from natural sources beneath or beside the basins, to enter the basin and degrade a portion of the water. At times, disposal of wastes has added salts, disagree- able odors, or toxic materials to the ground water and impaired its usefulness. Extensive pumping of ground water with reduction in pressure has also caused deep lying clay beds to compact, resulting m actual sinking of the ground surface. Excessive reliance on surface water supplies pro- duces high ground water levels in some areas. This is a problem because pumping to keep water levels be- low root zones of crops m some of these basins results in waste when the drained water is not beneficially used in the area or downstream. Solutions for many of these problems, as well as measures that have increased the usability of some basins, have been developed and implemented m some parts of the State. Protection of Basins The following problems and methods of solution ap- ply to some of California's ground water basins. Fre- quently, the problem is recognized for a long while before any solution is implemented. Excessive Pump Lifts One of California's first ground water laws prohibit- ed waste of water from artesian wells. Even with this regulation, it did not take long for the rate of use of water from the basin to exceed the amount available from flowing artesian wells. Introduction of pumps to increase the flows soon lowered the ground water lev- el in the basins so that free flowing wells became a rarity. Further lowering of the water table required that wells be deepened or, in many cases, that shallow wells be replaced with deeper wells. Very few basins have achieved a balance between withdrawal of water and natural recharge. In most cases, some form of management had to be instituted or is now needed. Salt Water Intrusion Water in the seaward portion of basins bordered by the ocean, or by bays and channels containing brackish water, has often become unusable due to intrusion of sea water, as pumping lowered the ground water lev- els below sea level. The intrusion is sometimes in- Figure 16. Basins with Overdraft KNOWN AREAS OF SEA WATER INTRUSION Name EEL RIVER VALLEY PETALUMA VALLEY NAPA-SONOMA VALLEY SANTA CLARA VALLEY PAJARO VALLEY SALINAS VALLEY LOS OSOS VALLEY MORRO VALLEY CHARRO VALLEY SANTA CLARA RIVER VALLEY COASTAL PLAIN LOS ANGELES COUNTY COASTAL PLAIN ORANGE COUNTY SAN LUIS REY VALLEY XT \ \ \ \ ■■( 1 ^ Figure 17. Sea Water Intrusion in Ground Water Basins 116 PUMPED WELL RECHARGE AREA WATER LEVEL ■PERCHED WATER TABLE RECHARGE (Precipitotion & Irrigation) PUMPED WELL SEA WATER INTRUDED WELL ■WATER LEVEL NON WATER BEARING ROCK Figure 18. Sea Water Intruding a Coastal Basin taming brackish or saline water. In several cases, heavy the basin. Injcclion Well in Sfo Woter Barrier 117 Quality Degradation Industrial processes and waste disposal have creat- ed many kinds of water quality problems, categorized generally under the heading of water quality degrada- tion. Contributing factors include the disposal of brines from oil fields by percolation into ground water basins, the discharge of brines from water softener regenera- tion plants by means that allow wastes to enter ground water basins, and the leaching of soluble material from refuse dumps. In some instances, surface water has been permitted to flow through the refuse dumps, thus accelerating the leaching and percolation of undesira- ble material to the ground water. Some of the causes of ground water degradation are obscure and take many years to be recognized. Waste disposal practices at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal northeast of Denver, Colorado, seriously damaged a ground water aquifer throughout an area of approxi- mately 6'/2 square miles. Contaminants were chlorates and 2.4 D type compounds, both of which are effective herbicides. Both compounds were generated in waste disposal ponds by chemical reactions among other compounds discharged by chemical factories in the Arsenal. Travel of the water through the permeable alluvium in which the ponds were constructed was very_ slow. Crop damage was first reported eleven years after disposal of the wastes began at a location 3'/2 miles from the ponds. Contaminated ground water within the affected area is toxic to agricultural crops and impotable for humans. Corrective measures have been taken to halt GROUND SURFACE .LOWER AQUIFER. ..■.••• ■.■„". ;;;;:o-.- »;":•.■.: ■■;■.;■■:.•;• ■ :'• ." SANITARY LAND FILL > Figure 19. Dump Site in Ground Water Basin further contamination, but the area of toxicity is ex- panding owing to migration of the body of ground water already contaminated. An unusual conditi.on of quality degradation near Los Angeles resulted from leakage of gasoline from a buried pipeline. The degradation was first discovered in 1968, when Forest Lawn Memorial Park reported pumping gasoline from one of its irrigation wells. Re- sults of a subsequent study estimated that approxi- mately 160,000 square feet were underlain with 250,000 gallons of gasoline. During the next three years about 50,000 gallons Of the gasoline were removed by pump- ing the wells. Of concern at present is the uncertainty about the possible effects on human health of a variety of stable organic industrial wastes that find their way into sew- age and industrial wastes that, in turn, enter ground water basins. Buildup of Salt in Ground Water A problem rapidly gaining the degree of concern it merits is buildup of salt concentrations in some basins. The San Joaquin Valley from Fresno on south is espe- cially subject to salt buildup, because there is little outflow of water from the Valley. Moreover, about 2 million tons of salt enter the Valley each year in import- ed'water and in runoff from local watersheds. Use of water for both urban and agricultural purposes contrib- utes to the salt buildup. As plants remove water from the soil, they leave behind nearly all the salt that was dissolved in the water. High Water Tables In some areas, surface water applied in excess of consumptive requirements of urban and agricultural uses has saturated the underlying soil all the way to the ground surface. This situation usually occurs where the price charged for the surface water is very low. The high water tables result in various problems, the specif- ic form depending on the use of the land. Various bur- ied or open ditch drain systems are used to lower the water table, especially when the water-bearing materi- al near the surface is not sufficiently permeable to yield water to wells. The drains also prevent salt buildup in the soil, due to evapotranspiration by plants that use very large quantities of water. In some basins, wells are used to lower the ground water level. This provides an opportunity for use of both surface water and ground water storage capacity. However, when the ground water is pumped at times when it cannot be used in the area or downstream, the water is wasted. Land Subsidence Extensive use of ground water basins has caused structural change in some basins, and has affected the quantity and quality of water. In many basins, lowering of water levels from one hundred to several hundred feet has allowed water to be squeezed from clay 118 lenses: this causes the solid particles making up the clay to consolidate so that they occupy a snnaller vol- ume, and the clay lenses become thinner. In one area of the San Joaquin Valley, the land surface has low- ered as much as 28 feet. This type of subsidence has occurred most notably on both the western and southern portions of the San Joaquin Valley and to a lesser degree at San Jose in the Santa Clara Valley. It has required repair and remodel- ing of many forms of public and private facilities — particularly water facilities, which are very sensitive to changes in land elevation. Water Well Standards To aid in protecting California's ground waters, standards for the construction and destruction of wells have been developed. Besides extracting water from the ground, wells can also be a means for impairing the quality of ground water. This occurs when wells pro- vide a physical connection between sources of pollu- tion and usable water because of inadequate construction or improper disposition when their useful lives are over. The solution is to use methods and materials that are adequate. To this end. the Department has issued statewide standards for well construction and destruc- tion (Bulletin No. 74, "Water Well Standards: State of California" February 1968). In addition, studies apply- ing these standards to specific ground water condi- tions have been made in ten areas. The California Regional Water Quality Control Boards and the De- partment of Health also have a role in adoption of the standards. The task of establishing well standards falls to the counties and cities. As of mid-1975, 23 counties have enacted well ordinances and ten others, ordinances limited to specific kinds of wells. Of California's 411 cities, 110 enforce standards. While urging adoption of ordinances, the Depart- ment is also striving to see that proper well construc- tion practices are employed statewide and that abandoned wells are properly destroyed. Management of Ground Water Resources Many misconceptions and myths concerning ground water management still exist. Three common misconceptions are that (1) ground water levels must be maintained or raised, (2) ground water that is mined or overdrafted will destroy the usefulness of the ground water reservoir, and (3) ground water is differ- ent from any other resource and therefore must be managed differently. Those misconceptions have often mflcienced ground water resources planning. In many cases, tak- ing immediate steps to avoid declining water levels, to eliminate overdraft, and to forestall possible subsid- ence and water quality degradation, has become the objective of ground water basin management. Thus, many alternatives, such as controlled mining for a lim- ited period and selective uses of ground water basins for salt sinks and other purposes, have not received consideration. Recharge Water users recognized long ago that if a constant supply of surface water could be provided to the more pernneable recharge areas of basins, the yield of the basins could be increased. In some cases, surface sup- plies have been obtained by construction of dams and reservoirs to regulate streams solely for the purpose of releasing the water for ground water recharge. In other areas, most of the winter runoff stored in the reservoirs has been used for direct surface application during the summer months and the remaining portion has been used for ground water recharge. In many cases, water has been imported in excess of the needs of a basin to replace water that was mined from the basin before the imported supply became available. In a few areas, where highly permeable re- charge areas are either limited or unavailable, lands overlying the basin are irrigated during the nongrow- ing season in years of large runoff to recharge the ground water basin. Waste water has also been used in several recharge projects. Control of Pumping When all available recharge opportunities have been fully developed, pumping by all ground water users has been controlled in some basins, so that water is not taken from the basin to the point of depletion. This step has almost always been accompanied by importa- tion of water for surface distribution. Situations may arise in the future where it will be necessary to curtail the actual use of water rather than replace the cutback m ground water with an imported supply. However, if water is imported to offset an over- draft situation, any irrigation of new land, at the ex- pense of not offsetting the overdraft, should be evaluated and specifically approved as part of the project. Figure 21. Basins with Artificial Recharge Projects Recharge Area ond Recreotion 120 Conjunctive Use with Surface Water Conjunctive use involves the planned use of under- ground storage in coordination with surface water sup- plies to increase the yield of the total water resource. This can be accomplished by several methods or com- binations of methods. All involve the operation of sur- face storage facilities — either locally or at some distance from the ground water basin — and the deliv- ery of water to overlying lands where recharge can be accomplished by (1) extending flow m stream chan- nels, (2) operation of spreading basins and surface irrigation conveyance facilities, and (3) percolation of excess applied surface irrigation supplies. In a few basins, in addition to ground water, substan- tial surface supplies are available for use on the overly- ing irrigated lands. In such basins a conjunctive operation has evolved without any particular planning. The surface water is distributed to most of the lands to meet crop water requirements during years of normal or above normal runoff, and ground water is used to irrigate much of the land during years of low runoff. Yolo County, with a highly variable supply of surface water from Clear Lake, has been a notable example of this type of unplanned conjunctive operation. Planned conjunctive operation has also taken place in basins that have had to import surface water from some other watershed. Maintenance of Water Quality Where sea water intrusion has occurred, various kinds of barriers can be constructed to control the movement of water from the ocean into a ground wa- ter basin. Limiting pumping from a basin so that there IS always a positive gradient toward the ocean is effec- tive, but usually limits a basin's usefulness by requiring that It be nearly full at all times. Another method is to inject surface water into the aquifers in a line of wells parallel to the coastline to create a ground water mound. Some of the injected water is lost as it flows toward the ocean to prevent salt water from moving inland, and some of the inject- ed water flows inland and contributes to the supply in the basin. A reverse process has also been used, in which a line of wells parallel to the coast has been pumped, result- ing in movement of both fresh water and salt water to the wells. This limits the distance salt water will move into the basin but also results in loss of the fresh water that IS mixed with the salt water withdrawn from the wells. Physical barriers have been considered for some shallow aquifers but only one small barrier has been installed in a ground water basin in California. Where ground water basins are underlain by salt . water, the only practical solution to resulting quality problems has been to limit the depth and spacing of wells and the amount of water withdrawn from the basin to avoid mixing of the two water bodies. In a large enclosed ground water basin such as the Tulare Basin, where surface outflow occurs only m Figure 22. Basins Under Intensive Ground V\/ater Man- agement 121 PUMPING WELL PUMPING WELL -7 _£__ . J . I ' ^^ \'\'-^''^/^f PUMPING TROUGH BARRIER PUMPING WELL CONTROLLED PUMPING PUMPING WELL 7 .WATER TABLE. ^ '^ I /_ 1^\ \ \-/ ."^ • •|V^'. .•A': MAN-MADE PHYSICAL BARRIER INJECTION WELL PUMPING WELL INJECTION BARRIER PUMPING WELL ARTIFICIAL -RECHARGE Figure 23. Sea Water Intrusion Protective Measures 122 extremely wet years, a controlled degradation concept of managennent has been suggested as an interim means of controlling salinity in the basin. This concept envisions reduction of salt load reaching the underly- ing ground water basin when practicable and feasible. Suggested ways to implement this concept include: (1) review of fertilization and soil amendment prac- tices. (2) study of methods to control leachate from newly developed lands, and (3) evaluation of recent information of the potential for salt storage through increased irrigation efficiency. A large variety of measures have been taken to con- trol disposal of man-made wastes, to correct problems resulting from polluted ground water and to prevent new problems from occurring. These measures are ex- tremely important, because a basin that may be ex- pected to be used for thousands of years can become unusable, perhaps permanently, within only a few years by deliberate or accidental pollution. OXNARD PLAIN EXPERIMENTAL (INACTIVE) WEST COAST BASIN DOMINGUEZ GAP ALAMITOS Figure 24. Sea Water Intrusion Barriers 123 Figure 25 Adjudicated Ground Water Basins Ground Water Law Much of the law relating to the use of ground w. in California has been developed by the courts si very few statutes affecting ground water rights h been adopted by the California Legislature.' Most of the ground water in California is "percc ing water", waters trapped in aquifers of undergro basins through which it slowly percolates. The con five rights doctrine governs rights to percola ground water. It is analogous to riparian rights. E overlying landowner is entitled to make reason, beneficial use of ground water with a priority equ; all other overlying users. Water in excess of the ne of the overlying owners can be pumped and usee nonoverlying lands on a first-in-time. first-in-right b; but such appropriative rights are extinguished in absence of prescription when overlying users make use of available supplies. When there is not suffic water to meet the needs of the overlying owners, courts have applied the principle of "correlc rights" to apportion such water among the overl landowners.^ In several Southern California basins, where the ter users had badly depleted the ground water by time a court action was commenced, the courts f developed a doctrine of "mutual prescription" ui which the water users are given a share of the yield" of the basin. In all of the earlier lawsuits rights in ground water basins, commencing with Raymond Basin of Southern California,' the wate ers have entered into stipulated judgments which \ protected the established uses under the pnncipl "mutual prescription" by prorating the rights on basis of the use of water during the five years imn ately preceding the filing of the court actions. Ar ception to these earlier "mutual prescription" ji ments is the recent San Fernando case decided by California Supreme Court on May 12. 1975." Under the earlier "mutual prescription" stipuli judgments the total annual ground water produc usually has been limited to the "safe yield" of the b; that is. the average annual amount of water w naturally recharges the basin. The courts adopted safe yield concept based on the conventional wis( of the ground water hydrologists of the 1940's and that continued overdraft of ground water basins undesirable. However these limitations on minin ground water often have limited the potential us ness of basins to offset variations in annual preci tion and particularly to postpone or reduce the r for importations of water. Recent studies of grc water basins have indicated that the dangers of pe nent damage from overproduction have been over to the courts. ' An exception is water in subterranean streams which is subject to a statutory system under the jurisdiction of the State Water Resources Control Board (Wate Section 1200). However all hydrologists agree that almost none of California's , water resources flows in subterranean streams. > Katz V, WAlkinsbaw. 141 Cal 116. 70 Pac. 663. 74 Pac 766 (1902-3) » City of Pasadena v City of Alhanibra. 33 Cal.2d 908. 207 P 2d 17 1 1949! * City of Los Angeles v. City of San Fernando, et aJ.. Cal.3d ( 1975) RIGHTS TO GROUND WATER FULL BASIN ^tSS WATER Nor /vr " ^tPORTEO FR0A4 ny^Dn.'^Oo OVERLYING LANDOWNERS SHARE COEQUALLY OR CORRELATIVE LY FOR BENEFICIAL USES ON OVER LYING LANDS WITHOUT REGARD TO TIME OF USE. RECHARGE FROM NATURAL SOURCES SUFFICIENT TO KEEP BASIN FULL. GROUND WATER ALL FROM NATURAL SOURCES OVERDRAWN BASIN IMPORTED WATER MAY USE STORAGE SPACE NOT NEEDED FOR NATURAL RECHARGE OVERLYING LANDOWNERS SHARE NATURAL WATER COEQUALLY SECOND PRIORITY IMPORTED WATER RECAPTu/jf^ IMPORTED WATER PROJECT OPERATOR AND CUSTOMERS NO WATER AVAILABLE FOR EXPORT BY APPROPRIATORS Notes; • Totol o5es of water limited to amount which will not do permanent domoge to basin or have adverse effects on the basins long-term supply. • Old Posodena vs Alhombro mutuol prescription" rule which apportioned water omong all users both overlying and oppropriative on basis of uses during the lost 5 yeors of overdroft prior to filing odjudieotory oction is no longer the low. Tlie case of Los Angeles vs San Fernondo overturned the "Mutual prescription" doctrine and held prescriptive rights do not opply against FVjblic entities. • Also the old Posadeno vs Alhombra rule which limited ground woter withdrawals of overlying landowners and appropri- otors to the "sofe yields," that is, the overage annual noturol rechorge of the bosin, has been modified to allow withdrowols in amounts which will not odversly effect the basin. Figure 26. Rights to Ground Water Each of the earlier court decrees was meant to solve a particular problem at a particular time. Thus most of these judgments do not lend themselves to a system of conjunctive use of surface and ground water, which is discussed later in this report. In particular the courts did not separately consider the rights to empty storage space in a drawn down basin. Almost all of California's ground water basins are within the boundaries of several agencies with jurisdic- tion over water resources, but with widely varying au- thority as to ground water management. Unless one agency with adequate authority embraces all or nearly all of a basin within its boundaries, agreement on an overall management plan is very difficult. Efficient con- junctive operation of ground water basins requires that an agency or group of agencies acting under the Joint Exercise of Powers Act has authority to manage the basin; that is, authority to store and withdraw water and to control the ground water levels in the basin. Few major water project operators in California pres- ently have such authority and because of the prolifera- tion of small districts there are few, if any, basinwide entities with authority over any of California's major ground water basins.^ A careful analysis of the Supreme Court's San Fer- nando 6ec\s\ou would indicate that this decision pres- ages the dawn of a new era in the law and will greatly facilitate the conjunctive use of California's ground water basins — at least in those basins which have been overdrawn to a point that there is more empty storage space than is presently being used. The Court was considering the rights to the San Fernando ground water basins on the northern edge of Los Angeles. In one part of the decision the Court held that a public entity cannot lose its rights by prescrip- tion. This holding will effectively rule out any future "mutual prescription" settlements or judgments in ba- sins where some or all of the rights are held by public entities. As to the rights to the natural yield of the basin, the Court found that Los Angeles has prior rights to all of the yield pursuant to its pueblo right acquired under Spanish law. This pueblo right was held to be superior to the rights of all overlying landowners. However, for the future of conjunctive use of ground water basins, the Court's holding with respect to the rights to the empty storage space in the basin is the most important. The court upheld the rights of all of the owners of water imported from outside of the ba- * For a broader discussion of the legal problems of conjunctive use see Department of Water Resources Southern District Report dated June 1974 entitled "Ground Water Storage of State Water Project Supplies". sin to recover from the ground water basin all of such imported water which reached the ground water whether by deliberate spreading or by incidental per- colation after surface use. The Court held that the rights to recover such imported water are of equal priority to the City of Los Angeles' pueblo right and are "prior to the rights dependent on ownership of overly- ing land or based solely upon appropriation of ground water from the basin" . The Court noted that there did not appear to be any shortage of underground storage space in relation to the demand, and therefore it was unnecessary to de- termine priorities to the use of such space. Under these rulings, it appears that m any ground water basin in which storage space exceeds the present uses, including the maximum space needed for wet-year natural recharge, then the operator of a major water project or its water customer would be protected if the operator elects to commence a spreading program. The project operator (or its cus- tomer) would have a prior right to recapture such wa- ter and could protect this right against overlying landowners and other users. The most efficient use of a ground water basin would still call for overall management of all uses. Nonetheless, this right to store and recapture imported water could be a considerable adjunct to project oper- ation and could serve to add to the project yield and delivery capability. Besides earlier laws to prevent waste of water, par- ticularly from artesian wells, and to require reporting of ground water pumping in certain water-short Southern California counties, the Legislature now has adopted comprehensive laws for the protection of ground wa- ter basins from pollution. The next important consideration is the need to es- tablish a framework for more complete control and management of ground water basins in conjunction with surface water supplies for the benefit not only of the local landowners but all the people of California. As we have noted, considerable authority already ex- ists. However, it may still be prudent to seek specific legislative authority before proceeding with any major program for use of ground water basins in conjunction with imported surface supplies from the State Water Project or any other major surface water project. Legislation would be particularly needed if there are competing uses for all of the available storage space in a basin. 126 CHAPTER V. OPPORTUNITIES FOR BASIN MANAGEMENT AND FUTURE STUDIES With certain exceptions, basin management has been limited principally to meeting the needs of overly- ing landowners. Important concepts that have long in- fluenced basin management plans include safe yield, salt balance, and maintenance of water quality for ben- eficial use. A more recent concept is nondegradation of water quality. Today, however, even broader con- cepts are under consideration. New Concepts in Basin Management Operation of ground water basins to more fully use their vast storage capacity in conjunction with surface water has great potential in California. The surface water facilities now enable water originating in the north coastal area to reach the Mexican Border and water from the Colorado river to cross the State to the south coast. Considerable additional studies, some general and some very specific, will be needed to de- velop the potential available in these huge water sys- tems. The Department of Water Resources is assisting in these studies to encourage local basin managers to utilize their basins more fully for statewide benefits. Several concepts based on the development of this unused storage capacity are discussed in the following paragraphs. Storage of State Water Project Water The Southern California Water Conference and the Department of Water Resources have made prelimi- nary studies of storage of State Water Project water in Southern California ground water basins, where sev- eral million acre-feet of storage capacity is empty of water. Storage of water — which could be conveyed through unused capacity of the Project aqueduct — could provide supplies for use during dry periods or during any prolonged disruption of Project service. These supplies would also supplement surface storage in Southern California. The level of water in the basins would be higher, thus decreasing the pumping lift and energy requirements for local agencies using the ba- sins. Aqueduct— Son Jooquin Valley 127 The studies indicate that about 2.6 million acre-feet of water will be available to be placed underground during the next five years. This would defer the tinne at which additional conservation facilities would be needed in Northern California to meet the increasing water requirements of the State Water Project. Some areas m the San Joaquin Valley are also being examined to determine if State Water Project water can be stored underground in space presently empty in that ground water basin. Cyclic Storage of Water A further possibility that warrants study is a carefully coordinated operation of the State Water Project and storage space in some of Southern California's and San Joaquin Valley's ground water basins to determine the feasibility of long-term recharge and use of storage to permanently increase the dry period yield of the State Water project. This study would also include a determination of need for additional aqueduct capaci- ty and the feasibility of providing the increased capaci- ty- Conjunctive Operation of Surface Supplies with Ground Water Basins Some of the large ground water basins in the State, particularly those in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, have potential for use of part of their storage capacity in conjunction with surface supplies to meet increased water demands at any location in California to which water may economically be transported from the Central Valley. The concept has two basic variations. The first varia- tion, filling empty storage space in advance of use (Table I) , now under consideration for the State Water Project, has had considerable attention. The second possibility is to use and then replace water from a basin that is presently full. Basins which are now large- ly served by surface supplies are the most promising because of the recharge of the basins from irrigation and conveyance losses. Suitable well and collection facilities would have to be installed to enable water to be taken from the storage in the basin during a dry year, or a period of dry years, and transported to places of use through conveyance facilities such as those of the California State Water Project or the Cen- tral Valley Project. An alternative method would be to use water from the ground water basin on the overlying lands during dry periods and to divert the usual surface supplies of the area to other areas that lack a reserve supply of ground water. Such a plan might require new econom- ic procedures to assure equitable allocation of costs. Ground Water Pumped inio Irrigation Canal 128 Table 1. Empty Ground Water Storage Capacity 2-9 3-3 4-2 4-4 4-4.07 4-8 4-12 4-13 5-21 5-22 8-1 8-2 8-5 9-5 Santa Clara Valley (San Jose Area). . . . Gilroy-Hollister Valley Ojai Valley Santa Clara River Valley Santa Clara River Valley — Eastern Basin Las Posas Valley San Fernando Valley San Gabriel Valley Raymond Basin San Gabriel Basin Sacramento Valley (Sacramento County) San Joaquin valley San Joaquin Basin Tulare Basin Coastal Plain — Orange County Upper Santa Ana Chino Basin Bunker Hill — San Timoteo Basin San Jacinto Basin Temecula Valley 300,000 300,000 45,000 1 50,000 20,000 650,000 500,000 1 50,000 100,000 ,500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 250,000 ,800,000 500,000 320,000 50,000 52,135,000 A detailed study might reveal some combination of ground water use on overlying lands and export of ground water that would be most satisfactory. Advantages and Problems in Conjunctive Use of Surface and Ground Water A major advantage of use of large volumes of under- ground storage capacity for regulation of surface sup- plies is the decreased need for construction of costly surface storage reservoirs. Evaporation from the ground water basins will be much lower than that from equivalent surface storage. Moreover, water stored in the ground water basins is less prone to natural or man-caused deterioration than is water in surface reservoirs. There are also some problems associated with con- junctive operation. Lowering of the water levels in the ground water basins which contain clay layers if exten- sive and over several years may be accompanied by significant land subsidence. Because of receding ground water levels, existing wells in basins operated conjunctively may require lowering of pump bowls, deepening or replacement. In addition, energy will be required to remove the water from the basin. Pump Taxes In the implementation of selected ground water ba- sin management plans, one of the most powerful tools available to water districts is the authority to make financial assessments for use of ground water underly- ing the district. Existing authorities are the following two types: 1. Broad and complex assessment formulas for pur- chase of imported water for recharge and use of pump taxes on the ground water withdrawn; and 2. Flexible authority for assessing relative benefits within a water district depending upon the benefits or detriments which accrue to landowners overlying or adjacent to the basin or whose ground waters are in- fluenced by districtwide imported water supplies or planned recharge and use of ground water. Legislation is presently under consideration that would provide specific short-term authority, along with a schedule for termination of authority, for trial pur- chase and recharge of ground water. A survey of these authorities and their use would be helpful to any district preparing to develop a ground water management plan. To the Department of Water Resources' current knowledge, only five of the twelve agencies specifi- cally authorized to do so are actively imposing user pump taxes to manage their ground water resources. Additionally, about seven agencies are considering plans for some form of pump tax in the future. Mining Ground Water Many ground water basins have enabled develop- ment of a significant economic base, either urban or agricultural, by withdrawing substantial quantities of water from storage in an underlying basin (mining) as discussed earlier in this report. In most cases. addition- Figure 27. Mining Ground Water 129 130 al recharge of the basin has subsequently been accom- plished by either regulation of local surface supplies or importation of water. This management tool still has potential use. Mining basins to expand a local economy is occurring in some parts of the San Joaquin Valley and may continue for a number of years before the ground water overdraft is replaced by an imported surface supply. Mining ground water is also a possibility for thermal-electric power plant cooling in some of the desert basins in Southern California. The underlying ground water would meet the cooling-water needs over the econom- ic life of the power plant without provision for replace- ment of the water after that time. Basins that contain brackish water would be particularly well-suited to this use and are the only ones that should be considered initially. Unused Bodies of Ground Wai^r A ground water basin underlies South San Francisco Bay, and aquifers are known to extend considerable distances offshore in both Ventura and San Luis Obispo Counties. In each of these cases, a fresh water aquifer underlies a surface body of salt water, but is hydraulically separated from the salt water by im- permeable clay strata. Limited use has been made in the past of the fresh water under South San Francisco Bay. and some thought has been given to withdrawal of fresh water from the offshore basins in Ventura and San Luis Obispo Counties. Some salt water has reached the fresh water body at San Francisco Bay, possibly through natural or man- made breaks in the overlying clays, or possibly through seepage of salt water through the clays because of lowering of the water pressure in the underlying aqui- fer due to pumping from the landward portion of the ground water basin. Further use of water from these basins would require careful advance study to ensure against unintentional damage to the water quality in the basins. The desert area in the southeastern portion of Cali- fornia consists mainly of mountainous areas and allu- vium-filled valleys in about equal proportions. Most of the alluvium is filled with ground water and is suffi- ciently permeable to yield water to wells. Part of the basins contain fresh water suitable for most uses. Many contain brackish water that is unsuited for urban or agricultural uses. Recharge of the basins is very limited m relation to their area and storage capacity. Use of water from the basins over a long period of time requires importation of water from some distant source. The basins can be mined for various purposes, including use of brackish water for thermal power plant cooling. Further devel- opment of the water in these basins would require a good deal of additional study but should not be over- looked. Figure 29. Fresh Water in Offshore Aquifers 131 Ground Water in Bedrock Areas Outside the recognized ground water basins, experi- ence has shown that small quantities of ground water can be obtained from wells in geologic formations that are usually regarded as nonwater-bearing. The water frequently occurs in fractures in bedrock material or in sedimentary rocks with limited water storage space. Although there is considerable risk of any given well being dry when drilled or becoming dry during a drought year, wells in such areas supply many single- family homes. Some limited studies by the Department of Water Resources of this occurrence of ground water show that favorable areas for occurrence of ground water in rock areas can be identified. Use of the information assembled in such a study can greatly increase the possibility of locating homes and wells where a little water can be obtained from such formations. Such studies are a worthwhile element of any comprehen- sive reconnaissance level study of the water resources of individual areas o"f the State. Ground Water Basin Studies Most of the highly developed ground water basins in the State have been studied several times at increasing levels of intensity. Such a sequence of study is usually necessary, because each study builds upon the knowl- edge and data from the earlier study and upon the knowledge gained through construction and use of wells as the basin has developed. Except for surface geology, very little information can be easily obtained for study of undeveloped basins. Much additional in- formation can be obtained by construction of test wells and by seismic surveys, but both are very expen- sive. The usual sequence of development of knowledge is somewhat as follows: (a) Surface water hydrology and water use (b) Basin configuration and surface geology (c) Ground water storage capacity (d) Ground water occurrence, movement, and re- plenishment (e) Quality of the water (f) Mathematical models of the basin's hydrology and water quality. Mathematical models can be employed at several stages of study of a basin. However, models contribute a substantially new body of knowledge only when ap- plied to highly developed basins that have had a good deal of earlier study and for which a large body of data IS available. The first attempt at mathematical model- ling of a basin usually reveals that additional data are needed and sometimes indicates existence of certain types of geologic formations that require further defi- nition before a mathematical model of the basin can be verified. 132 Figure 30. Degree of Geologic Knowledge Figure 31. Degree of Hydrologic Knowledge I Figure 32. Degree of Water Quality Knowledge 133 The models permit evaluation of the probable effect of different patterns and locations of recharge of the basin, and different patterns and locations of extrac- tion of water from the basins. The physical changes indicated by the model can be evaluated in terms of cost so that the economic consequences of various methods of operation of the basin can be estimated. Some preliminary adaptations of models have been developed to measure changes in quality that can be expected with introduction of water of different qual- ity than that presently in the basin. The models enable managers of a basin to obtain quantitative estimates of the effects and costs of a variety of different operation plans before making any substantial commitment to the cost of physical' works to carry out a particular management plan. Modelling is a tool of great interest to ground water basin managers, and its use may soon progress to the point where some basins in California are being managed in accordance with plans based on mathematical models. BASIN MANAGER FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL REPRESENTATIVE ' IRRIGATION DISTRICT PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVE WATtR COMPANY REPLENISH- MENT DISTRICT PRIVATE WELL OWNER INDUSTRIAL USER Figure 33. Conference on Ground Water Basin Management 134 Table 7. Metric Conversion Factors English to Metric System of Measurement Quantity Length Area Volume Velocity Discharge Weight (Mass) Temperature Concentration Electrical conductance English unit inches feet yards miles square yards. . . acres square miles. . . gallons acre-feet cubic feet cubic yards feet per second miles per hour cubic feet per second gallons per minute pounds tons (2,000 pounds) degrees Fahrenheit parts per million mho Multiply by 2.54 30.48 0.3048 0.0003048 0.9144 1,609.3 1.6093 0.83613 0 . 40469 4,046.9 0 . 0040469 2.5898 0.0037854 3.7854 1,233.5 1,233,500.0 0.028317 0.76455 764.55 0.3048 1 .6093 0.028317 3.7854 .0037854 0.45359 0.90718 1.8 1 .0 (Approx.) 1.0 To get metric equivalent centimeters centimeters meters kilometers meters meters kilometers square meters hectares square meters square kilometers square kilometers cubic meters liters cubic meters liters cubic meters cubic meters liters meters per second kilometers per hour cubic meters per second liters per minute cubic meters per second kilograms tons (metric) degrees Celsius milligrams per liter Siemens Photoclectronic composition by VC 88084— 850 7-75 8M UDK 135 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW BOOKS REQUESTED BY ANOTHER BORROWER ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL 2G05ilti'B VZZl\yu FEB 1 ^ 2005 PSL LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS D4613-1 (5/02)M r -81 3 1175 00571 2560 ^X'